Finnish women belong to superior Black Men

Finnish women belong to superior Black Men

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Any monkey jokes in the comments?

Also this

>Finnish women belong to superior Black Men

Not really. Most women don't care about race when it comes to dating


>See thumbnail

tbqh he does look quite Portuguese

He says he's British...


It's okay Finbro, I still love you even if your country is going to shit too.

This shit happens in every discotheque: women dancing alone or in groups, rejecting men who go to ask them if they want to dance. It's like girls enjoy dancing with other girls, that's not the case for dudes though (I guess it's kinda gay)

Anyway, it's obvious that some niggas managed to have sex with finn bitches that night

finnish women, and men belong with no one and should stay alone to cultivate their autism\mana powers.
finns could literally be ruling the world if they were not oppressed by western culture which forces them into unnatural and unfinnish social interactions .

They're getting married.

yeah but what kind of fucking club is that? it's just black men and white women, it's like some sort of cùck fantasy come to life, it's surreal

you relaize that these women have 6 sex partners per week right? ofc that some niggers, rest is white chads etc. it doesnt even matter if they fuck niggers, its no difference if they are such shameless sluts.

This cracka know what's up.

Finn, Finland-Swedish, Estonian, Russian, etc etc.
Helsinki is a multicultural city. There's so many of Black male- Russian female couples it's crazy.

haven't seen this finnish somali for a while desu

You just rarely see this kind of stuff in eastern europe also south europe or balkans. Glad I am not the descendant of cuck genes.

'gets annihilated'. The nig did a typical nig move and threw a sucker punch.

anyway biggest punishment of coalburners are their children, uglier then they would be, dumber, looked down to by others, targed of racism, more likely to be ill, less likely to find donnors of anything if they have health issues etc.

tfw she'll never jerk you off in the hospital after your spleen ruptured or something.
hold me senpai

>you can get banned for replying to these threads with a sage but the OP gets off free
Incompetent moderation to ban those who reply rather than the shitty OP's

Dont respond guys, just report these threads lest you get banned.

It would be nice to watch a video of him burning the guy with some petrol after he heals.

finnmali pride

he is british mate. she is finish. kek

Who is that

Blacks tend to have their special party clubs. I see this here in Santiago, if you go to a zone of the city where there are a lot of discos, it happens that almost all blacks are concentrated in 1 or 2 of the clubs

Those finn bitches probably went to that black party because "they want to prove something different", or maybe bc it was cheaper, some of them may be new to this party thing, and ofc some of them are coalburners

In any case, notice how girls are dancing between them (a girls group). Like I said before, I think that most women don't give a shit about race when it comes to have sex or get some fun

Paljonko sulle maksetaan tästä?


sarah gadon


tänne on ilmestyny aika paljo suomi-proxyllä postaavia paskavammasia shillejä viimeaikoina, ei toikaa homo salee ees osaa puhuu suomee

what are those hats?

I don't think so dude. In most clubs I have gone, I have noticed that most girls dance with friends, with another girls, or with the only unknown guy who is handsome for them

I believe that girls you are describing are a minority. It's just a meme

Are there more shills posting under finnish flag besides this somali?

sitä juuri tässä mietin

still waiting for OP to reply, but he never will since he cant even speak finnish. so yea there are a lot of finnish-proxy faggots too

onneks suomen kieltä ei kääntäjän läpi voi heittää kun käännös on pelkkää siansaksaa ni on ees joku keino bustata näitä runkkareita. murteet/slangi toimii myös kun niitä ne ei ikinä tuu oppimaan vaikka yrittäiski

What up hueon?

Remember to speak in local languages when responding to proxies. It basically ousts them as proxies if they don't respond in said language, or they're fucking migrants.

it's white race's destiny to disappear. We must encourage white women to breed with blacks and their superior bbc to wipe out this weak and pathetic race.

Nah mate he is american

what the fuck is this language

ääkäääääääloapi öikäääd

Finnish you fucking retard. I can see you don't know basic flag knowledge.


post some grills speaking finnish. it sounds interesting

>it's a nignog telegraphs a sucker punch 3 weeks ahead and this dumb faggot still gets knocked out episode

it's like a primitive 3rd worlder language desu.

Aca trabajando man

wait why are there so many blacks in finland? and in white peoples clubs? do finnish girls actually mingle with them?

quick! feed him blooming onion. I must no how he responds for research purposes.

We are fine. This dude always posts the same pics of club swagga. Its a club for niggers in Helsinki, not sure if it even exists anymore. Im 100% confident in our situation. The population outside of Helsinki, Vaasa and Tampere despises niggers and refugees mostly. Dont believe ylilauta trolls.

>huehue ill just hold my arms out so he doesnt think ill throw first then uppercut him with a sucker punch

Fucking niggers man.

They are our new navy

honestly, what a fucking faggot

Tbh finnish language is beautiful. Im actually proud of our unique language. Would be horrible to only speak english or some other normie language

Voi jukra mikä lässyttävä huora

theres no club swagga, its a meme from 2012. also itäkeskus is a fucking joke, even Helsinki people are fed up with this nigger worship bullshit. you cant basically pinpoint multikulti to east helsinki and kallio, and even in kallio theres just drug addicts and ''artists''. everyone please stop posting to a shill slide thread

>you cant basically pinpoint

>theres no club swagga, its a meme from 2012. also itäkeskus is a fucking joke, even Helsinki people are fed up with this nigger worship bullshit. you cant basically pinpoint multikulti to east helsinki and kallio, and even in kallio theres just drug addicts and ''artists''. everyone please stop posting to a shill slide thread

So she's just a random nigger loving whore?

Ps:wtf is wrong with your cranial structure, huge fuckin foreheads and everything...

If blacks are so superior why do you preffer whites?

You know why Tyrone and so do we.

Here we go

You get the bows i go get the horses

What's the story behind the webm?

If a nig ever gets his hands elevated like that it's pretty much grounds for sucker punching him as soon as possible


When niggers infest a club most white men tend to never go to it due to the chance of being assaulted for no reason, the white females go in because they are whores, and oblivious to the fact those niggers might kill them.





pretty much yes. I live in a pretty ghetto part of helsinki and I dont see niggers here, or mudsharks for that matter. niggers pretty much stay in their containment zones and sell wet weed (niggabags) in nightclubs on weekends.

Perkele coal burner


>Copyrighted to Facebook

its whites way of weeding out of our population and debased retarded girl stupid enough to fuck a monkey. whites win again nigger lol





Maybe in your country.

All white women belong to BBC. That's why there's constant threads on here about you guys trying to become more masculine. Sup Forums is basically a white version of /r/asianmasculinity. You're all insecure, and upset that white women prefer strong black alpha's, who actually have hobbies other than sitting around, watching anime, playing video games, and getting into internet arguments. Sorry white boys, white women won't and don't miss you. Which is why they vote for bbc in their countries.

Mihin kaikki neekerit katoaa päiväsaikaan helsingissä? Aina kun käyn siellä niin kauhistelen miltä "tulevaisuuden suomi" näyttää mutta sitten siellä on pääasiassa vaan suomalaisia. Parit hiekkaneekerit asematunnelissa joo, mutta Sup Forumsista saa pahemman kuvan


istuu sossussa ja kelassa. osa leikkii bussikuskia mutta ei niitten kyytiin uskalla kukaan mennä ainakaan talvella


I thought the Finns are all mongols thing was a meme
I was wrong

It's an Uralic language, which is seperate from the Indo-European. It's often regrouped with the Altaic family spoken by turks and mongol, their ancestral cousins.

re: pic.

1/ learn to strike first. 2/ Hands up, near your face, just in case.

With regard to legality, there is a difference between assault and "taking part in a fight" or just striking a person/violating untouchabilty. The last one usually ends up with a fine (and the attacked has to bring it to the prosecutor). The court can abstain from punishment, if a person was taunted or responded to an attack. (law in Poland).

larger point: the nigger was instinctively establishing a dominance hierarchy. That's what this is or bullying in general is.

If you allow him and claim that "violence is stupid", you allow him to rule over you.


The leaf knows

We receive many tourists here but and you know finn girls because as soon as hey get off the plane they jump into BBC right away.

Voi vittu asioita ovat aivan perseestä Hesassa... Like most countries the capital has fuck all to do with the rest of country.....try this shit in Forssa and feel the force!

You're right about the discos here. I'm a tall blonde gringo and I have rarely pulled bitches off the pista directly to the cama. Chilean girls are not that slutty, even chanas have morals haha

Donald John Trump (s. 14. kesäkuuta 1946 Queens, New York City, New York, Yhdysvallat) on Yhdysvaltain 45. presidentti. Hän voitti Yhdysvaltain vuoden 2016 presidentinvaalit valitsijamiehin 306–232 vastaehdokkaanaan Hillary Clinton ja vannoi virkavalansa 20. tammikuuta 2017.


Is Conan redpilled?

Imagine the smell in this room. Fucking disgusting