>Tries to deport illegals back to Mexico
>Mexico refuses to take them
Serious question. What the fuck do we do now?
>Tries to deport illegals back to Mexico
>Mexico refuses to take them
Serious question. What the fuck do we do now?
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Kill them then catapult the bodies.
I don't think they can do that...
If you do not take these citizens of yours back, you will no longer be issued any visas and your diplomats will be expelled.
My understanding is that Trump wants to send anyone back who crossed the southern border (includes a lot of people from further south than Mexico)
Understandably they don't want these people.
>Refuse to take their own citizens
First fucking response and /thread
Helicopter drops. Let them genocide the trash they don't want. Then we invade on humanitarian grounds.
Mexico can just deny they are Mexican citizens, since they probably won't have documentation and the Democrats will screeching about racism to the 9th Circuit all day long.
Well they came through mexico
Good enough for me.
Is Trump really shocked Mexico said, "NO."
All Trump has done is insult Mexico. Of course they're going to do everything possible to get back at him.
Just send them to mexico? Who gives a fuck what the eternal Pedro says?
They speak only spanish. Pretty sure there from mexico.
yeah i know. I don't know how they are going to handle this - should be interesting. well played on mexico's part.
Send them to Canada
Send them to north Korea for lulz.
This. Canadians will be happy they'll get to write a lot of articles about how progressive they are.
I completely agree. Fpbp
Correct answer
>Serious question. What the fuck do we do now?
push them out of a helicopter while over mexican soil
air drop them
Under the sea
Darling it's better
Down where it's wetter,
Take it from me!
Up on the shore they work all day,
Out in the sun they slave away
While we devotin'
Full-time to floatin',
Under the sea!
but seriously...drown them.
Dump'em into international waters.
Oh you...
Send them to Chyna
they can't refuse, it's their own fucking people and they'd be there anyway if they didn't feel entitled to America
Ummmmm like almost all the countries south of mexico speak spanish
best lotr scene
Dig a mass grave and start shooting
silly tacos thinking they have a choice in the matter.
Just send them to Canada
Then they will fit right in!
Trump is forcing them to lock their southern border down. They will comply. Watch and learn shitfuck
Strike a deal with some other south american country and send em there not that hard.
>boot them out in international waters only a mile from mexican waters, with only mexico being the nearest land mass.
The ocean or mexico, one is gonna take em but not us.
Send them to antarctica, why were we paying for a ticket home anyway? Who the fuck cares where theyre from? All illegals should be deported to antarctica, and if they can't survive there, thats their fucking problem.
Fire up the ovens obviously
interesting you should bring that up. thats the same problem that hitler had. remember kids: it was the final solution. not the first one.
A person's true identity comes from his tongue. - Skull face
excuse me, how do you know they are actually Mexican if they are UNDOCUMENTED
checkmate atheists.
yeah I was thinking this, maybe they should all get sent to Guatemala
If only we had magic flying machines with precision target bombing capabilities to drop a couple million taco bombs...
Invade Mexico and genocide the populace. Then we are all set and get some nice beaches.
Concentrate them into camps.
Think Pinochet but using B-52's
Are you implying they're nationless? Would you like to take that to their logical conclusion that that means we can kill them as it doesn't affect our diplomacy with any nation directly?
We give them the opportunity to use their population as Chinese slaves for our economy, and in exchange they take 15 million browns
>Mexican-American War
yeah Mexico cant do shit and they never have been able to
They can't refuse them, I guess they could just shoot them at the border if they want or something.
I don't fucking care anymore. They will just be beheaded along with the rest of us for breaking Sharia law anyway...
>last Summer
>knew illegal immigration was a a problem economically, socially, and for security but didn't necessarily hate Mexico or Mexicans
>the way they've been using kids as emotional pawns for propaganda, and now this pussy hissy fit bullshit from the Mexican government itself, and their fuckin attitude like Trump is unreasonable have all caused me to full blown fuckin hate them
Their government is a bunch of fuckin pseudo inbred corrupt proto-niggers who give jobs to cousins and nephews and shit because of their focus on the extended family rather than immediate family.
The god damn attitude is what's so disgusting, like we're supposed to just deal with their shit and not say a god damn word.
Why not use the bodies as fertilizer? It's what cartels do with central americans for their marijuana fields.
End trade agreements and cease all foreign aid.
Doesn't the US already send illegals back to their country of origin? i.e. Mexicans to Mexico, Ecuadorians to Ecuador, etc.?
Prepare the trebuchet.
Alternatively, make manned space missions great again.
Just kididng, I'm not racist and I'm just having a bit of a laugh. Don't put me in your Buzzfeed article.
it's real simple
they entered via mexico, they leave via mexico
then mexico can deport them further south
or just kill em all
We're not Mexicans.
Guantanamo is nearly empty. We can start sending them over there, if Mexico doesn't accept them. That means they're stateless terrorists.
>pay liberian dictator $10USD per illegals to take them off you and give them liberian citizenship
>give illegals a nice tanker ride across the ocean
Illegals declared as "Enemy Combatants" when?
The other day on npr radio while i was driving they had a mexican official on, and they asked him what his country would do with the influx of deportees that are and will show up, his response to that was "You have to prove they are mexican", which is a joke because they will just rip up their papers like they do in other countries, in fact I hear this is what they do exactly.
For most part we do that. However if they're caught crossing the border, then they get send back across the border. If they're illegal in Mexico, then they should go to a Mexican deportion center.
Just Mexico wants to dump all the Central Americans on to the US. Instead of sending them back home or killing them. I mean we pay for the cartels to do this for us.
We eradicate the slime.
There's an elite strategy ICE uses to determine where people from Central & South America are from.
They simply call their national soccer team a huge pile of dog shit until they get to their country.
Hispanics absolutely chimp out when you talk shit about their home country's soccer team.
easy, give them two choices.
>go back
>detention center for ever
They can't refuse their own citizens entry, Pedro
Makes sense. Thanks for the info, user. Have a tasty and delicious Publix Sub!
rescind your trade agreements, impose sanctions, stick the illegals in fema camps until mexico accepts them.
Say they "escaped" but kill them.
They are undocumented so it doesn't matter.
Man that was easy.
Spicer time
Just drop them off across the border. Threaten massive sanctions on Mexico if they refuse to take their own people back.
Does this violate the NAP?
Drive them across anyway and if they try to stop us consider it an act or agression against the United States and open fire
Doubt Burgers asked for permission to send them back
With that said I don't blame Mexicans for not wanting to take in Mexicans
just ship them off to afghanistan or something
deport again
Just kill them or something.
Ask for documentation, doesn't have it? Dispose.
They're Criminals to your country and traitors their own.
>The gringos sending their criminals!
Which happen to be the same as Mexican criminals
>when america sends our people, they're bringing crime ;_;
Really? So people of an unknown origin who refuse to cooperate with our law enforcement who may pose a threat to our country have invaded? Sounds like an enemy combatant to me.
How'd you like a nice vacation? We've got this really nice Bay in the Carribean you should check out...
Or we could pull a pinochet, and drop a few million tacos into Mexico.
Anyone around Cancun wants to go kill some gringo tourists this weekend?
You can rape the women ill keep the boipucci
This is exactly what I was thinking. Ship them all to a "processing center" in Africa. They are NOT detained there, but "processed". They are free to show up to their hearings or wander off (into Africa).
I'm sure some African country would take them for a few bucks. Hell, a few million beaners might actually make Africa better.
Paradrop them out of the back of transport planes in drop crates over Mexican soil.
Enjoy your aids, faggot.
>Under the sea
>Darling it's better
>Down where it's wetter,
>Take it from me!
We won't take them and you burgers can't do anything about that, but I mean seriously since a decade only 14% of immigrants who cross from Mexico are Mexicans, they're mostly Haitians Chinese Muslims, everyone wants to go to America but illegaly.
As a Mexican in the streets you have these salvadorians and other center, south Americans asking for money why should we take them if they're not Mexican?
Air drop them into antarctica. If mexico and other countries really cared about their own citizens, they would send a team to collect them. They love pretending they care about their own and tell other countries how to deal with their illegals humanely. If not, most of them die from cold and starvation --- they can only blame themselves.