Off duty LAPD discharges pistol after being attacked by Anaheim youths
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First for the cop was in the right to defend himself
Stay cucked Sup Forums. Keep supporting (((their))) resources to continue to oppress to people of the United States. Keep sucking the "police officer dindu muffin wrong he a good boy" blue pill. You might as well join the military and let me fuck your wife from how cucked you guys are. And the sad part is (((they))) tricked you to thinking that this was the red pill.
When cops go after whites I'll get mad, this is just a public cleaning service.
He should have murdered every single of those little spic pieces of dogshit.
>t. someone with a criminal record
The only people there should be in the United States are natives and people of European descent
Do you think it was a negligent discharge (he fired his gun by accident).
Or do you think it was an intentional warning shot?
Clearly accidental
Yes good goy. The police dinduniffun.
i can't wait until i'm done with school and join the police force, so i can stomp on scum like you.
Dude took YOU KIDS STAY OFF MY LAWN to hilarious new heights.
He did good.
>legally detained the trespasser
>got the kids off his damn lawn
>when they escalated to violence he either intentionally or unintentionally made them scatter like roaches
Maybe not legally perfect, but he did the right thing and I for one am proud of this white man.
fuck all cop apologists, statists, and motherfuckers who say this asshole is in the right.
no one assaulted him or put hands on him prior to him holding a minor for 5 minutes, dragging him through peoples' yards.
he even admits misfiring his weapon
all of the kids say the boy said "sue" not "shoot"
mdc acab
>warning shot
>not shooting upwards
He was attacked by that group and protected himself. Good job.
how did u do that
>this whole post
its so easy to spot a shitskin/libtard now
>I can't wait to be a good goy and serve the people of NuIsrael
Once we use the cops to clean this country of spics and niggers we will go back to not supporting police harassment. Until then we fully support the continued harrassment and killings of criminal minorities and methhead rednecks
He was off duty when this happened. I don't know why this is a factor.
If he wasn't a cop it would just be Zimmerman all over again.
his defense for detaining the kid is not for trespassing, it's "terrorist threats," which is what he's being held for.
catching a felony at 13 for making a offdutycop feel insecure
fuck all 8gag commies
>This post
It's so easy to spot a new faggot now a days.
Am I the first to notice? Your post ends in the same digits on her shirt.
>no one assaulted him or put hands on him prior to him holding a minor for 5 minutes, dragging him
The dumbass kid said he'd shoot him, that's reason enough. Are you a good cuck and would let people walk all over you?
>Legally detained for threatening to shoot an off-duty officer, and trespassing.
>Hey, let's decide to chimp out because we're brain dead teenagers
>Charge officer and knock him through the hedgebush, oh and let's also punch him in the face, and try to surround him.
You are beyond wrong.
>The officer was not arrested, but the 13-year-old boy and another 15-year-old boy were.
Gotta love that blue privilege.
They probably didn't even test the cop for alcohol, even though he was acting drunk and belligerent.
"You s-s-s-aid you were going to *hiccup* shoot meh. Stop r-r-resisting."
Dude was obviously buzzed on alcohol. That's how drunk people act, they focus on one thing at a time and won't shut the fuck up about it. That's why drunk people get really sad or really angry, and it's why baldie was latched on to the teen like that.
Dude was drunk. He latched on to the teen, fumbled for his pistol, accidentally fired a shot, and staggered about...
Stupid motherfucker is going to get sued like the teen said lmao.
So you don't deny it?
fuck off shill
been here since the Zimmerman trial you fucking nigger
Nice try ((Shill))
I hate gangbangers a LOT more than cops
"Did you notice how the cop walked into a crowd and made himself surrounded? How he created a dangerous situation out of a nuisance situation? How he escalated immediately into violence? Most importantly did you notice how he negligently discharged a firearm around occupied dwellings, a group of children, and an old man with a cane?"
You reckon? I saw the pistol was still in the holster so I'm inclined to agree, but it were me I might think about firing a warning shot into the grass.
I think it was a negligent discharge user.
So you admit you're a new fag.
>Kids walked on your property
>Pull the kid further into your property
>Yells at them for getting onto your property, grabbing him by the collar
>His friends come to back him up
>Refuse to let go
>They try to jump in to help him
>Pull a gun on them and start shooting
>oppress to people of the United States
Anybody who actually believes deserves to be deported along with these 3rd world leeches.
Natives and people of European descent? You just described what most of those Mexicans are.
I wish he actually shot a couple of those little shits
at 12:03 it looks like he's actually firing it on accident.
>t. pot smoking faglord
I'll bet you're listening to Sublime right now, aren't you?
Technically that kid was under arrest for aggression, even off-duty officers can perform an arrest, and the fuckwits trying to get him free were basically resisting a police officer while doing his duty.
Yes, he surrounded himself as he was pushed through the brush back onto his property and hit a second time while captain save a hoe jumps over to block him in the driveway. You are wrong, again.
The nigger @10:30
Not sure if I would have escalated to that that point.
>trespassers on my property
>makes threats when confronted
>tell them I will be retrieving my firearm from inside the house
>trespassers scatter like roaches
Thank you
Never showed his badge though, anybody can claim to be a cop.
He probably would have get in more trouble for not hitting someone with the bullet.
Is it normal for children to brawl with adults in the US?
Why do spics born in the US put on the spic accent?
You don't like Sublime?
Diggin the grave m8
How does it keep happening
It is for minority children that have shit parents. White kids dont because theyre taught better.
and most of the blacks too
>Doesn't deny the Crimes committed by the teens..
You lose
>(Jew's) and shills using Sup Forums lego now..
Sage, Off you go shill.
lol no spics n' niggers are way worse than cops.
Why is LAPD dressed like a cholo?
Thats this user, you faggot, get it right...then again , you haven't said anything right, since the last bread
>I just migrated from leddit last year: the posts
>catching a felony at 13
Those fucks were released to their parents the same night.
This is the same state that let out some fuck who had been arrested five and only served 10 days each arrest in the past year, minimum arrest was for burglary. Then he goes and kills his cousin, steals his car, then kills a cop and wounds another. This is all because CA thinks their jails and prisons are overcrowded and it's inhumane, so everyone gets early release.
Maybe he did off-video, doesn't look like they were unaware considering they were keeping their distance from the start and the title of the video.
Sublime fucking sucks, they always have. Overrated drug addicts with a penchant for kissing spic and nigger ass just because they lived around them in SoCal.
They were "not racist" before the social justice movement was birthed from the ass of trannies.
>defending violent spics
Checked, and Based
If the kids were the aggressors then by all means, i would side with him. The so called cop was the aggressor
California Penal Code Section 837
837. A private person may arrest another:
For a public offense committed or attempted in his/her presence.
When the person arrested has committed a felony, although not in his presence.
When a felony has been in fact committed, and he or she has reasonable cause for believing the person arrested to have committed it.
>Well, like Florida, a person being threatened in California has no duty to retreat and can stand and fight. I was amused when I read so much criticism of the Florida Stand Your Ground Law when we have that here, albeit not in a statute, but as part of the common law.
underage b&
You can't say you're going to shoot someone AFTER you trespassed and assaulted them
That little spic deserved to die
>I'm from the Zimmerman trial I'm old!!!
You're literally as new as it gets. As everyone else is in this thread. You guys are beyond cucked. It's sad to see what Sup Forums has become. You guys are so far behind you think you're first (on certain issues at least, but this one especially).
They didn't do nutting
dragging the kid all over the damn place
They were walking across his lawn, and he didn't like that. He should just respectfully requested that they step off his lawn like a decent person. Instead made a scene and is dragging the kid around. Then he's trying to pull the kid through the damn bushes (fucking really?) after the other kid pushes him. He's a ogre who can't hold a gun without pilling the trigger (that wasn't a fucking "warning shot), he couldve killed someone, and he just wanted to make a scene and manhandle that kid to feel like some big shot.
The worthless paid cop shills will act like he's not a total idiot, and back him and say shit like he should have killed them.
Lmao check this shill out. Like white are some untouched race. Cops "go after" whites all the time and you shills back them then too. But you shills try not to bring attention to all the instances of cops abusing, mistreating, endangering, or wrongly killing whites. You don't care about whites.
>we are allowed to threaten to shoot you
>we are allowed to tackle you
>you are not allowed to defend yourself against us
basically my entire facebook right now
Shut the fuck up you blue pilled fuck
cops in burgerland NEVER get in trouble when they escalate a calm easy situation into a literal massacre.
nice to see the bootlickers ITT. Sup Forums is truly lost
Im white, from a small town. Got in trouble with the cops a bunch when I was younger. They were right to do their jobs, uphold the law, and hold me accountable for their actions. I never trespassed on a cops lawn and when he told me to get off tell him I was going to shoot him. Its going to be a sad day when Anericans lose the right to defend their property from others, but then again that seems to be the common theme with the left "not your country, let everyone in." Its pure communism in the making.
Working class white guy , is not (((them))). In fact, it is (((them))) that plotted against America to bring all those Mexicans in our country. You fucks act disrespectful all the time, all over the states, and you know it. Get called out on your bullshit, and you cry about it, like a bunch of babbies.
Shooting upwards unless you're a complete fucking moron is a huge no no. firing into the ground is much safer.
What goes up must come down.
Niggers and muslims are stupid
Shut the fuck up, faggot. Just because you and this kid are brown doesn't mean you have to defend him.
Can someone translate all those wetbacks speaking bean, sounds like they were plotting to kill a cop.
>Cops "go after" whites all the time and you shills back them then too.
Yes, because it's whites always whining about racial profiling.
They attacked him, he showed incredible restraint by not killing them.
Can't wait for a evidence to come out that the spic grabbed the mans weapon and that's what caused it to fire.
> tfw no southern farmer qt3.14 waifu
Why live, bros? Why did God have to make me an almost sandnigger?
Yeah ok
I'm not tricked, I'm pushing the racewar.
I want to see you dead.
>When cops go after whites I'll get mad
If that were true then you'd already be mad.
Just because you like being surrounded by shitskins doesn't mean he does too Hans
We're arguing with a bunch of underage kids who think it's edgy to be apologists for anchor babies and thugs.
>I'm angry because I'm new!!
Oh youre mad because Brad spoke spanish and sang some songs in spanish. Must suck letting your dumb worldview prevent you from enjoying art.
He needs to build wall around his lawn.
It great seeing thugs acting tough, especially in numbers, then fleeing and crying when meeting an equalizer.
Fucking Latrino nigger scum.
What the fuck are Latrino "teen" scum doing outside the house of a white police officer?