Amazon is balking at a search warrant seeking cloud-stored data from its Alexa Voice Service. Arkansas authorities want to examine the recorded voice and transcription data as part of a murder investigation. Among other things, the Seattle company claims that the recorded data from an Amazon Echo near a murder scene is protected by the First Amendment, as are the responses from the voice assistant itself.
FURTHER READINGPolice ask: “Alexa, did you witness a murder?”
Amazon said that the Bentonville Police Department is essentially going on a fishing expedition with a warrant that could chill speech and even the market for Echo devices and competing products. In a motion to quash the subpoena, the company said that because of the constitutional concerns at issue, the authorities need to demonstrate a "compelling need" for the information and must exhaust other avenues to acquire that data.
Amazon Refuses to Cooperate with Warrant- Alexa Heard a Murder
In other words, they don't want their customers knowing they record everything that goes on in their house.
This is useless for the case, everyone knows Alexa can't understand nigger speech
I always told my mom I should go to the basement.
if the information is so private and important, why do they record it and store it on a cloud? why not just delete the onformation?
>even the market for Echo devices and competing products
There's their real reason. Could hurt sales if the public knew exactly what all the tracking they pack into most devices these days really implied.
Big Brother is extremely lucrative for the guy running it.
Because people's "private" information is extremely valuable to the company.
>We only want to hear everything when we can sell it to the highest bidder
Can we please just ban Amazon and Google? They have too much authority on the mass collection of data on American citizens.
>Not complying with a search warrant in a murder case
Obstruction of justice.
Gotta design algorithms around your interests and a that jazz
They believe themselves above such inconveniences as national law when it gets in the way of them making megabucks.
We'll see if they are right.
So they are spying on everyone and don't want people to realize this, even at the cost of human life.
Sounds about right.
>Police ask "Alexa, did you witness a murder?"
Are they retarded.
Echo Dev here:
The information collected is not stored. Too much of it gets collected to store it all. The only time the info is stored is when you actually use the device and it cant understand you. Cops dont understand we dont drag net info like Google.
We dont need any more government spying
so don't place an "Alexa" in your private lodging.
You don't get to pick and choose on a fucking warrant faggot. I hate these arrogant bastards.
>the Seattle company claims that the recorded data from an Amazon Echo near a murder scene is protected by the First Amendment
do they mean fourth amendment or????
>FURTHER READING Police ask: “Alexa, did you witness a murder?”
Holy shit they actually phrased it like that to the machine? Do the police think this is some sort of magical far future AI or something?
I'm pretty sure that's just a click bait metaphorical headline.
>"Alexa, did you witness a murder?"
>robotic voice - "Officer, I didn't do nothing."
>refusing to release private information is bad
Do you enjoy using Win10?
Freedom of Listen
this, and this is a 4th amendment issues not a 1st.
Fucking retards don't even know the bill of rights
Think about filesizes and badwidth. You cant collect *that* much information all the time from everyone using the device.
Trumplets BTFO
It's only a matter of time before the stormweenies start gobbling authoritarian dick and call for farther government privacy meddling because trump wants it
Lmao what a bunch of cucks
>what is audio compression?
>Hosts S3
>We don't have enough storage
but corporate spying is perfectly ok?
>not using GNU+Linux
so why are they strongarming about not complying then?
Don't buy this shit then.
Storage is still a finite resource... Not to mention, it doesnt listen or store *anything* until you say your wake word.
The gall of that police force. Don't they know only the CIA and 47 other federal agencies have access to that data?
It really isn't as far as the frauds running our government are concerned. That issue was settled in their eyes. The official story is that 4th Amendment protection doesn't extend to information supplied or carried by a third party. I'm surprised they even got a warrant.
>buying literal telescreens
exactly my point for gubment spying using the same thing. Also this isn't spying. they legally obtained a warrant for the investigation of a murder.
though a company should disclose it if they are recording your data and to what extent. To answer questions suck as "is this thing just a hot mic which records everything?" so people can decide "hmm maybe i dont want to bug my own home"
okay fine, but you still have to follow the rules and laws of this country if you want to continue running your business here
I fully expect this or the next generation of phones to be
I honestly prefer Lynch and Bayley.
As you mentioned since they got a warrant, they certainly were acting as if it applied. Also the first amendment covers freedom of speech, not privacy, that is clearly the 4th. Whether or not the government thinks 3rd party info is protected by the 4th does not change the fact that this is a 4th amendment issue or rather whether or not the 4th applies to 3rd party data. There is no way to make this a 1st amendment issue. I think amazon just called it that for effect. I mean privacy could be the opposite right to that of free speech if such relationships as opposite rights existed
They can get a warrant like everyone else, you've got a system for a reason but cops are authoritarian pigs who can't follow their own rules.
I agree 100% with them here.
>Implying the NSA and who knows how many other 3 letter gov. agency don't have access to this data along with the Google's, Facebook's data etc.
Privacy is gone if you have a smart phone in your pocket.
thats what they want you to think dipshit, fuck you liberals are easily brainwashed.
>it doesnt listen or store *anything* until you say your wake word
How can it hear the 'wake word' if it is not listening?
Who is paying you to post here?
the warrant is from another state
A local little script is listening to the keyword.It can only detect the keyword.Saves bandwith for the user and remote server time for the company.
So these devices are in fact listening on conversations at all times, and we have to trust that this is not taken advantage of by business / government?
Well, that doesn't sound likely to happen at all.
> the Seattle company claims that the recorded data from an Amazon Echo near a murder scene is protected by the First Amendment
Seems Amazon has no idea what the first amendment means.
It's just a headline used to grab attention, dumbass. The police didn't literally ask it that.
Are you retarded.
>A Jewish midget
this has nothing to do with trump you dumb spic
jesus christ this is gonna end up on the next bar exam guaranteed
Actually for a business the gathered information costs more than it is worth.Ofc letteragencys have backdoor access.
But for the business to process everything every device hears was too costly last time i checked.Processing everything heard by every device eats up server-time.That server-time could be spent on more profitable things.A business wants profit.
Now if you have shady intentions from the start and have infinite founding.... Well thats why i'll have never anything like this alexa anywhere near me.
Only fucktarded morons allow devices like this in their home
>owning things that record you 24/7
So they're willing to protect criminals just so they can spy on their customers.
Normies BTFO once again.
wow someone getting murdered isn't a compelling need to amazon? what fucking asshole descided to just make this kinda shit up?
I was at some liberal moron's house for a mutual friend's birthday party, never met her before. That week I'd seen that someone ordered a ps4 on someone else's Alexa as a prank, so I was like "lol did you see that thing with the ps4?", she's like "nah mine is voice locked, it won't let anyone who isn't me buy"
So I'm like "Alexa, buy a ps4".
Few hours later we're all drunk and suddenly from the kitchen I hear "oh shit ps4 order has been confirmed", I am like "lol ooooooh shit".
She managed to cancel it in time but that would've been pretty awks.
>A company protecting my privacy
This is good thing in case you were wondering
>pretty awks.
i hope you talk like that around your stepdad.
It's worth noting that this same guy snitched on himself with his smart water meter. He allegedly killed the man in his hot tub and his water usage spiked by hundreds of gallons at like 2am.
The future is awesome!....
>ay man u no me i aint no snitch or nuffin we no who did it we finna ride up on em
You talk like a total loser, im guessing you failed to pull at that party as per usual.
There were 7 people there, it was a dinner party + alcohol, there was no one attractive, and more importantly, I had a girlfriend of 2 years who I then went home to, but nice projection
This. A warrant in a murder investigation is perfectly valid way of requesting information, they can't just deny it.
These niggers already bought the shit, might as well turn over the private information of a fucking dead person if it's gonna help finding the culprit.
Amazon is only fighting this because they don't want people to know how much that thing records literally everything they say.
I always thought devices like Alexa were designed for insufferable douchebags that are infatuated with non essential "services" they consider essential. That and douchebags that like to show off how hip and modern they are.
You think its magc that that thing can respond to you as if it were a human? It records everything it hears and sends it to Amazon so tthat they can improve it, but that also meanns Amazon gets to hear EVERYTHING that happens in your home.
You sound like an asshole
>mutual friend's party
Oh, its like IfIyou you didnt have friends of your own to invite you to their parties huh..
I did the math. It's not very likely.
11 million Amazon Echo devices sold:
24 hours of speech using libopus 24kb/s: 278.1MB (using this hillshill speech as an example:
11 million devices * 278.1MB daily = 3.059PB every 24 hours.
It wouldn't be cost effective to 24/7 record anyone but high-value blackmail targets.
>they dont listen to you all the time
Sure they dont.
They just have thousands of keywords they are listening for to profile you.
Google was busted about 10-15 years ago trying the same sort of thing. they would have a program listen through the mic on PC as to what tv channel you were watching etc.
Bandwidth/storage/processing power have all increased manyfold since then. People could test this by getting it and only talking about certain products and see if it starts to come up in amazon advertising targeted towards you.
Keep talking about some new game coming out. Alexa has fetched the newest set of definitions and its told to listen for "tendie tycoon" if it hears it, it adds a count +1 on that keyword to your account, when mentions reach a certain threshold, surprise.. amazon is informing you of "a great pre order offer for Tendie tycoon"
processing is done alexa end, data is couple of bytes stored. Keywords are updated/deleted all the time depending on whats trending and what they are researching.
they dont need to record everything (for amazon business), just know what words have been said. they record all the other shit for other non amazon reasons.