"Germany to expand Bundeswehr to almost 200,000 troops"
"Germany to expand Bundeswehr to almost 200,000 troops"
The migrants need breathing room.
10% wow, and to be a NATO slave.. wow x2
> the next decades
moslems being the primary group selected to turn the new caliphate army
>still not even the mandatory 2% GDP investment for the Nato
Weak. Call me again when this happens again.
this thread
>16 year old fag think in one day german will stay and kill 15 mil of niggers xD
>200k muslim troops
>4 reich
i have bad news for you,new reich will never happen as a germans
they all got brainwashed for 50+years,no fucking way to redpill these people
they only way its support Mr Jarosław Kaczynski who is leader of Poland and declarated National Socialist
Silly Romania - native Germans will be the ones fighting and dying. Need to make room for all those tanned Germans back home.
By comparison, the British military only has 153,770 active personnel
Just fuck my military up, pham
>breeding room.
most will be migrants
this should be extremely concerning to Germans, because muslims don't give any shits about womens rights and will readily treat them like the shit they are. Giving them guns is probably a bad idea, if you're a feminist.
Yes goyim join the military, go overseas and serve your country. Dont worry, your women and children will be perfectly safe with their new Muslim neighbors
Germany won't fight anybody.
it's a scam to give free jobs to hajis.
in the future they will be sent as military advisors in kebab lands and teach other hajis how to be better killers.
Muslims should never be trained in military arts.
It never goes well for us.
"The total number of soldiers who served in the Wehrmacht during its existence from 1935 to 1945 is believed to have approached 18.2 million."
>4th reich
>almost 200,000 troops
The Bundeswehr is strictly forbidden from operating inside our country... We'll just send them to fight in Syria I think.
>expand bundeswehr to almost 200 000 troops
sounds about right.
This gypsy probably works with the KGB.
so the eu is just a plot for germany to grab nukes isn't it?
Two hundred people doesn't sound like much of an army desu.
we are allowed to use nato nukes so i guess we already have nukes
Fourth Reich? Nah. Modern German military buildup to fight off the Russians after they invade Poland? Yep.
+a 10 million muslim mob
can't wait fight while achmed and jamal fuck our women and of course die for israel
hahaha fuck you're stupid
in the mid 80s it had 450k active personal and mobilisation of 1,3 million.
who did?
west germany alone.
>not relying on your EU vassals to absorb bullets with their white armies while your muslim hive breeds an army of inbred durkas
u racist bro
literally nothing
Even the fucking picture you posted says it's because they have to meet NATO demands and it's only 10 fucking percent.
Do you have actual mental retardation?
How are you able to even figure out how to post.
The're going to be used to kill non-muslims. Don't cheer too soon.
living room. Lebensraum.
It's probably enough to take over europe desu. The only other country with a sizeable military is france, and we remember how their last war went against the germans.
thats bullshit
belarus has god tier military compared to germany, it is more chances that Lukashenko takes over europe and his tank blitzkrieg gets stopped only at the south of france
>4th Reich
They are to oversee the conversion of Europe from white to shit.
>belarus has god tier military
god tier military from the 80s? I bet half of their shit dont even work also they cant affort a war with their poor economy.
even switzerland has around 120k
please stop OP no one cares about Europe "armies"
200k professional soldier(not conscript) is too much for germany, they are gonna to fuckup a lot of money
Just like (((they))) bastardize everything else, they take great pleasure in doing the same regarding Germany.
The country that they built their claim to fame upon.
The great communist Reich.
like pic related? If we can affort to feed whole europe we have for sure enough money for an bigger army
>200k professional soldier(not conscript) is too much for germany, they are gonna to fuckup a lot of money
It's cheap when you arm them with brooms.
u aint doin shit lil' cuckboy, u gon get raped again if u do anyfin
The thing is, our military is weak in terms of military spending which results in keeping a minimum of operative equipment. But who the fuck even needs a big conventional army nowadays if any direct conflict between big guys results anyway in a nuclear war?
Of course we have plans for militarizing the economy/industry and quick rebuilding of the army in case of a war. Also the prescription is only suspended and can be reactivated any time.
I don't think they will be used to kill anyone. It's Germany we're talking about.
* I've meant conscription, of course
nukes don't matter at this point in time, any country that prepares for war will have bunkers and anti missile systems ready, territories will still have to be controlled by soldiers
I think you mean the fourth caliphate
>Trumps basically forces Germany to spend more money for the military
>they do it in the most lazy way possible, i.e paying more salaries
>Sup Forums autistically screeches
stay dumb guys
>Serbian military is 500 man strong
>tfw can't remove kebab
wtf man
pull yourself together
another dresden? btw eu is going to crush so byebye (((hans)))
Just bomb Germany.
It's already dead.
Yes and then a bunch of military trained sand niggers are going to come back to your country. Congrats. You guys are seriously fucked.
We also abolished conscription.
By the way, thanks for the "free" MiG 29s, ((((friend))).
under rated.
Mad Dog Mattis told them that if they don't contribute 2% (they contributed 1,2% of their BDP) they're dunzo.
Germany is basically being a bitch to the US yet again.
>(((German political polls)))
yes, go play soldier augustus, while the wifey gets her nutritional BBC.
contribute in NATO is what I meant
dont know what you are talking about, bro
and dont ((())) me, not for a serb to blame russians for anything
How many soldiers was active during Nazi Germany's height? 200.000 sounds very low for a population of the entire Germany.
>only 200,000 guys
that's still nothing lel.
>increased pressure for its NATO mandated defense spending target.
This is just a reaction to pull its fucking weight after mattis threaten to pull out of Europe by years end. By germany doing this is good news for the US
Order 66 soon.
Wait a minute, they do't even have 200k troops? In a country that size?
What's wrong with contributing to NATO?
nearly 200 divisions in Russia only by the start of Barbarossa
Its bad because the US pays for majority of its budget
And if germany wanted nukes we could produce them in mere months
When will they learn?
You're also the biggest member with biggest economy. NATO is good and more NATO is even better.
Damn right gypsy. Btw gypsies will also be able to join, the army will recruit EU-citizens, you just need to know some Deutsch.
Should bump it up to 500,000 at least. Military training would do the German cucks a lot of good.
The army is not for what you all think, well Hanz, we have taken you before, bring it on
It's our fisk
Thank you!
Mine had been gassed, this is actually a normie meme from here
We only were allowed a limited military due to the treaty of versailles - but that was circumvented by hitler with having mandatory services for half a year, and then being a reservist of sorts. Not sure about any clean numbers though.
Yeah, they won.
Yeah, with that many turkroaches in the military it's a surprise they haven't turned German barracks into kebab factories already desu.
You also had SA, which numbered in the millions.
Bitch please. Ukrainian army is 1,5 times bigger.
Size isn't everything that is in numbers, we like to be severely outnumbered
He shall have his soldiers.
>Eyes you use
>before you enter
>watch you should
>side-watch you should
>because uncertain is to know
>where enemies
>sit before your feet
Vid not so related, dunno background here just a song. Assume it's supposed to be when we became skrælings after the black plague and shipping was cut off to greenland. (People like now turned back to the old faith after killing the bishop)
>You think it's for clearing shitskins?
You are wrong
Get ready goyims
I bet they're filling their ranks with some "diversity" so there won't be any ethnic homogeny in case of a civil war.
>w-we can fight a defensive war in a frozen wasteland
yeah good job
5 years of hell for them last time, we're ready, like my grandfather was I am.
Bring it, will never last in the long run, will freeze their balls off.
nice meme
you realise why I don't consider your opinion to be valid right?
can't compete there usually, furthest north it can get really fresh but rarely, but can't compete with the wast empire of farms and Siberia, unless the golf stream turns and the iceage starts
But adding, we got dem mountains for dem programs, which was their problem here
in any war it will be da problem, afghanistan x 6 million times, impossible to hold in the long run
Be careful who you call a cuck on Sup Forums
Good luck calling up the troops. Oh maybe the German people are cucked enough to fall into another trap of the traitor.
If you join the army at this point you deserve it.
>start war
>white males all in the army
>refugees become citizens
>replacement migration jumped forward 40 years
Yeah finland 900 000 man military reserve.
Just as we have been told in riddles, very heathen ones, I'm still processing this one prediction.
In the end
>The ravens will starve
>Before that
struggle war
Point the army is not for what you all think, if it's not just a long psyop, I doubt it
Yeah finland has 900 000 man military reserve. Its nothing.