Go ahead Sup Forums, tell him he fought for the wrong side.
Go ahead Sup Forums, tell him he fought for the wrong side
You dun goofed old man. You fought hard and won.. for the Jews. Now your decedents can also serve the kike agenda.
All sides fought for their fatherlands. This multiculturalism isnt their fault. Its the liberals that have rottened the society.
good job fighting for the kikes and masons
i will piss on your grave you subhuman, can't wait when a pack of niggers rapes your wife
I don't think we fought the wrong side, we just didn't fight long enough.
actually no, anglo cucks were already a jewish puppet since 1500
i guess i empathize, but fuck man..
We were still the good side, the communists were the bad side, the fascists were socialists and Americans were still primarily capitalist with some government intervention. America fought for its right to govern itself
You lost twice lel
>got all these medals so his people could be slaves to athiest semitic bureaucrats
Your fiends died for the Jews. There is no honor on submitting to the ZOG you cuck.
This. Patton was right, we should've invaded the USSR when we had the chance.
you lost twice, whos the subhuman?
My great-grand father fought at the same side against germany
9 May is day of VICTORY
I always celebrate that
Explains why Churchill pushed to destroy the Russian threat...
He literally did, though that doesn't mean true war heroes don't deserve respect no matter their cause.
basically this
too bad (((they))) removed him after ww2
Fucking commie. How did he feel to get fucked by your own country after 1945.
Well, there are indications that he may have learned something about (((them))) at the end of his life, or at least about the (((Soviet Union))).
Everyone who fights against genocide is fighting on the right side. I wish people would stop romanticizing a party that would of likely killed you eventually.
My grandfather told me how the soviets asked a local man for wine
He didnt understand what they said so they shot him
Not to mention the rapes and going door to door asking for watches and money
They were treated like animals and acted like animals
>implying the soviets werent genocidal criminals
> would of
I wish I could gas the fuck out of your illiterate degeneracy.
>he already knows it
you doomed us all for international jewry
Welp, sorry man. At least we'll correct it!