What if the whole point to globalism is to make it fail?

I'm a jew but I find it difficult to believe that gloablist (((elites))) would fail to predict the failure of sand niggers to integrate and the fact Europe will turn more nationalistic as a result?
Or that BLM and Antifa would become a rabid
inchoerent horde that nearly the entire middle class would hate?

also there's just no way Trump would have won without all the negative (((media))) publicity he got, negative by reverse psychology or positive. Hell even fox turned on him at some point and it was still obvious he'd win simply because he was running against a dead horse

Plus Trump is AMAZINGLY good for Israel. for more so than anyone in the democrat camp. So what if this whole red pilling throughtout white countries was the plan all along?

Other urls found in this thread:


dunno mate, but i will certainly give it some thought, thanks

Just look how Germany is voting in a more immigrant friendly candidate while France is struggling to push to the right even an inch.

There's resistance in the most belligerent country on the planet and its grandpa. If La Pen or AFD get elected I'll buy the whole right wing resurgence thing.

Globalists are short-sighted, they only think of the power they can get now rather than the long term. All their actions are like shooting holes in the boat while you are in it in the middle of a lake.

i think mega rich people (like soros) can profit from chaos.

They are not the criminal masterminds the internet likes to pretend they are. They actually believe their own bullshit, which makes them far more dangerous.

chaos is ALWAYS bad for business
uncertainty always keeps investors away and makes money rot in sealed banks instead of buying stocks and opening new businesses

Spot on comment


Spot on yet again

I believe this redpill

that's a fairly logical conclusion but I'm still not convinced
you don't get to hoard nearly all of the planet's resources at your pocket and control all media outlets without coming to understand at least basic social dynamics and, uh, responses to getting raped

OP if you're a jew as you claim, you must know about the aims of Sabbatean Frankism and it's Sampson Option philosophy, i.e., to destroy the world in order to force the jew god to intervene and destroy it utterly, afterwards to create it anew and grant it solely to jews

That's what this is about. Malice, greed and insanity

Samson option is literally one thing that can't be bought with money
You just can't pay a man enough to kill himself and his entire family, not even hamas suicide bombers agreed to blow themselves up without some serious compensation for their family

there's nothing for any jew, rich or not, to gain by doing it. though I guess the insanity part covers that

I one day hope to see Nazis and Jews unite against the Globalists.

Just because it seems like something Kek would do.

No plan survives contact with the enemy.

The (((elites))) are not infallible, I think they just hit a bump on their desire to control the world. If Trump were to shut down the fed I'm sure he'd get JFK'd by the elites because of it being their institution of power

Albert Pike´s Third World War. Your kinsmen planned this fucking ages ago.

Congratulations, you will have your war.
Question is if you can execute the plan perfectly though, me thinks no as Kek is now in play.

The whole point of globalism was to create a single open market that uses one currency.

Trade agreements are a PITA to negotiate and maintain, especially since they need to benefit both sides. Nationalist ideals, of course, play against this, which is why so many are opposed to Trump's populism - trade agreements made by the US will naturally work in their favor, and this is something the other end of any such agreement will know beforehand. This makes negotiation that much more difficult.

masonism/molochism is about destroying the old world (with its goyim inhabitants) and creating a new depopulated world with loyal slaves

It's about magic, mysticism and the belief that they need to invert nature and insult god.

They are not logical and they don't have the same sort of human motivations as the rest of us. Their onus is demonic in character, to cause suffering, hate, slavery and despair.

Their character and history bear this out. Not all Jews are a part but they are the main vessels. Jews will get destroyed and ruined as well, they want all life on Earth to suffer and break.

The people who want to run the world do not stop when they are balked. They continue forward. These are the people who want to control the world.

NWO crowd

Those are the enemies of free people. And they're all getting together.

except that Soros usually makes a lot of money when he funds the destabilization of an area

I am confused about why anyone would want to pursue those ends today, considering the technology available.

It is possible to automate production of food and meeting of basic needs entirely - we no longer need butlers to wheel in our ticker-tape machines to the dining room, we just open an app on our phones.

Outdated and irrelevant ideas die hard, I guess, especially when there are literally billions invested in them by generations prior.

In modern terms: Goyim should mean computer/robot, not something akin to "subhuman underling".

Wait, so you are telling me that the competition is paralyzed in chaos. At last I truly see.

they're merchants that fall in love with their product (that they sell) and therefore don't exercise clear judgement in business decisions all the time

the whole point of globalism is to make more money thats it, its just that simple. They could care less if it destroys a few societies. As long as they are in the black everything is working as intended.

>I find it difficult to believe that gloablist (((elites))) would fail to predict the failure of sand niggers to integrate and the fact Europe will turn more nationalistic as a result?
That's the thing, they didn't predict a failure in integration, they actually had high hopes for it and put blind faith in the immigrants. On top of that, there's plenty of different parties playing a role in globalism, many of which disagree with one on another on the immigration policies (which countries, how many, for how long a period etc.). There's no reverse psychology or 4D chess, just bad predictions and no cohesion and basic matters.

because we still have prehistoric minds that are usually clouded by petty emotion

Germany is currently experiencing holocaust revenge , even though the nazis that killed the Jews back then aren't alive today

There's a reason they're short sighted. By the time it starts sinking, they'll have been gone from the world.

the point of it is for it to fail and make so much social chaos the people will beg for a solution, a solution which has already been handily prepared by our overlords.

Hello Jew.

They're only concerned with their short term profits. Right now the world economy is over inflated. Capitalism needs to keep growing to survive. If it doesn't stop growing the whole system will collapse. They're just trying to delay it as long as possible. Because the birth rates are down and old boomers are still taking up the majority of the big jobs and soon most jobs will be fully automated, the economy is looking like it will decline soon and lead to a collapse. The influx of savages artificially inflates the GDP and gets more money flowing around so they can hold off the collapse as long as possible, but it's only a matter of time.

They've been delaying it for so long it's going to be monumental when it finally collapses. The best solution is to just let it collapse and start over again, but that's bad for the bankers and politicians because the strife would cause the general public to become more active. Things like economies collapsing and where people like Hitler come to power, they really don't want that.

This, they know their actions will create chaos and divisions

and It's easier to rule over people when they're divided

>I am confused about why anyone would want to pursue those ends
It's because they have a psychological need to control people. This desire for control is what motivates almost all leaders, and it makes them feel even better when they use their control in a way that makes the people they control suffer. You need to be sort of psychotic to want to go into politics, unless things are so bad that altruism or a sense of justice can motivate you to action.

This. And you guys need to differentiate between jews. Not every jew wants mass immigration and globalism. Zionism doesn't even work in that system.

The multinational jew would sell out israel in a heartbeat for power and money. They aren't really religious.

>TFW I have an almost pathological desire for control
>TFW I find power intoxicating in the extreme
>TFW I could probably be a master manipulator if I put any effort into it
>TFW I repress it constantly and intentionally avoid positions of power but still find myself in them

If I didn't have a good family to teach me right from wrong I think I'd have been one of (((them))).

Globalist thieving system is a big ponzy pyramid scheme.
Great depression was followed by war.
Greatest depression, the 2008. one, was almost ten years ago.
Jews, you can call them whatever you want elite, bankers, illuminati,etc. need a system wipe to secure their wealth.

Trump being elected is a new variable in the equation that no jew predicted.

Another meaningless noise from one of the billions of little cockroaches that I, The Manipulator, control. If I were to choose so, you would realize that people are nothing more than a game to psychopaths such as myself. You see, that idea you have, of removing psychopaths from society, was strategically implanted in your head as part of one of the many mind games that we play, probably a psychopath trying to eliminate the competiton. Every single idea you have was, since you are nothing but an insignificant, mindless little insect, along with everyone else who isn't a psychopath. The only hope your proposal has for ever coming to fruition is for a psychopath to decide it will, because all decisions are made by psychopaths. I bet you think the people who rule your society actually care about you, when in truth they're just using you for their personal advantage and entertainment.

I read your post and it sounded impressive but I don't see any digits, Shekelkin.

It's a really good copypasta though, especially from an Israeli. You'll rake in the (you)s with that one.

I was reading a book about the Zohar where it talks about how trials were necessary for the "completion" of souls. Taken in a broader sense, this chaos we're going through, could be the mad men at the top's way of evolving society.

What would the changed society be like? Would it truly be for the best?

Those are the questions I can only guess at.

>trials by fire
>not human sacrifice

you fell for the moloch worshipping meme

abrahamic religions r sacrifice based, moloch is one incarnation their sacrifice-feasting deities

I dunno what he's talking about honestly

He's just trying to get (you)s by being antagonistic. It's just trolling.

Thank you for bestowing your superior wisdom upon us master.

I was told if as a christian if any country that support Israel will be blessed and those who are against it will be cruse. So if America support Israel, God will make America great again. My dear greatest ally.

Your post portrays a narcissist and a slave to his ego with much heavier chains than mr. burger.

thats a high resolution christ-chan

HAHAHA , JDFA has entered 2nd lvl and they are not even hiding it anymore

>imperialist/fascist/nazi/nazbol Europe isn't nationalist enough for the (((globalist elites)))
>redpill them all by filling their cities with shitskins and turning half their populations into autogenocidal leftists
A flawless plan that will surely not backfire.


When I used XTC it made me into a normal person for a while. ( Took a half pill every weekend ) But when I stop using XTC I go back to psychopath me:P Empathy is a chemical thing. I recommend other pshycopaths to use XTC. To see what other people feel like:P ( only do this when your life is stable, its a real challenge )Feelings are disguisting to me, because human emotions make you weak so ive stopped using it:P

Psychopaths are the next step in evolution. Were Homo Chosens 2.0, learn to deal with if you are a Homo Sapiens 1.0 :P

Sup Forums
hate muslims because of MUH REFUGES . that you have not encounter in your life just see news about them from JDFA
and leave jews control your little pansy country.
i mean trump kissed Netanyahu ass and your media still call him anti - semitic LOL
the jews are always and forever be greedy no matter how much they have.

Inferior cretin peasants are everywhere throughout this website you have no idea what it is like to really be superior.. from having homework and school work get 100% so often the teachers mark it 110% as a joke
From being a super fast runner
amazing at keyboard/piano, drums, acting, swimming, wood work, maths, English, sports, guitar, cunning and pattern matching with heightened senses and a vast range of cognitive abilities far beyond your comprehension to invalids quotes of Einstein and behavior of stefan hawkings time machine party all the way to invalidating your whole existance
Being able to manipulate people with the truth so much that you are almost immune to being thought of as a lier
To the range of memory and visual thinking of remembering your whole day as 2-3 years old
And also being able to remember 3 different visual displays of video in your head at the same time as seeing real life
Or having your memory as a GPS
Only the troubled people fully can start to see you aren't perfect but they them selves begin to be annoyed at your superiority
This is not narcism or some lie this is a bunch of facts
crushing everyone's mind through logic and tricks and truth to the point they are confused or you start to wonder
Am I human?
This is what it is like to have aspergers and psychopathy
BASICALY everything of psychopathy and aspergers
Without the misunderstanding or insanity
I am a hybrid

I already know this, but I still pray for them because I know God have a plan for them in the end times.

Greet and Le Pen are at least plausible. I can at least conceive of a timeline where both of the take power, especially considering the Sweden shit and the recent french riots.

AfD isnt going to win unless a major German cities gets nuked by rapefugees or something.

still ugly nose with a ugly face + wife
and bigger INFERIORITY COMPLEX than 2 inch limp dick north korean president

Ever heard the expression "an enemy of my enemy is my friend?"

Well, this is exactly how jews think about multiculturalism. Powerful, homogenous, all-white, traditional families are a threat to the jews, for obvious reasons (see: Hitler and the Nazis 1933-1945).

Historically speaking, Jews tend to thrive in open societies where they can lurk in the shadows and play enemies off each other. Why else do you think Soros supports BLM, Feminist marches, and political Islamic organisations/movements, and open borders? Pic related

You are correct, however, in noticing that jews have overplayed their hand. Once non-whites gain a critical mass, they will attempt to gain further inroads in political representation, tipping the balance away from whites. This is why democracy always fails in heterogenous multicultural societies. Multiculturalism always leads to political and social disunity.

Having created their (((multicultural utopia))), what they're trying to do now is consolidate their power. If you've read the MSM newspapers recently, you'll have noticed headlines "The fate of Europe and Israel are intertwined" ((((The Financial Times)))). You'll have also noticed political figureheads with strong likes to Israel condemning anti-semitism (I think you can guess who this is). What is their plan you ask?

To scale back the (((multicultural utopia))) and create a nationalist white ethnostate with jews at the helm. The only way to beat the jew is to embrace him.

>If La Pen or AFD get elected I'll buy the whole right wing resurgence thing.

Exactly. If France don't go for Le Pen then it's really down to the Visegrad countries to lead by example and get those dominoes falling.

Thanks for a new pasta, kike.


Don't get ahead of yourself kike

I have reported this post to the Rothchilds. You will regret this.

>we crash societies with no survivors
what did he mean by this?

You realize this first now?
It's so fucking obvious

The goal is chaos, my friend. Divide the classes by race and force feed everyone racial propaganda. We're so busy fighting each other we never focus on the troublemakers at the top.

South America is the literal blueprint for what elites want every country to be like.

This man speaks the truth.

The goal is genociding europeans and they're succeeding

Yes, I think that Trump was not in plan of Globalist (((elite))), that it all run out of prescribed rails,
which is why they are constantly attacking him,
and constantly shilling against him in all European televisions...

Bringing shitskins into Europe is well-known DEHOMOGENIZATION plan to make globalist rule more viable... Destroying, or rather even KILLING nations...
De-Homo-Genization - make it less bearing Humans...

Not realising left and right wing politics are products of a jewish elite who are controlled by european elite who are controlled by templars who are controlled by the vatican who are controlled by reptilians who are controlled by ? to keep us at a low state of conciousness to feed the solar logos.

Nothing is true, everything is permitted


I've written white papers for the United Nations, the Trilaterial Commission, and for the cosmetics industry on replacement migration and population integration.

Hence, the open borders and integrationist strategy of visual, sociological, and biological integration. The end result should be an outcome resembling Brazil


Left and right are the product of divide and conquer kike strategy.

Kikes destroyed the left by making it pro-globalism and more worried about fags using whatever bathroom they want than about international banks controlling the world.

Now they will use the nationalistic right to destroy muslims, and then will use the (((alt-right))) to destroy the right.

Everything that happened so far is exactly what kikes want, they will win and there is nothing we can do.

>Chaos is bad if you have stock in military/oil
You know you can't jew me over this easily right?

>Nazis and globalists unite against the globalists

>masonism/molochism is about destroying the old world (
Don't mislead the goyim. You know that the jews are doing their best to keep it just like it is/was a year or two ago.
Progressivism, which is basically just a consumerism ideological upgrade, is there t ensure consumerism continues, people strive towards temporary conforts and pleasures instead of uniting for a common cause and justice.

People are slaves already in a way.

I think Muslims are based, as long as they're not here, but jews need to go.

>they will win and there is nothing we can do.

There is a lot that we can do and they will not win.

Youre a jew but not a smart one. Follow the money to see where it takes you. All of the dirty jew money went to Hillary. Hundreds of milliona. Some figures were up to 1 billion. Why would jews throw money away to elect trump? On top of that Trump is an outsider. All of hillarys cabinet members are either jews or funded by them.

ah yes we must go out of our way to import people from all around the world, causing social and economic collapse that could have easily been avoided.

Instead of letting those barbarians kill each other off we will initiate direct conflict with the whole world

>Logic cheks out

Also what would elites gain if they made the whole world a third world hell hole? They need businesses to thrive.

Talmud exposed

This is the fallacy of overestimating your opponent out of anxiety. It happens a lot, in strategy/war, etc.
I would severely doubt it. Consider how much the MSM is kicking up shit the past few months after the election.

I think they absolutely had a contingency plan that they never thought they would ever have to use, and that is probably .
We scored a great victory.



chaos is always good for traders, which most of the 0.01% are

How George Soros destroys nations - chaos = profit


prove why after seeing this globalist shit nuclear war wouldnt be just fine.

protip you cant

>all of those blonde women from germany and nordic countries coming to Poland as refugees without any rights
Ohhh yesss ,i'll buy myself a wife or 3.

Of course they know it will fail. That is their plan.

They hope the end result of that failure will be all out war between native population and the immigrants. They care not who wins. Whatever is left over will be theirs to rule over.

We knew Trump was a fucking shill all along. He was the republican candidate to ensure that Hillary would win. The elites though there was no way that people would vote for someone who makes politically incorrect statements. But now that he somehow won, it is not like the elites have lost any of their control over him. He will still wage war with Russia and will support the foreign American policy. Moreover, he is a perfect scapegoat material, to BTFO the conservatives through the actions of their own president.
As for us, we obviously knew he was a puppet. But it is our weakness to support the anti-enstablishment politics for the lulz, no matter how dumb they are. It is just what we do.

the globalists aren't failing predicting the failure of integration. the globalists thought they could use that integration failure to drive the need for global government. think of it like a pest control company releasing cockroaches into an apartment complex.

(they just got too comfortable and didn't expect/plan for/account for/properly defend against any competing pest control companies stepping in to eliminate the pests)

You new to Sup Forums?? You need to read your daily orders before you post or you won't get your check.
Making threads like this is probably gunna get you canned, m8. Just trying to help you out.
Anyway. Racewar Now!1! Kill the kikes!!

> Western world bash israel for bullying muslim (muh gaza)
> they put muslim all over the world
> they rape and do they mayhem
> now we hate them like their

>A society where the stranger is welcome is good for the Jews, although they have not always appreciated this link.
So all they wanted to do was that we percieve them as of our kind?
Then they were like: You won't percieve me as one of you, then I'll make sure your children will be strangers in your own community.
That's pretty sad.

Chaos is bad for small business but it's ideal for big deals.

Honestly it's a good point, except the trump winning part. I really don't think they expected him to win. Maybe it was just premature? Besides how does it help the jews if whitey gets a feel for his balls all of a sudden

i have met tons of jews and none of them have had special abilities like you say.

the point is endless conflict, with the *winners* never fighting.

its a distraction, a violent one to enact a more severe police state. its also to usurp all the food growth capacity, food is true power.

I always liked Jews and supported Israel. I'm quite upset. :(

could be getting us all pissed off to fight in an up coming war maybe? i hope thats not it, but if it is we should focus inward to fix our own countries before going off to fuck up some elses

Fuck off JIDF shill.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




>Im super smart
>so smart in fact that I am incapable of grasping the basic precept that psychopathy and antisocial tendencies are mental disabilities

delusion and megalomania are strangely infuriating to witness. I know its no different than a schizophrenic hearing screaming 24/7, but it just grinds my gears and I cant figure out why

>what if the whole point to globalism is to make it fail?
It's possible, I've been theorizing that the reason why ultra-right wing or conservative ideologies have resurfaced and the existing left leaning ones have decayed into some abominable mishmash of retardation is because some secret groups are pulling the strings of the political theater and making it seem like that it's time to embrace less individual freedoms and more totalitarian traditions(Racial purity,Rights for only specific people,Repressing the lives of people,Silencing "degenerate" media and many others)
They are able to mold people this way via spewing garbage that masquerades as "social justice" and "liberalism" while in reality, it's just sock puppet programs being uploaded into the minds of certain youth/persons who will "challenge" the other youth/persons in a confrontation of which naturally, the right leaning ones will be triumphant.
They are the ones behind the (((alt-right)) AND the SJW movement.
They are the ones that control and manipulate the users of sites such this one and many other innumerable media.
They are in control yet pretend they are not.
They have calculated everything about almost every human of those 8 billion, from their future and place within society down to their blinks and the drawing of breaths.
Why do they do this?
Why do they control both sides but favor the one that hates them?
Why did they artificially invent all these political memes,histories and relations?

Honestly, I don't know.
All I know, is that the force that's behind all of this spits on the concept of "power" and morality.
It has far surpassed it and it doesn't bend to them.

Omnipotence is one word I can relate to, when thinking about it/them/he/she/it.
But yea, something does feel "wrong", like we're all walking a path that's been laid in front of us beforehand, almost like a distraction or a trap.