SPAIN IS RUINED Ask me anything
Pedro I'm trying to find a job, what to do?
¿Qué tal?
Can I steal your women
come home white men...
Kind of depressed without any real objective right now.
Maybe next year I will study some 1 year FP
I'm that depends, where do you live?
Do you have the will to move to the richer areas or abroad?
Do you have money to do the former?
Any skill?
better you than me.
I consider us 'mediterranean' well me at least
Graphic design / Php javascript wordpress development / and soon ADE
>You're here forever
Well, obviously wrong.
t. Jaén
i would like instead of sending financial aid to india,to send it to you instead?
It's intended to catalunya.
How did you get there? D:
Idk senpai seems like you are in for eating shit D:
Do you have a 'godfather'?
Half of Spain is not mediterranean but Celtic.
What are the main problems in Spain? Going to Gran Canaria in a few weeks.
Where all the euromoney has gone Juan?
how about you get yours back first
>How did you get there? D:
You just need a real job here, then you can stay
You're still richer than eastern countries while being lazy as fuck (my cousin actually worked and lived there for some years, the lazy southerner is no meme). Stop fucking crying Alejandro.
If it's so bad just emigrate to the UK/Germany/etc. ;^)
>well thank you, should I kill myself already or wait for next winter?
Biggest is unemployment, about 20%
For the 'youth' is 50%
The cause is:
Lots of bureocracy
sky high taxes
Really fucked up time tables..
Basque and Catalan independence when?
>Arrived here a few weeks ago.
>Wanted to take the opportunity to explore the traditional Catholic culture of this beautiful country that once led the Reconquista to drive out the muslims.
>Everyone is degenerate.
OP, I have never seen so many gays and communists in my entire life. What the fuck happened?
¿En cuál ciudad estás? ¿Qué podemos hacer?
You should learn languages, consider your options and try to leave this shithole.
the thing is that wages are too low for the cost of living and house-renting prices
Your country belongs to the EU, Why don't you move to another country?
Didn't you take loans and built a shitload of useless stuff?
Aren't you in the same (but much less dire) situation as Greece?
I guess they didn't have time to fall? Or the tourists pump them up?
Well I doubt someone will keep the price if he can't rent. Didn't you have some ultra commie goverment that basdically said you can't throw out someone even if he doesn't pay?
It's funny we USED to have an acceptable industrial sector but we changed it for shekels.
The money is wasted on innecesary infraestructures and various shit.
For each infrastructure which were also overpriced, they got a comission so they made anything to get a part..
Cantabria best region.
1. Why is it ruined just now?
2. ¡¿Por qué chingados gritan al hablar?! No me dejan dormir porque los puedo escuchar Manolos hablar en el otro lado de la cuadra
>super commie
>you can't ruin someones life for profit
It was Fascist, there is also a law if someone occupied a house for a set amount of time it becomes theirs.
Callete sudaca de mierda, vete para tu serva.
Fucking Carthaginians
Why your crops failed? I thought you had warm weather and climate change (we have been warned from vegetable shortage on upcoming weeks).
I speak English, Portuguese, Spanish and Catalan. But doesn't improve anything here and going away is not that easy.
Tenta ser otimista
Swedes aren't sexually desirable. That's why your women voted to import millions of foreign men.
All my Great Grandparents moved to Texas during the civil was because he didn't want to be a commie, how is the motherland?
>a real language
Maybe if your people spent their days working instead of spending them whining about the independence of made up countries, your economy wouldn't be so shit.
Your fault for letting the Jews run your country, may you serve as an example to the other European countries that can still be saved
ok comrade, maybe i'll just take your wallet and after a day it will become mine
The country has been brainwashed by the same EU media and lords.
The communists is a pendulum reaction to the repression we had with franco.
Nowadays we have a political-partie-cracy founded by franquists and the 'king' appointed by franco, with no real separation of powers.
So everything is a consequence of that.
En un pueblo D:
Aprende idiomas es una condicion necesaria para intentar irse..
>implying I wasn't proactive and bet nearly everything I had on leaving that pit of stagnation.
Yeah, no. Gotta love American industry.
>It's intended to catalunya.
well, i'll go to andorra, comfy af
They took out loans to pay mostly for welfare-based deficits in the short term. It was simple vote-buying by the politicians. Basically the same situation as Greece, but Spain didn't go as far as lying about it so they're somewhat better off.
And the Euro is total shit for a country like Spain. It killed any local Spanish industry. The bloated welfare state + taxes just further added to the problems.
>Mexico gives a European nation economics advice
This. Barbosa speaks the truth.
>studied industrial engineering just because i was good at numbers in highschool
>got a job last year of college
>40,000€/year and im only the last monkey of the company
its not that hard spainbros.
You got memed with your useless degrees and FPs
.t a country that was born because the british had the monopoly of tea
>tfw doing the same thing in the US for nearly twice as much, with lower taxes too.
Yes, we have the second largest high velocity train infrastructure, a lot of unused airports, unnecesary updates on anything.
Everything to get a comission, giving work to their buddies..
The banks got a lot of the houses, but instead of selling them the government bought them so their prices won't go down.
But why? because if they had gone down a lot of people would be financially dead and also the banks.
We are in the same situation of greece, the difference is that we are 'too big to fail' so they still give us money that 'someday we will pay'
For Spain, the only solution is a revolution.
An american redpilled about the catalunya joke.
Im proud of you user.
Try to do it in a broken country!
We have the same ruling class and usually make the same retarded mistakes, it's really not that hard to give advice to them or any other Spanish speaking country
fucking retard Catalan language is not only from the Catalonia region.
Do they speak japanese there
On the other hand we also lost a lot of industries AND we didn't upgrade our infrastructures... Funny how the EU fucks everyone.
We have been fucked for 8 years
Tenemos una cultura que no valora el silencio, ademas todo tiene que ser una puta exagericion sino parece que le caes mal a los demas.
Yeah we have an older law that is actually an anachronism
Well I don't really know but this season has been raining a lot more than usual.
I know senpai, I know
Good luck.
Is fucked but still you should visit, try valencia or galicia.
You are wrong senpai I mean about
>They took out loans to pay mostly for welfare-based deficits in the short term. It was simple vote-buying by the politicians. Basically the same situation as Greece, but Spain didn't go as far as lying about it so they're somewhat better off.
No, we actually did fake our figures in 2008 so Zapatero could win the election.
Our GDP/debt is 144%
But the real estimation is 170%
Also with deficit..
Genuinamente respeto lo que haces. Talvez en un futuro que España se recupere un poco me gustaria regresar, aunque sigo inseguro si es algo que yo haria o no.
can I fugg a Spanish qt please, sluts over here only have compassion for rapefuguees
Offering moral support
How do I get qt etarra gf?
It's a cultural thing, how can be that a 'programmer' here earns less than in poland?
Not everyone, look at fucking germoney..
Whores in Switzerland were complaining about the competence caused by the Spanish immigrants there.
Sup José's. Im spending a week in Madrid in the Lapativés. I heard it's full of shitskins and rapefugees. Is it safe for me to be there? Honestly.
Why don't you have any far right wing party?
not qt at all
Yeah but how are you going to talk with them? D:
I like to call it 'valencia'
>No, we actually did fake our figures in 2008 so Zapatero could win the election.
>Our GDP/debt is 144%
>But the real estimation is 170%
>Also with deficit..
Isn't that like beyond saving? Especially with that unemployment, probably the interest off that is like 1% of the GDP lol
I plan on going away for a few days, need a trip, any where good/cheap/interesting to go?
why there? Literally the worst part of Madrid, you're safe, but it stinks at night.
How does it feel that your colonies are better off and far less degenerate than you?
How Spain threads always go
>Can I fug a spanish qt :DDDDDDD
>Italians and Greeks being bro tier
>gib gold
What? There is plenty of lettuce.
>took welath back to iberian peninsula
>are whites
>ended up becoming a shithole
but why, why? you weren't supposed to end up like that venancio...
>better off and far less degenerate
That's a lie and you know it
>cultura que no valora el silencio
I always thought this was a meme
You forgot
>Do I look like a Spaniard??
Far right is infiltrated by the secret service, COINTELPRO works perfectly in Spain.
The only solution is a revolution.
Germany is not the paradise you think. It's more the paradise for finance sharks, people can be hired for literally 2 euros/hour.
>are whites
Iberian natives were literally wiped from the peninsula by arabic conquest 1500 years ago, and centuries of subsequent occupation.
yo estudio de Arquitecto Técnico
>franco wos a hooro
Certain (((interests))) were pushing for infrastructure we didn't need with money we didn't have, which meant taxation. That, along with idiotic funding of research companies (many of which came over, got their funding, then left) that never delivered on their promises led to the decline in infrastructure and industry, as many moved out or simply went out of business as people didn't have income to purchase. We became dependent on imports even more than before. We were left with bullshit like the PS10, PS20 power plant gimmicks, or Ciudad Valdeluz.
Can confirm this retard made up the 170%. It's on 100%
a monarchy again*
You taking good care of our gypsies ?
>Arquitecto Técnico
I'm afraid I have bad news for you…
How are the women? Are Spanish women the kind that would fuck a man because he's foreign?
What did Franco do wrong you piece of shit?
I don't mind, but the actual rulers must be jailed.
That's an amazingly retarded statement Pierre
Should have brought back the Habsburgs desu, senpai
Also, why doesn't this guy ever age?
just tryna get my sudaca dik wet
will there be referendum this September?
Will Spain divide?
I don't like separatism. I wish Catalans stfu and preserve the unity of the nation
Iberian natives wiped out the arabs you mean.
Boi, my father has a construction company.
El mercado de la reforma esta más fuerte que nunca, además tiene más margen de beneficio que la obra nueva