>"the right is never violent!"
"the right is never violent!"
That's not violence, that's heroism.
At least he's not hitting women
absolutely based
mentally ill transfaggots need their head smashed in
He would have my vote haha.
Top KeK
>At least he's not hitting women
I wish I cataloged pics for Sup Forums like most users, because this deserves a lol.jpg
Just by saying this, you relinquished all right to complain about leftists being violent with their beliefs.
>beating perverts is bad
probably a closet fag or kiddy diddler. those are the only people that really have a hair up their ass about tranny bathroom rights.
Just stay out of my bathroom you crossdressing sideshow freak, it's not that hard.
ITT: People who have problems with their own sexuality
A good ass kicking handed out to a fruit is good every once in awhile, you wouldn't know that though. You are a sheltered, effeminate leaf.
'Bout time someone on our side started getting violent.
>muh hypocrisy
who cares, trannies deserve to be mass slaughtered
Holy shit there's still a few sane people left. Based sheriff.
Yeah, no one is going around in armed groups beating the shit out of people on the right. We should be though. I think after the past 4 years, a reaction would be justifiable in most people's minds. If punching a Nazi is seld-defence in every case, so is killing a commie or tranny.
>if you're not a flamboyant degenerate you have a problem with your sexuality
the difference is that the left bills itself as the peace and love group that is open minded and accepts all points of view
Gross faggots
Nothing wrong with what he's saying. They shouldn't have the right to go into a woman's toilet just because they have a mental illness.
when you intentionally blur the lines youre on neither side
mentally ill fags deserve it
>Mentally unstable trannies are as fit as a fiddlers. You're the one with the problem!
About what I expect from Germany these days.
Fruits are food, not people. If you punch one, it's not violence.
We all know he's going to get fired.
>trannies deserve to be mass slaughtered
Half of Brazil's population deserves to be slaughtered?
trans people (does not equal) leftwing politics
trans people (does not equal) rightwing politics
trans people (does equal) mental illness
>let this mangled husk of what used to be a male take his constellation of his sexual neuroses into the same public restroom as your daughter or your a bigot
Go fuck yourself.
Nigga I've fucked women, men, and mtf trannies. Nobody is more comfortable with his degeneracy than myself. But the fact of the matter is that trannies are batshit mad.
Yeah but for other reasons.
Only half?
>Half of Brazil's population deserves to be slaughtered?
at the very least
Problem is conservatives would win any war against the left.
>"the right is never violent!"
Said no one ever. Also, that's a threat, not violence. Pretty retarded, but what's the problem? He's just beating up a man :^)
But that's not violence that's heroism saving us from bs wtf i love texas Now!!
Why dont you just change the names of the bathrooms from men and women to penis owners and vagina owners?
rur flug
congratulations, you are all good whiteknighers protecting women and children from evil insane degenerates
Finally someone who will fight the monsters and demons. *sniff*
I get that this post is sarcastic but it doesn't do it well.
Until you have a video of him carrying it out with a fucking posse, you can just shut the hell up. You got nothing
Can I get a speedy overview of this unique man?
Even in the software engineering program you realize quickly that you aren't going to be learning languages that are actually in use. You have to learn that on your own and unserstand youre literally there for the piece of paper and that to blow at least $50k
Come on niggers we're better than this. Don't elect this guy he subverts the movement and sends us back 2 steps.
Punch faggots on your own time.
can "Punch a tranny" be our "Punch a nazi"?
You're a faggot.
so you saying you'd eat a fag?
>Based as fuck
what are muslims
>beating a limpwristed faggot
I bet you demand tendies from your mother after you take your weekly shower.
fuck off chalupa head
>Texas sheriff hopeful threatens to beat up men in women's restrooms
I don't see the problem???
Get back to your designated shitting street you fucking subhuman.
Goofy faggot cop. Just arrest them and let the court beat them down legally with a fine. If you need violence to enforce you ideas then your ideas are jewish.
Wtf I love Texas now
based sheriff is based
>ITT Leftist OP equates words with actions
>muh equivalency
fuck, Trump should build an internet wall too to keep you stinkin fuckin monkey Pacos from scumming up the good parts of the web
I don't think the Right is "never" violent, but the violence is always right :^)
>**eunuchs with mental disorder**
Howdy pardner, mighty fine day to stomp some wuss if I do say so myself.
>See pedophile creeping into women's bathroom
>Beat him up
He's a hero.
Texans are dumb hicks what do you expect?
They're all a bunch of brainwashed religious retard cucks.
Nu/pol/ unironically defends this nigger behavior.
How was ICE?
our patience has limits.
You don't belong here, yankee pucci boi.
>Telling me that
Out newfag
Pedo fags, fuck off
He just a good ol' boy. He dindu nuffin.
Hello plebbit
try hard faggot
Kek btfo
Understand, if he does it at all, he's going to be beating up people like pic related.
Your Bailey Jays and Sue Lightnings will not be affected by revoking these so-called protections. Only freakish people will.
Back to /r/the_donald kiddo
Um fuck off??
There is a difference between threatening to do it and actually doing it. The shitheads at Berkeley and Furgeson actually committed violence you fucking leaf.
If you look like a woman nobody will suspect that you are trans and forbid you from using X bathroom
But the ones complaining are usually just pervs in dress
Fucking Based