Is this what french women use to clean all of the muslim semen out of their loins? I hear they have them installed in men's bathrooms as well. Is this your solution to immigration? Just use a waterhose in a toilet to try to clean yourself after being fucked by brown arab cock?
French toilets
I ain't cleaning that.
So you just shit inside it? Neat.
Daily reminder that if you don't have one of those you are not better than a mexican
Daily reminder you are a literal nigger..
60% chance I am a nigger
43% chance you are a nigger
We have trees you fucking hue. I clean my ass with dead trees while you stand outside squatting over a garden hose
Those are for washing your feet, you uncultured swine.
There is not a single of this in any public toilet.
It was a trend during the 80's in people's home, but not anymore, we are as filthy as you now ameribros
The concept of a bidet might be new to you but it would be a good idea to install these in every Walmart for convenience and hygiene of every sharter.
>100%chance you are a nigger
>100% chance I am a anglo/ayran hybrid
So how do you clean out all the Muslim semen?
you dont clean their semen wtf
We fart it in your mouth
Seems like good nigger work..
France I love you
t. Third world country to third world country
I am guessing it is now considered too intolerant to clean off muzzie cum after they are done raping you. They must have eliminated the bidet in order to not offend anyone.
Nobody uses this in XXIth century, try again
18 wheelers full?
Francois bringing the bantz.
We can send them some our illegals to 'do the jobs they dont want to do'
Dude bidets are fucking awesome feels like your getting your asshole licked every time you take a shit.
How do you clean up achmed's love sauce?
Do you wipe it up with goose liver?
>Not using a bidet
If you get shit on your hand do you wash it or wipe it with a piece of paper? Same principle with your bum.
Krautbro may have had a point when he suggested installing them in walmart. A lot of those folks havent cleaned down there in years.
Proof you have indoor plumbing or gtfo!
why don't people just wash their shitty asshole when they take a shower? Is it really so important to wash it off every time you take a shit?
Take it easy bud, Your people have yet to master the concept of shitting in a toilet let alone getting an analshower after...
Nah they would be to fat you have to be of normal size to properly enjoy a bidet.
>user when you see a pic of a designated shitting street, what do you think the bottle of water by the side is for? Take some water in hand, use said hand to wipe, repeat until bum feels as soft as a baby's cheek, wash your hands with disinfectant soap at home.
I want to get one of these. Right now I gotta take a very quick lower body shower every time I take a dump.
There's one in every home here in Italy. Their main purpose is allowing you to further sanitize your ass after you took a shit and wipe yourself with toilet paper. Women also tend to use them to wash their pussies after taking a piss.
shit b4 shower master race checking in. Digits confirm
On the contrary, we have been giving ourselves anal showers for millenia. Streams of water and the left hand have existed long before tissue paper, user.
I am very interested in freshly washed italian pussies.
>king size bidet "American Dream 3000" making american genital areas great again
Wow, just wow... Seem's I've been using ours wrong my whole life -.-
I think the most reasonable options are wet wipes
just using toilet paper- that's fucking barbaric
having pieces of shit falling from you while you shower- primitive, basically bathing\showering in water mixed with your own shit
shitty-anused monkey people
The problem is you didn't realize you should wipe your ass with something before washing it, so that you don't touch shit with your bare hands.
>hating on bidets
get fucked
>not having bidets
Damn, you all are filthy...
An advice... install one of those and discover the ultimate sanitarium redpill
Interesting. This would make for a much more sanitary situation when you grab them by the pussy.
What's the problem in touching shit with your bare hands? This one time my mom got me scared that I'd gotten worms in my stomach, so I poked my shit with my index finger and flattened it to ensured that there weren't any.
It is actually un-healthy for women to wash their pussies with bidets.
They can get some serious urinal infections
The only haters are the ones who have not experienced an impeccably clean booty hole
>playing with shit
come on man this was too easy
THIS. Superior American engineering will make a bidet that is large enough and strong enough to hold a 600lb man comfortably
Shit son you could probably start a company here in the states. Now you just gotta be able to sell it to the average Joe most think they are faggy.
it's like they're not even embarrassed about it
I approve of this post
if your bathroom doesn't have a bidet you're an unwashed barbarian
i dont get it
>he needs trees to clean his ass after shitting
fucking subhuman
>those vertical black lines
how does the indian resist?
so ok shit on floor tile?
I have a perfect diet with a superior digestive tract. When i do poop (once or twice a week) it comes out solid and clean leaving practically no fecal remnants on my anus.
if you had a perfect diet and a superior digestive tract you would shit daily, not once or twice a week
What I don't get is how do you dry your ass off after using one of these.
Is there a designated ass towel? Do people have to share it? What if you accidentally dry your hands with it after washing?
Is there a roll of toilet paper nearby? Why don't people just use that instead?
Or do you all just walk around with wet asses, and that's what your fucking problem is?
Goddamn euros.
>wash your hands with disinfectant soap at home.
Mean while you walk around with a shit hand on business hours, go for lunch, greet people, have more liquids, You are just fucking retarded pajeet.
7th time today for me. I blame the fruit and cocks I devour daily.
WRONG. All food I eat is completely absorbed into my body leaving very little waste whatsoever. This will not occur when you eat lasagna and fettuccine with meatballs every day so I can understand your confusion.
>once or twice a week
see a doctor
Refugee semen has been proven to contain a higher content of shit-inducing fibers than normal semen. This does not surprise me.
>once or twice a week
Are you sure you're not dead, pal ?
Best way to clean your ass after shitting.
My new house doesn't have one, so I use my showerhead instead after everytime I shit and wipe. Just wiping doesn't feel clean anymore after you use bidets and stop.
Not everyone eats titanic amounts of BBQ like you, Jose. Once you've cut carbohydrates (especially if you are serious about working out) out of your diet going to shit every 2-3 days is not uncommon, though once a week is suspicious, unless user is a anorexic
This is a matter that confuses me as well user. I just assume there are a bunch of washcloths and a dirty clothes hamper. Thats a lot of laundry though.
>I use my showerhead instead after everytime I shit and wipe
This is what Hitler tried to protect.
Germans are not worth saving.
why is there a drinking fountain in the bathroom??
I shit 3 times every third day, people have different digestive rhythms.
no, it's not wrong, shitting once a week is very bad and it means that you have a shitty diet.
but what can i expect from an american with his garbage food
> clean ass with toilet paper to get rid of big shit junks (toilet paper)
>Use the magnificent artifact
> Dry your wet ass with more toilet paper
I can't believe that just had to explain some retard how to clean his ass properly
also, i kind of want to hang you with a spiked noose just because you mentioned fettuccine with meatballs, you degenerate animal
when, in my life, I had a phase where I shat once very 3 days or so, I had constant stomach pains
I don't think it's healthy at all and I think the human body is designed to not have shit clogging up your intestines for days at a time
But protein makes you shit, you should be shitting everyday if you work out. Twice some days if you eat big and take supplements.
My metabolism has been finely tuned through generations of superior genetics to completely absorb any usable substance introduced into my body. This process creates little to no waste.
It's funny some filthy argentinian with a double digit IQ thinks I'm retarded though. And we have really soft toilet paper here, people with inferior paper-production facilities don't seem to understand this.
>superior genetics
t. 60% white
Amen brother. I eat dried leaves crushed into powerder and mixed into a wunderous elixir that sloe marches down word and offers me a tremendous gritty weekly movement. I am quite amazes at how far the human body can stretch, the temporary pain is soon relief as I know the intestinal walls have been scrapped clean and clear. You truly aren't living until you go weekly @ 18 inches and thicker than a baby leg.
All the protein is absorbed into my muscles which is why i am so swollen and do not have the need to shit.
more like inferior genetics, no wonder americans are so fat, you clog your ass until you have absorbed every shitty part of your low quality food
Have you ever tried to dry something up with toilet paper? it doesn't work well at all. I think this argie is not telling us something.
This is truly the best way to go through life user. Your body is a temple.
Do you guys seriously think an American would have the perfect diet? I'm surprised this was not called out initially.
never once in my life, you can only have a perfect diet here
Did you just put the toilet paper under the tap water?
That is what happens when toilet paper gets wet. It sucks. So either you guys are walking around with a bunch of white dingleberries or you're using something different than toilet paper to dry up with. This is fact!
Eat ass
>tfw never will have italian gf that cleans her pussy 5 times a day.
no thanks, i don't like american food
neither will any of us, italian women are "fighe di legno" (wooden pussies), as in "you're not getting any"
Americans stole your food and made it better. Margherita pizza is fucking garbage. we put a bunch of meat and cheese on it in order for it to be palatable to our advanced tastes.
Yes, but only on designated shitting tiles