Sup Forums has a "White Woman larping as men" problem

How do I know? Anytime Sup Forums discusses Asian women, someone inevitably posts about how "Asian women are for betas" or "I'm not attracted to Asian women," etc.

There is not a single white man alive who genuinely does not like Asian women.

Therefore, these posts are made by jealous larping white harpies. Period. Asian women were made for white men, and they are the most natural pairing the world has ever known. Let's cut the bullshit and stop with this fiction that there has ever been a single white man in the history of the world who feels differently.

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It's always been a white mans past time to explore eastern faraway lands and bang exotic women. All anti asian women posters are basically butthurt roasties.


Absolutely degenerate

yes asian woman crave the white cock like nothing else.

who the fuck even needs butthurt white roasties if he can pick from a billion asian qts who would kill to just suck on some big white wiener?

No one said anything about dick size, larper. Just that the pairing is clearly extremely natural and maximally fulfilling to both parties.

As much as western women are spoiled cunts, asian women still a shit

t. spent time in several Asian countries

See everyone, this post is made by a white woman. No white man has ever said this. The correct response?

>Tits or GTFO

>There is not a single white man alive who genuinely does not like Asian women.
Lurkmoar you pussy ass beta.

i've noticed this too, op. agreed.

white women are garbage. asians only for me, my fellow user. white girls are are jelly.

The Jew is strong in this one.

From experience, white guys that go out with Asian women do it because they can't get white women. For me personally, most asian women either look like frogs or pigs and I don't find that sexually attractive.

>Dutch women
>on Sup Forums

Scizophrenic race traitor pls go

>you just can'd handle a stronk white wimmin

They look like aliens to me. And their unnatural hair/skin color is fucking gross. No thanks.

t. white women

frogs or pigs? have you actually ever seen a good looking asian girl before? maybe you just have shit grade asians where you are.

Those are Chinese women you're talking about faggot

asian women are for beta whites though

race mixing with an asian woman can only produce defects

see the supreme gentleman

Butthurt beta detected. I'm a white alpha who would never lower myself to a disgusting dogeater.

t. white woman

Why has this been shilled here so much recently?

>posts an asian with a plastic face

Ok and this one is actually just a Chinaman. You can tell by the flag. He comes from a nonwhite country.

I only ever see absolute pathetic betas with asian women. They are with asian girls because they can't get a real girlfriend.

i legitimately do not find any woman besides white woman attractive, hapa's are about as far as id go.

i have noticed that those most opposed to white men race-mixing are white women.

I said MOST. Learn to read faggot.

Stay salty virgin

A majority of Asian women are about the same level of attraction as Lena Dunham

I'm pretty sure most of those replies are from angry asian manlets.

Are you assuming our gender?

Caring about anyone else's opinion is for betas. Fuck everyone. The more literally the better.

roastie detected

>t. some guy with black hair, brown eyes and tanned skin

odds are you're a mestizo or a med

Exactly this

If it's online it's just rp not larp

Yeah shilling for asian women is the best way to weed out white femanons desu
Causes so much butthurt

>I'm a white alpha
Don't fool yourself buddy, remember where you are.


You don't like bathing in bleach? Pleb.


We're talking about asian women here, not white women wannabees

Low test beta detected

Cherry pick all the genetic miracles all you want, but there are far more attractive white women then their are Asian women

nope, she's just pretty. stay mad, leaf.

>cant get white women
>implying white women are remotely near the top when ranking women
>implying they're not the easiest race of women on the planet
>implying you're not a white female

No, it's just male chinks shilling for brockgobbler companies.

They are doing the WMAF shilling on their own time because they hate that we can just go over there and fuck their girlfriends and they can't do anything to stop it.

t. been to china a few times.



I don't like Asian women and I do think they are for betas.


Holy crap-
I never thought of this before.



No, it's just people ironically shitposting.

I would eat her braps all day t.b.h.

t. middle-aged white woman

Asian girls are cute as fuck, definitely better than their white counterpart.
They're also not fat as fuck like the white roasties here.
They're also not brainwashed by jews and other bullshit.
My Asian gf also was a Virgin when we first fugged and had no other guy before.

felt good man

korea is in asia you idiot

I could easily get a white gf, but its too much of a hassle.
they're usually fat, don't take care of themselves and are massive whores.

no thanks, I rather take the asian pill and get a gf that actually loves me.

Find me an Asian girl more attractive then Abigail Ratchenford. Oh wait, you can't.

leave the white women to me white boy

I've fucked quite a few Asian and Asian-American girls. I'd still take white girls over them any day because nobody wants their kids to be Asian.


Yes you use an Asian woman taking a dump to prove your point. I think Asians can be sexy, but seriously this is the best you could do? Weak attempt but nice b8

Classic aryan type. No better match for me than an Asian. Smart, age well, and know when to stfu. White American girls are complete out, except the rare redpilled type. If I met a chick like Blonde in the Belly of the Beast I'd give that a shot

Asians only look good with caked-on make up.

you sound like a beta neckbeard loser, OP.

Did you ever stop to think that maybe some of us who are against racemixing don't want to be hypocrites just because our dick tells us to?

Those girls are japanese

I used to solely be into Asian women and all of my past GFs were Asian until I was 19 and it all just changed. Honestly couldn't tell you why but I'm just not into it anymore. They're still attractive but they aren't as exciting.

>looks black


Just say Korean and/or Japanese, no need to say "asian", then you won't get as many dumb posts talking about Thailand etc.

poor Niggers who have to put up with white roasties.

>There is not a single white man alive who genuinely does not like Asian women.

Most are really ugly.


>he doesn't realize he has hapla bastards running around

>not wanting a 3d anime gf

I find other types of women attractive. But Asian and full blooded black girls are just less attractive on average.

All the things people say about Asian women like they are more traditional and feminine etc apply to any non-western group. You could say the same for Hispanic, Slavic or middle eastern women but they don't get obsessed about because they don't have the same ridiculously low standards for whites.

So it seems Asian women are for betas, my own personal experience also confirms such. They always look like nu-males.


Well, you got to be the bottom of the barrel of your race to miscegenate with other races. I don't know if you're beta for going with a chink, but you sure are erasing your defective DNA from the genepool. I'm ok with that.

Can I just say Japanese?

You've already stolen them, you can't re-steal what you've already stolen you dumb nigger

I'm a hwhite male, I promise, and asian women can be hot but there are a couple dealbreakers with them usually

firstly their soulless black/dark eyes

No they clearly aren't, fuck off with your arr rook same

That girl looks like a transgendered frog

also this


Yeah I am sure White women are terrified because ugly weeaboo betas who would never have sex anyway fantasise about gross gook women and save their photoshopped pictures from Sup Forums

Big Red, is that you?


brothers and sisters sure have strange relationships in japan

>mfw white roasties give me the butthurt look when they see my asian gf cuddling up to me

Livin the dream

>tfw male
>generally not attracted to Asian chicks

Some are obviously very attractive, but I find the vast majority of Asian women are ugly and have small tits.

>caring about how unatural hair/skin looks
You're just proving OP's point

white women btfo

>someone inevitably posts about how "Asian women are for betas"

but they really are

White betas are such low test that they have to settle for the lowest of low test race's (East Asians) women in order to reproduce. I have never seen a man who looked even remotely masculine with an Asian wife/gf by his side. It's always some scrawny meek looking manlet that looks like he's never played sports or lifted weights in his life.

Good luck raising your Elliot Rodger son that eventually kills you, and your Emilia Wang self-hating daughter that ends up on facial abuse.

Yup, my gf is japanese. My ex-Korean gf is a close second. You can't go too wrong either way though.

we takin them nips too lil white boy

>Being this low test

Don't call yourself a man, kid.

They are probably wondering why this fat weirdo is walking around with an animu pillow

anime girls look white cause asians are so disgusting looking.

I've never seen a man bring up virginity as an insult.

>used to have a Japanese gf in college
>broke up with her because i realized that i was about to become a filthy race traitor

no regrets


that webm is sad

how do I get japanese gf like this