>I'm a metaphorical Christian
Christians, atheists, and agnostics can all come together and agree that this guy is an idiot and a meme.
>I'm a metaphorical Christian
Christians, atheists, and agnostics can all come together and agree that this guy is an idiot and a meme.
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Nah, he's /ourguy/.
Yeah, he's overrated. Not bad per se, but he's going to be a figure of passing interest. His interpretations of religion and literature are interesting but are still just interpretations, and very weak ones at that. Exegesis is hard enough without trying to psychoanalyze people who died millennia ago. Also, his shit with Pinocchio. The guy is just weird.
Sam Harris showed what a mental midget this guy is.
People too scared to fetch the golden ball.
on Christianity? yes
>muh jungian jesus
he doesn't know that Christianity was meant to be taken literally despite the various symbolism it employs or else all 95% of christians past and present got it all wrong
however his other stuff is spot on
I used to look for a spiritual successor to Howard Bloom, but now I realize it is likely a combination of James Wood at Harvard, Jordan Peterson, and individuals I've met on Sup Forums. Howard Bloom is all of us, really.
he just tries a bit too hard to get through to the retards of the millennial generation, so he ends up sounding weird about it.
also hes canandian, have a little mercy on him. he cant help it.
>he doesn't know that Christianity was meant to be taken literally
I am sure that he does know that. The difference is in the past the gods, not just the christian god, were very much alive. As our knowledge of science has progressed we killed them. Before, we lived the symbols intuitively, now we have to understand what they mean.
t. NEETs without any accomplishments
>The difference is in the past the gods, not just the christian god, were very much alive.
Jordan, go back to canada
I've found his take on religion to be very refreshing. I've considered myself atheist most of my life, I usually just dismiss or avoid any religious discussion, but Peterson really makes some great points about the social benefits of religious belief that resonate with me.
lol at faggots like you.
>golden ball
im still waiting for pepe to do it for me
>95% of people are idiots
Is this anything new? Read Justin martyrs appeal to the Roman emperor. The early church fathers were talking about practical ideas for structuring society and countering the eventual fall of empires relying on expansionism.
He offered me perspective during a difficult time with his self authoring suite(one of the cofounders of this program works at my university and she offered me some insight) and as of last week I started doing volunteer work. What have you done faggot?
>taken literally
Literal Christian fundamentalism was a late 19th century idea. Retard.
I'm a Protestant but I found studying the early Church fathers to be profoundly fascinating. In fact, I feel it brought me much closer to God than my previous relationship. It helped me realize that Christianity was not just a religion but rather an evolution in philosophy itself and part of the long line from people like Plato to people like Philo to people like Peter and Paul. I would highly encourage everyone to study the history of the religion itself, along with the Gospel.
I'm still Protestant based on my interpretation of scripture, but how it was developed and cultivated is almost equally as fascinating.
>He says a some things I disagree with so I dismiss everything he says
go comb the fringe on your rug you fucking sperg
Has anyone read Maps of Meaning? just got it in the mail
Pretty much this. This morning I was walking the dog on the beach while thinking about Petersons "start small, sort out the environment your in." I looked around noticed some beer cans left on the beach from a recent bonfire and cleaned them up. It's a futile task because there will be more litter on the beach tomorrow but I'm taking a garbage bag with me and a poking stick. The old me would've gone fuck it, someone else less responsible than me made that mess but by ignoring the mess I'm just as lazy and irresponsible.
Say what you will about Peterson and his slightly erratic beleifs he's potentially a huge force for good.
The priests I know in my national protestant church are all very much into applying faith practically just like the church fathers. I also see hints of this mode of thinking in the older writing and art like Icelandic hymns and the Sagas, written by Christians about pagans in part to remind the Christians how far they grew through Christ in only a few hundred years.
reminds me of this:
And, ever since I visited Japan and noticed how the people there actually care about taking care of their surroundings (unlike the US), I stopped doing little things like throwing fast food wrappers or bottle caps on the ground. Of course it's futile in the short term, but long term hopefully it sets an example for others.
way to take someone's job, fucking leaf
Yes, Japan is a great example of the benefits of constantly drumming civic duty in to people.
While I was picking up the mess I thought if everyone took ownership of their immediate sorroundings we wouldn't need to pay a fucking government worker to do it.
>not being an atheist in this day and age, but realizing that throughout history, Christianity has had more of a positive impact on Western Civilization (the only important civilization) than any other religion
If you littered in the first place you simply weren't raised right. If I dared to litter I'd surely have gotten an ass beating.
I understand. The history of religion itself is in literature. And no, when I say literature I'm not talking about the latest postmodern kindling or Ginsburg talking about shitting on a young boy's face.
It's cool you can see it in the hymns and the Sagas. I see the same thing, follow the same line, into the stories of King Arthur and Shakespeare's plays (who I believe was an incredible philosopher and profoundly understood Christianity because he was secretly a Catholic and studied it intensely). I can see the same tradition in the writings of the founding fathers of our nation and carried over to folk tales and hymns and traditions of agrarian America.
Yeah, my parents didn't give a shit about the environment.
I was blown away when I realized there are no public trash cans in Tokyo. You have to pack it in and carry it with you. Requires discipline that most mouth-breathers don't have.
I see the shills are scared of this guy.
>has read and pondered psychology and philosophy for literally 40+ years
>NEET retards on Sup Forums that probably haven't even read an entire book in their lives have the audacity to come here and say "nah, he's fuckin' dumb lol!"
end your lives
Sam Harris fucking destroyed this faggot. How can anyone who isn't retarded take this guy's ideas seriously anymore?
>he's going to be a figure of passing interest
He's a professor who's original research on personalities is used as a world standard. His work will live on well past him and he's advanced his field enough that his name will be in textbooks for a long time. He's had a following for his public lectures and books for decades now. Just because Sup Forums only started shitposting about him a few months ago doesn't mean he's a passing figure
He makes a lot of interesting points, but I have to admit that when I hear that kind of thing, it feels like someone that wishes they could believe justifying their belief through a series of semi connected thoughts that can be presented coherently.
There's nothing wrong with it really, but it only works for him personally, that justification.
I thought that he was a stupid meme but he actually has some very interesting insights. Would recommend.
>If you haven't entered chaos and saved your father yet, you don't deserve to live.
>obvious shill thread
You're never convince us he's alt-right either btw.
He's as close to being /ourguy/ as you're gonna get.
Guy is a machine during a debate.
>Guy is a machine during a debate.
go listen to him and sam harris debate before making a fool of yourself
No it wasn't. Google anabatism, google the implications of the gutenberg bible. You're wrong.
How was he destroyed?
That was less of a debate and more of Harris short circuiting in real time
Christian doctrine is mostly allegory, though for the masses this is too complex so for them it is only understood on a surface level.
How can you be a scientist and be religious an' tha'? Bit mad, innit?
Just because you spent 40 years reading the historical equivalent of Animorphs does not make you a genius.
Even if ya meant just tha kike on a stick, you'd still be wrong, cunt.
Plenty of scientists are religious, and why would you think they wouldn't be?
you are supposed to be pepe
>he doesn't know that Christianity was meant to be taken literally
he's not AS WRONG as most people which makes him bearable to listen to, but by no means does he get it all right
Sam Harris is a fucking meme.
>Let's discuss new ideas.
>P: okey sure, so what about X
>Woowowowow calm down, that is a new idea, I'm not gonna include that in my rebuttal because it is new
Fucking atheist intellectual piss me off. They pretend to be so fucking logical but they are just so fucking dumb
Fundamentalism is a safe place to go to. I was there for a long time.
It's not even close to the truth though.
(((Sam Harris)))
another faggot who is 90% authoritative tone and 10% /ourguy/
You are fucking insane if he is authoritarian.
If you don't know shit, shut the fuck up.
If you think he is authoritarian*
>Sup Forums is nothing more than a place where narratives are continuously distilled until a meta narrative is formed. Then the hero in this story, this person who is 100% our guy will become a religious hero, a Christ figure.
>KEK will become the archetypal hero
Protestantism really threw out the baby with the bathwater in terms of the work of the Church fathers and such
Too bad he had to take 100 pictures and show how virtuous he is picking up garbage.
>dismissing him without reading his book and not realising that he has the best account of religion out of anyone
(((Sam Harris)))
Speeks long and slow, winds his logic back and forth until you are confused.
Pretends he is smarter than you.
Typical Jewbating tactics.
t. nihilsts
Take 1000 anons and compress them into a meta-user.
>motorola is dead now
Sam Harris is a fag who got btfo so hard by Chomsky that he's still mad about it and will be until the end of time.
Have you even read animorphs? It's fucking filled with Gore and ptsd
Agreed. Harris demolished him.
How exactly did sam harris rekt him??
On a super abstract topic, yeah, and harris is one of the smoothest smooth thinkers there is right there for them to that
Doesn't discredit everything peterson has said though
Harris went full REEEEEEE in that conversation