Do you get this strange, creepy feeling that something is about to happen in the immediate future? I mean real shit. Something big. Or is it just happening overload and nothing else?
Do you get this strange, creepy feeling that something is about to happen in the immediate future? I mean real shit...
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I need some confirmation.
Maybe if digits.
I feel it too
Aliens post in Sup Forums
Trust me, fellahs, these happenings might be big, but when Donnie goes out on that stage and whispers
>ayy lmaos are real
then you have my permission to die.
tomorrow will be a big day
Oh fug
I feel this same way too, I have a weird feeling something big international is going to happen
>that pic
When you are on vacation, but you are so wake you need to drop another truth bomb.
Happening confirmed
i´m more used to this feel that it´s all over
2005 used to be optimistic these are just dark sad times
I had the same feeling months ago. The feelings intensity increases by the day. For what I gathered in my dreams, a global war is coming.
no, but i get this bitter annoyed feeling everytime i see one of these threads
Don't fear that which is coming. Embrace it.
There isn't a waking hour where I do not feel something along those lines
I feel it in stomach constantly, and it's like an itch that never goes away
Trump and Sessions are cooking something up.
Get ready.
I also feel it desu
nothing is going to happen tomorrow
I've actually been feeling this too. Told a friend about it and he agreed. Something big is coming on the horizon
Thread theme
It's just you, babydick.
Nothing important has happened since 9/11. Except the equally painful terrorist attack when a bunch of far right pantshitters and the Russians hacked a Cheeto sex offender into office.
Don't worry. We will fix it.
It's what liberals do.
Big economic downturn coming. Maybe not as bad as 2008 but it will be bad.
I feel the fire rising
Been feeling it for months.
It's about to happen.
I've got an edited version of the original photographs by the way. It's all going to come to a head. I saw it all last night. Screen cap this. I'm a student in Nottingham, UK btw. If someone of that description goes missing or the like soon, you know something is up.
It's going to affect the whole world. We can all fell it
>liberals are this delusional
Ye, of course, you may have a chance at actually "fixing" something if you would stop jerking yourself over stealing other people's accomplishments/claiming credit for things you had jack shit to do with
yeah, the feeling is real.
Is it really a feeling though, so much that it's rather just the fact of the world right now?
anyone who has been keeping up with the wikileaks and etc information popping up can absolutely see and differentiate between the two major narratives being played out in the world.
The public stage says everything is fine, but there's fire and chaos behind the curtains, if I can use an analogy.
We feel something terrible wrong coming because all the information tells us that we're still existing in a continuation of humanities assisted suicide by globalists.
yeah, hopefully it's the Russians bowling over your country, toilet cleaner
i feel ayy lmaos
better, I smell them
OP listen please.
This sense of impending doom, or impending 'happening' that you have is NOT a reasonable conclusion based on reality.
Its a symptom of neurochemical imbalance.
There's literally an endorphin pathway in your brain dedicated to this "something big is about to happen" feeling that you have that is misfiring.
I say this because I care about you, you should talk to your doctor about this.
Don't take lithium crazy pills if thats what he suggests, but its very likely you're overworked or habitually sleep deprived.
Take care of yourself, kurwa
Lucifer told me that Creator God is going to eat all souls from Israel
>The public stage says everything is fine, but there's fire and chaos behind the curtains
Very true.
Perhaps the French elections will precipitate something YUGE? I suspect it may happen before that point, however, and that that in turn will affect the election result.
We live in very interesting times.
I feel like something is though. He should get it checked out if it lasts for too long though, erection style.
We are living in a period of revelations. The internet has democratized and spread information in a way that has never happened in history.
What you need to understand is that all war is ideological. A culture with a higher understanding of material, social, economic sciences, is the one that ends up winning.
The principal conflict right now is between materialism and idealism. This manifests as traditional values vs. post-modernism. Trump and Putin are traditional, the CIA is connected to David Rockefeller, who runs the CFR, which is the largest political think tank behind globalism. This global interconnectivity is being promoted on the destruction of traditional values and culture, because they see this as necessary for world peace.
But traditional values are based in natural law largely when they are interpreted correctly, and their destruction creates nasty consequences and instability. In the end the truth will win.
This is what Revelations in the Bible is about tho. There's a quotes that Jesus has swords coming from his mouth or something- this is about how the truth innately defeats deceit in the long run. Things are likely to get ugly though.
and a west that does not stay true to the teachings of jesus is completely fucked.
the lines are to define the mountains. I was there last night, all night
ohhh boy, now i'm excited. whatever kek's got in store for us, it'll be worth the wait
Yeah, I know that feeling
its like a dripping pipe about to burst
post original original
It's fucked. This is what we got. SAVE NOW
No longer exists. I have it without the lines added and in different colour schemes
except that is nothing. there is no reason to save that.
Yes, our world is changing. OWO is too O. and NWO will come in our lifetime.
Try this then
how did the original end up as that. how does it no longer exist.
As far as America goes it's pretty obvious what their next big Happening will be.
A leftist """protester""" will be shot by a cop at one of their riots. The shooting will be completely justified, but the media and the left will use it as proof of Trump's authoritarian regime and escalate Soros' plan for civil war.
There has been an awakening. Have you felt it?
it wasnt deleted. dont save this pic. dont share it. these are shills
I have been feeling this way as well.
I will post caps of me posting last night right now if you want, you spook.
why would you want people to share that. it is proof of absolutely nothing. given that there were 5 other recreations shilled as the real thing, what is the point in even having that image? why would you care so much about people saving and sharing that? original or nothing. how could you possibly have that and nobody has the original?
That feeling is subliminal propaganda being relayed to you via the media, and the radically leftist, antidemocratic attitudes of politicians and the media. Over the last year, your reality has crashed down around you.
Based on the fact that leaf shit posts keep getting quads and trips maybe something involving Canada
so close
The US chaos patterns have been off the charts. According to my calculations this is causing a disturbance in the 5th dimension, that will unleash a prophecy that will either destroy or save us. Trump will be holding the reins.
Praise Kek.
only 1960 posts too late you fucking faggot
Well, Yellowstone is ripe for an eruption, Trump may fuck up or we ger a big meteorite crashing.
Why is the file deleted then? WHAT WAS SHARED HERE?
Because someone doesn't want it getting around.
There's been many recreations, but that one fits the description entirely. I know that although it's edited, it's the genuine image.
Someone must have the original, which will get posted.
The anons haven't come back yet. Where are you guys? got any updates?
it will happen. and it is called singularity. it will change the foundations of human societies once again, there will be no states left. search ray kurzweil, yuval noah hariri, and other top MIT scientists. It is the future. Pic related.
Legitbro, Trump just made a statement 30 minutes ago
Trump listening session on human trafficking
"I want to make it clear today that my administration will focus on ending the absolutely horrific practice of human trafficking and I am prepared to bring the full force and weight of our government to the federal and at the federal level and the other highest levels, whatever we can do to solve this horrific problem. [It's] getting worse, and it's happening in the United States."
Yeah, you and all the other dipshits making your same thread on this website since forever.
Yeah I've had a similar feeling for a while. And its getting worse. I think its because of all the winning with Trump, not used to it.
Also 2019, America enters her last war.
I've had this feeling since November, it just wont go away. Its probably about the shadow government doing some crazy stuff.
Yeah, something is brewing.
Count me in.
Nah it's just this board
Aliens, nothing will ever be the same
Must be Ayy Lmaos
the big change will come after great powers end their game. my fear is that i will be left behind with this piece of shit country.
We're headed towards the singularity of happenings, boys.
Its coming.
I feel like something has been building up, something massive that will change life as we know it. Normally I would say "it's only a matter of time", but it feels like time is up.
What did you actually post there, user? I don't know what it's about at all.
I've been feeling it all 2016. In fact many large changes have occured in my personal life as well, some great, some horrifying and some a little in between. I don't feel it ending any time soon either.
Pizzagate is real.
Personally I think it's just part of being woke. It's like you live in a constant state of waiting for the next shoe to drop and / or some kike's schemes to come to fruition.
recreations are getting good
Let it rain frogs.
It sounds like somebody needs a quick rundown or at least a basic gestalt
Too much Sup Forums
Ayy lmaos
Pretty much. Anyone can give me a quick rundown? The image was deleted and it seems to be interesting.
Ayy lmaos confirmed soon
Holy war soon
Will you all fight for humanity?