>electric chair >gas chamber Pick one Michael Mejia
Carson Sanchez
beaners gonna bean
John Hernandez
Keith Lane Boyer
Andrew Morgan
Samuel Fisher
My only question is: what happens to a thing this soulless after he's ejected from his meat suitcase? Is he recycled or just tossed in the trash?
Joshua Sanchez
I feel as if a death sentence alone is not enough punishment. we need to torture crimnals to death. That way they suffer from what they have done and it deters others from following
Justin Bailey
you'll never hear this on Controlled Media.
Michael Rivera
why does no one provide his legal status? really makes you think...hmmmm
Brandon Scott
This officer and his partner were not cautious enough with a dude that has tattoos all over his face and neck. They let him pull and fire on them as they were patting him down.
Nolan Mitchell
Fucking piece of shit. The media barely reports on this yet when a cop shoots some fucking pavement ape everyone goes apeshit.
>be white >get shot or beat up is this just daily life for you pussys?
Lucas Hughes
Damn that makes me really sad, he looks like some kids really cool grandfather.
Alexander Foster
William Harris
hate spics so much
Ryan Butler
Here comes the racist jokes....why are you so angry....???????????
Christopher Richardson
>spics vs pigs
hope they kill each other
Carson Diaz
Implying possession isn't a thing.
Mason Thompson
He goes back to Saturn.
Austin Green
Death Penalty for what he did, Not for what race he is.....Some people just go for the race....Serial killers were all white....just saying
Adam Harris
Fuck of reddit fag kys
Brayden Kelly
Most serial killers are black.
Asher Sanders
I notice it's from a Toronto newspaper. I heard a story out here in LA that violent crime has gone up 10% and the mayor tried to hide that fact because it's a sanctuary city and wants more illegals to ballot stuff for him.
Jaxson Scott
looks like my primary headteacher
fucking spics
Nathan Martin
Why not both?
Hunter Parker
He's a dirty spic, get over it.
t. fellow spic
Wyatt Lewis
Why bother killing them if you can torture them for the rest of their lives? >inb4 shadow ryuko katana hat tip
James Harris
He looks like your colleague from Police Quest II.