Post all your meme against white and also Webm of white being cucked by BBC or kicked the shit out
White's hate thread
So says the self hating white guy.
You should have died in Nice.
It's time to go back
> a french person is a cuck
nothing new here, sage and move along
How does it feel to be the bottom of the totem pole?
>Webm of white being cucked by BBC
>the self hating white guy.
he's obviously not white
I'am whiter than you
Shoo, we don't want your kind here.
what did he mean by this?
>I'am whiter than you
Sure you are Achmed.
only 56 % of americans are white today rofl
better than your 0%
Kill yourself, OP.
Having a little bit of fun, mohamerde ?
this is now a nigger hate thread/fascism thread
According to French courts, 0% of people in France are French. I'm fine with 56%, Mehmet. Your time being tolerated there is limited. Tick tock, tick tock.
So, you've picked up your brand new nigger, eager to get it working, but you just aren't sure what to do with it! Well never fear, the Nigger Manual is here! In this manual, you will learn many handy tips, from how to fill your nigger's noggin' with bleak, empty promises of reward, to how to thoroughly discipline your nigger when he decides to steal a watermelon from your watermelon patch! If handled properly, your nigger will give years of valuable, if reluctant, service. In just fifteen minutes, it'll feel like 1853 again, guaranteed! Ready? Here we go!
You should install your nigger differently according to whether you have purchased the field or house model. To start, set your nigger's jumpers to the slave position. Field niggers work best in a serial configuration, i.e., chained together. Chain your nigger to another nigger immediately upon unpacking it, and don't even think about taking that chain off, ever. Many niggers start singing as soon as you put a chain on them. This habit can usually be thrashed out of them if nipped in the bud. House niggers work best as standalone units, but should be hobbled or hamstrung to prevent attempts at escape.
At this stage, your nigger can also be given a name. Most owners use the same names over and over, since niggers become confused by too much data. Rufus, Rastus, Remus, Toby, Gary Niger, Carslisle, Carlton, Hey-You!-Yes-you!, Yeller, Blackstar, Bix nood, and Sambo are all effective names for your new buck nigger. If your nigger is a hoe, it should be called Latrelle, Bix nood, L'Tanya, Sheneequa, mo'nique, or Jemima. Some owners call their nigger hoes Latrine for a joke. Pearl, Blossom, and Ivory are also righteous names for nigger hoes. These names go straight over your nigger's head, by the way.
Owing to a design error, your nigger comes equipped with a tongue and vocal chords. Most niggers can master only a few basic human phrases with this apparatus—"muh dick" and "IM PRESSIN CHARGES" being the most popular. However, others make barking, yelping, and yapping noises and appear to be in some pain, so you should probably call a vet and have him remove your nigger's tongue. Once de-tongued your nigger will be a lot happier—at least, you won't hear it complaining anywhere near as much. Niggers have nothing interesting to say, anyway. Many owners also castrate their niggers for health reasons (yours, mine, and womens', not the nigger's). This is strongly recommended, and frankly, it's a mystery why this is not done on the boat.
Your nigger can be accommodated in cages with stout iron bars. Make sure, however, that the bars are wide enough to push pieces of nigger food through. The rule of thumb is, four niggers per square yard of cage. So a fifteen foot by thirty foot nigger cage can accommodate two hundred niggers (equivalent to 120 white people). You can sit a nigger cage anywhere, even on soft ground. Don't worry about your nigger fashioning makeshift shovels out of odd pieces of wood and digging an escape tunnel under the bars of the cage. Niggers never invented the shovel before and they're not about to now. In any case, your nigger is certainly too lazy to attempt escape. As long as the free food holds out, your nigger is living better than it did in Africa, so it will stay put. Buck niggers and hoe niggers can be safely accommodated in the same cage, as bucks never attempt sex with black hoes.
Your nigger likes fried chicken, corn bread, and watermelon. It also throughly enjoys drinking malt liquor from forty ounce bottles wrapped in brown paper bags, or what is more commonly known as a "fo'ty ounce". You should therefore give it none of these things, because its lazy ass almost certainly doesn't deserve it. Instead, feed it porridge with salt, acorns, and creek water. Your nigger will supplement its diet with whatever it finds in the fields, other niggers, dead babies, etc. Experienced nigger owners sometimes push watermelon slices through the bars of the nigger cage at the end of the day as a treat, but only if all the niggers have worked well and nothing has been stolen that day. Mike of the Old Ranch Plantation reports that this last one is a killer, since all niggers steal something almost every single day of their lives. He reports he doesn't have to spend much on free watermelon for his niggers as a result.
You should never allow your nigger to have meal breaks while at work, since if it stops work for more than ten minutes it will need to be retrained. You would be surprised how long it takes to teach a nigger to pick cotton. You really would. Coffee beans? Don't ask. You have no idea.
Niggers are very, very averse to work of any kind. The nigger's most prominent anatomical feature, after all, is its oversized buttocks, which have evolved to make it more comfortable for your nigger to sit around all day doing nothing for its entire life. Niggers are often good runners, too, enabling them to sprint quickly in the opposite direction if they see work heading their way. The solution to this is to dupe your nigger into working. After installation, encourage it towards the cotton field with blows of a wooden club, fence post, baseball bat, etc., and then tell it that all that cotton belongs to a white man, who won't be back until tomorrow. Your nigger will then frantically compete with the other field niggers to steal as much of that cotton as it can before the white man returns. At the end of the day, return your nigger to its cage and laugh at its stupidity, then repeat the same trick every day indefinitely.
Your nigger comes equipped with the standard nigger IQ of 75 and a memory to match, so it will forget this trick overnight. Niggers can start work at around 5am. You should then return to bed and come back at around 10am. Your niggers can work until around 10pm or whenever the light fades.
How OP arrived in France
Time for your free helicopter ride!
Less than that actually. It's 50% at best.
Nah, it was 60% in 2010. Probably about 56% now. Once abortion is illegal the birth rate of blacks and Hispanics is going to increase to 5 children per woman. It'll be less than 50% very soon.
Last census data put non-hispanic whites at 56%. By the time of the next census, it'll probably have gone up since we're kicking out a lot of spics now
Nice bait frog.
Reminder that you CANNOT trust a French-flag poster.
France is around 75% white.
Tools of the State
It was 63% in 2010, you can look it up.
Sup Forums deducted 3% due to the amount of people with a black or native ancestor based on DNA tests (5% total~, 3-ish % of 63).
But since it's 7 years in and 3 years until the next census Sup Forums also extrapolated and guesstimated how much has changed and came up with 56%
Less than 50% would mean a drop of 11% in 7 years
Jews aren't white.
some guy spit on a nationalist holding a flag, i think in Norway, and his buddy ran up and kicked him in the chest so had than when his head hit the ground he died