What online news publications does pol read?
all of them
Just Sup Forums.
drudge report
I also watch Can't Cuck the Tuck Carlson every morning with my coffee it's very comfy
I envy your ability to watch tuck in the morning. He's always on when I'm working or when I'm out
I get all my news on Sup Forums.
The Atlantic, Drudge, AP, Vice, the economist, Breitbart for teh lulz
You don't have to watch it live it's on Youtube
Left leaning. Apart from politics they are readable.
Slightly right leaning. All around best in my opinion.
very right leaning. i only read it for the lulz. 90% shit throwing but its hilarious to read
Reuters, csm. BBC for uk news although I fucking hate it there isn't really a better place. Then occasionally new statesman, guardian, breitbart for a mix of left and right lulz.
we need to make a list
Stormfront, NaturalNews (Jewgle blocked them for outing GMOs recently), InfoWars, PrisonPlanet, American Renaissance, the National Socialist Movement (NSM) Neo-Nazi newsletter and the Christian Liberty Party newsletter
Mediate. It has by far the worst comments section I have ever seen but there is like no moderating.
Gab.ai, Drudge, Breitbart, Daily Caller, here at Pol, Zero Hedge, and pretty much anywhere with the occasional credible source. Getting all of one's news from any one single source means your mind is the slave of that source. Multiple sources = good.
Infowars is also decent, but often exaggerates. Some Youtubes are good too. Lookin' at you, PJW :)
Huffington post
Huffington Post
Times of Israel
Dragon dildo twitter feed
>Zero Hedge
They comb the alt boards and only post the stuff that can be backed up with sources and facts.
index.hu 24/7
fuck orbán and fuck white people
Daily Wire
Gateway Pundit
Drudge Report
The Blaze
Truth Revolt
Info Wars
Pew Research
Louder Crowder
jezebel. huffington post. vox and buzzfeed