How did a country with one of the most nationalistic anthems ever turn into North-Iraq...

How did a country with one of the most nationalistic anthems ever turn into North-Iraq? I seriously got goose bumps from Sweden's anthem.

After influx of sand nogs:

Other urls found in this thread:

why do swedecucks ruin everything including the national anthem?
>jag vill leva, jag vill dö på jorden

makes me want to die

Is it not "Norden" anymore??

You guys seriously need to start fucking organizing

Some cucks want to change it

"Ya lets take away what little nationalism we have left in this country becuz it could be raysis. Maybe some people want to die in Syria, fightning side by side with ISIS?? What about them? Why aren't they in our anthem?"

This "Sweden is the rape capital in the world" meme based on some cherrypicked data on rape statistics needs to stop.

Sweden is the safest country on earth. If you think Sweden is unsafe then you are an idiot. Other western countries have

Terrorist attacks
School shootings

It is disgusting and problematic. Sweden is safe and tolerant. It is like all countries should be. You other countries are intolerant. Also there are no cars burning on the average Swedish street. The only cars that are burning are on the designated car burning streets. And if there are cars burning elsewhere it's because Swedes did it, not because immigrants did. Immigrants don't burn cars. Don't believe the meme. America is the unsafe place. Americans shoot up their schools and have riots all the time. Most Americans carry guns with them all the time.

>Thinking National Socialism and belief in a racial hierarchy is worse than mass rapings and stabbings
You really are Swedish, aren't you?
What the fuck is going on in Malmö, goy?
Police won't even set foot in there any more

fake government theater
fake government theater
what seems to be the problem officer
what seems to be the problem officer

What I read from your post:
>Every western country is better than Sweden because they're not cucked.


christianity. It has fucked you up to Norway.

We're not as ba as you.. yet

Plus now that we have Sylvi Listhaug as an immigration minister, things might be better. We've started deportations of sand nigs here now

>norway will close the border when sweden collapses

Nice try Ahmed

Obligatory Carolus Rex

Let me just drop this guys youtube here.
He has some easy to understand well researched videos both in swedish and english.
This is probably the video you want to start with:

its a racist national anthem

Or are you just baiting?


Jussi bjorling?