Ever since I took the red pill my life has gone to shit.
I used to be top of my class in college but I'm now on the verge of dropping out.
All my friends have left me because i started "behaving weird".
My sleep schedule is fucked because i spend all night browsing Sup Forums and listening to Alex Jones talk about gay frogs.
Help me Sup Forums , how can i unredpill?
How does one vomit the red pill out of their system?
How about you take this pill:
>Just because you are now aware of everything thats going on in the world it doesn't mean you have to become a functional retard. Stop being mean to your friends, stop staying up late, keep studying, and go about life as normal.
You can't. You're here forever.
No need to unpill-- just follow the redpill up with the ironpill.
They're really meant to be taken together
Leave and never come back. There is more to life than this depressing shit. Seriously. I think I will go myself, right now. Get a girl. Or religion. Or something. The real truth is that the red pill is actually the blue. THIS is the illusion. I'm out.
Europe has tried the Iron Pill... It did not work out that well for us.
Let the Redpill take you full-steam, or leave the cave with an Escape Rope.
You people shill the same shit everyday
Giving up is clearly the superior alternative
Things have changed. Despite the media chaos, it's becoming harder and harder for them to distort the truth and spin lies.
I have faith that this new push will be glorious, and after that we will either ascend or fall into abject slavery
these shill threads are part of a psyop
See ya tomorrow
You can't go back from a red pill that's the point, it's a realisation, an epiphany, you just need to move on and accept it
I went or am going through the same thing, lost all my friends and my job.
It sucks, but truth is truth. I just wish I was taught this stuff as a child or had a guide rather than figuring it out on my own.
I don't know what advice is good... You cannot unsee it.
the blue pill is exclusively for plebs, paupers, and those targeted for sterilization
the red pill is exclusive for the elites, it is an illegal offense to be both a goyim and redpilled
this about this way.
rich people know the same thing you do, they just don't care, of better, they use it in their favor
You cannot go back
It's rough but the truth is forever, in time you'll come to peace with it
Uncle Sam would check that
I'm with you brother
fake just checked it, original post isn't as crazy still unhinged though
Kek confirms we have to invest more wisely the hours upon hours of memeing and warring against the evil powers. We have to balance this time with self improvement, exercize, healthier dietary choices, financial responsibility and practicing leadership & national socialism with Rockwell and Pierce.
This is the only way. Make Kek great a few hours per day, meme for the God Emperor and the prophet Pepe. But also LARP in real life for your own improvement. Pretend you have hope for the future, pretend you have some faith left in yourself, humanity and the world.
its going to take your brain a while to sort this shit out now that you are seeing for the first time. you are going to be functionally useless for a few years. you are basically a new born. work hard and you will become stronger than you could have ever imagined, literally untouchable. you will get everything you ever wanted with ease and at the end you will be like meh, no sweat. put in the effort. enjoy the process and you are golden. welcome to red pill.
what i did
>quit college
>get job
> read The Game (wbhwahahah) and swallow all the redpills
>get in shape
>be fit
>go out & sarge
>overcome autism
>talk to strangers
>talk to strange women
>sleep with strange women
>become actually charismatic
>do well in job
>be confident as fuck
>go into negotiations with a zfg attitude
>make $75/hr
>live in post soviet country
>low cost of living
>lots of pretty women
practice what you preach and the world is yours
>still take time to shitpoast cuz why not
You don't, you need to stop internalizing so much.
You need to laugh more, don't take it so depressingly.
You can't "unknow", once you know, and you can't curb the desire to know more once you crave it.
Force a smile, user. After a while it will become more natural.
EestiBro why the fuck are you so based? Memes aside Eesti is the best Balt.