/MEGA/ - Gottkanzler general

Martin Schulz is a SPD(Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands) candidate for Chancellor in Germany elections.

The last Infratest Dimap poll puts SPD in the lead with 32%, ahead of CDU(Merkel's party) with 31%.

Besides serving as a mayor of a small town, Martin Schulz has no previous experience in governing in Germany and is seen as a relative outsider to Berlin political establishement.

He is a firm supporter of the European Union and further European integration. He vows to ease the austerity enforced on Greece. As a classic Social Democrat he takes aim at job insecurity, old-age poverty and promises to defend pensions, reduce temporary work contracts and revise Agenda 2010 labor reform.

Schulz demands to use enormous German budget surplus to invest in education, instrastructure and digital technology instead of using these money for tax relief on big incomes.

Other urls found in this thread:


Martin Schulz will Make Europe Great Again!


Maschiach Schulz (whatever that means) will Make EU Great Again (whatever that means), Heil messiah Schulz! (whatever that means)

I'm going to start memeing this shit, like how foreignfags blindly supported Trump.


Nice, thank you for your support fellow burger.

Isn't he economically 100% commie to you though?

Has there ever been a more Jewish looking faggot in the history of western politics?

I don't know anything about Schulz. Just know that my intention is for you to receive some karmic meme magic (black magic) in return for helping us get our first orange president. Although I doubt at all that Schulz could be worse than Trump, I expect at least equal of your disappointment of him. Pretty sure Schulz is Jewish, so that's definitely going to make you regret having him in office eventually.


I don't really get you.

Is Trump a dissapointment? Doesn't he do what he promised to? I mean I of course oppose him but I opposed him since the beginning.

He is a jew tho


You forgot to mention he is a God damn kike


I just want to say to all you shills in this thread - NOBODY CARES, NOONE LIKES YOUR PRO-EU SHILLING, GET THE FUCK OUT.


Hes a butthurt faggot with the IQ of a retarded porch monkey. Germany is fucked forever until they have a bloody revolution, really sad. And that bloody revolution will probably be done by the wrong "Germans"



>Hes a butthurt faggot with the IQ of a retarded porch monkey.
Wasn't that noticeable since the beginning though?
>Germany is fucked forever until they have a bloody revolution


>mfw AfD falling in polls



butthurt AfD shill detected

I have yet to meet a german saying something nice about this "carreer-politician" (that's what regular germans say to people that you call youknowwhat).

I can't explain where these 31% come from all of the sudden.


Between this kike winning or merkel, I don't know what's worse.

Germany is lost.

Germany doesn't exist anymore. Everyone has gone insane, multiculturalism has poisoned everything. We need to be liberated by an allied West.

(((polls))) they want people to think they are wasting their votes classic


yes, definitely completely made up support

shoo shoo nazi

Just like Hillary

yes definitely now all polls are wrong rite?

>We need to be liberated by an allied West
If germany is so bad why just not leave? No one forcing you to stay here

Look at that disgusting kike. How could any German actually fall for this degenerate piece of shit?

He's not got your best interests in mind!


>completely forgetting everything last year

>let me talk about multiculturalism from my 99 percent white country


>he takes aim at job insecurity, old-age poverty and promises to defend pensions

He probably shouldn't defend the EU then

Fuckin' normie get off o' muh board RRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

This faggot is the Jewiest chode I've ever seen. Pray this Marxist faggot dies of a heart attack before the election.

Germany, uncuck thyselves

Are you legit Indian?

Yea user


it strikes me as a bit weird, youre basically larping as nazi. Is it because you hate the Eternal Anglo?

Literally everything Schulz advocates for is detrimental to the economic and social health of Germany.

Yet Germans will vote for him. Wow.
Why is Frauke still purging AfD members for being too serious? Stupid woman.


I believe in national socialism and Germany played a very important part in our freedom, Germany current conditions hurts me


have you ever visited Germany?

>For me, the new Germany exists only in order to ensure the existence of the State of Israel and the Jewish people.

How cucked do you have to be to support this guy?

Don't fuck this up Germany, this may be your last chance to save yourself.

Yes as a teenager

Dont get fooled too much by the memes on this board.
Currently Germany is doing ok, but demographics are starting to collapse real hard (lowest birthrate worldwide for an extended period of time)
But actually of all countries in Europe i dislike Germany the most

this faggot is all EU needs to blow its fucking brains out
do it faggot, elect a globalist kike alcoholic manlet to makes it happen as soon as possible


Please heart attack this man, kek

Kek has blessed this post. Fuck the shills and the weak trolls.

Just about average, m8. Most germans would have no problems at all with this.

Just to make sure: I also have no problems with this. We should support Israel in every possible way.

user they were the only people who fought the Jew I will support them and you probably don't know what kind a vermin Islam is I live in a culture that has endured Islam for thousands of years and I can see what exactly is going on and how badly it's going to end


America has a different elections system, elections are far more difficult to predict, as they are much more complex.

Also I don't give a shit really, one election doesn't mean that all polls are now wrong.
I live in Warsaw, it's not homogenous.

were where you last year?

Fake quote.

Polls were putting Hillary at 48% and Trump at 46%.

And guess what, Hillary won 48% of votes and Trump 45.9%.

Jesus Christ......
German cuckery makes me feel so much better about the shit that goes on in my own nation.

Real quote.

provide source for that quote kek

>predicting the popular vote
>losing the presidency, every branch of government, and Supreme court picks


It's really just this cuck shill.

That's not how it works, cunt!
US is not a democracy. Look it up!

Fucking shills, get the fuck out of my board REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


Shill fags


yes the thing is these polls predicted the popular vote

I think polls in some states were wrong aswell but it's not like the all the polls were just fake I think electoral college is much harder to accurately predict
paywall, fuck that

also IIRC its just some guy who claims that Schulz said this to him privately

great source you got there

why fascist propaganda is always so made up?
ok then why did you even look at the polls? polls predicted popular vote

Fake map

>predicting the equivalent of the participation award in a country that doesn't matter



>polls predicted popular vote
Nope, start reading' ... COUNTY Map


Yes exactly, this is what the general vote polls are for. In most of elections, the candidate who won the popular vote also won the electoral vote, wasn't the case now. That was an upset yes.

Since Trump got primary I didn't doubt he has high chances to win. For me it was 50/50. And his electorate was mostly from less populated areas, which get disproportionally large amount of electoral votes.

Btw I feel almost the same about French elections, I think it's really bad that Le Pen is basically guaranteed to win the first round. Then it's 1 on 1, 50/50 and everything can happen. The thing is French elections aren't so complex, and I put more trust in the polls there.

>why fascist propaganda is always so made up / ok then why did you even look at the polls

Talk about "Schulzzug" and made up propaganda ... bahahaha

Polls: they don't matter in the greater scheme of a national electoral system. Especially when it has wise republican restraints.

Weak meme magic. Schulz will never be Chancellor.

>And his electorate was mostly from less populated areas, which get disproportionally large amount of electoral votes.

faggot got bannes now shilling with proxy

>Polls: they don't matter in the greater scheme of a national electoral system. Especially when it has wise republican restraints.
That's what I'm talking about so why were you so surprised that polls which were to predict general elections didn't accurately predict the electoral vote?



dude that hurt
your meymeys are truly unredeemable


pls ban this polish faggot. it's always the same cuck posting the schulz crap.

This is the absolute gayest astroturfing I have ever seen

Hes under investigation for corruption by the EU of all places. Get fucked paid shills.

That's what I'm telling everyone left and (especially) right. The Right again is so entrenched in their "you're the shill, no you're a shill" game, it feels like an episode of Murdoch Murdoch.

>tear down walls, build bridges for economic immigrants lol

the cuckening continues, US or Russia, please invade EU

Schulz posters are literally shills, stop pretending.

well central low populated states get more votes per capita