They do nothing but degenerate society and normalize a concept that destroys the family, and if that isn't enough these faggots act like fucking retards.
Gay Pride Parades should be banned
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Faggots should be placed in Places of Reeducation, on why homosexuality is Evil, and an abomination.
You can take it in the pooper and still have kids. Stop being such a drama queen.
Blow my uncut dick!
Ultimate redpill
Faggots will go to hell.
The thing with freedom of speech and expression is that you have to allow it even if you don't like what they're saying or doing. As long as it doesn't break the law.
Homosexuallity is a sin
first it was a day of degeneracy, fine we can contain it. now it's a week of fags in gimp suits or completely nude dragging their shit over the streets while kids walk there to go to school.
Now (((they))) want more. Some say 2 weeks some say a month.
They're already accepted by most people why do they have to show their faggotry in public, they ain't special.
>have gay manager at work
>really right wing
>working with him when gay pride in our city that afternoon
>finish work with him
>'oh for fucks sake, it's gay pride today isn't it? Going to have to navigate all of these fags on the way home'
I feel proper bad for normal gay dudes who just happen to like cocks and have to be lumped into all of that nonsense.
Cuckservative christian. Go kiss the asshole of you Jew King.
Praise Kek.
They are already banned. It's called public indecency. The police just look the other way and let the sicko faggots wave their erect penises in children's faces.
Shock all the fags to death Allahu Akbar.
Nah, let them do it and you can continue to call them disgusting. The way to give the left relevancy again is to start taking away civil rights.
Isn't it funny how so many anti-gay bigots turn out to be closeted homosexuals?
I used to believe in freedom to. Was even a freedom loving nationalist, who joined my countries military...
But as cliche as it is, "freedom isn't free". A society which can no longer distinguish "can" with "should", is a society borrowing social credit from the past.
The West has all it needs to be successful. Money, skill, technology, bombs... There should be ZERO reason to be losing like we are...
But of course we are. We've been bombing the Middle East for decades now(directly or by proxy) yet we are STILL LOSING.
Why? Because as much as we hate to admit it, and as violent and backwards as they are... The middle eastern culture still has the values of family. The values of heroic virtues. The values of warriors.
Blocking immigration can't stop it. They're just imaginary lines backed by bullets. And you NEED MEN to use those bullets.
There isn't a bomb strong enough to destroy the weapon they have. That weapon being a "life affirming attitude".
They'll bounce back again, and again, and again repeatedly, while those dropping the bombs for "freedom", will wither, grow more and more corrupt and debased.... Then die.
You can't win a culture war with material weapons. And you can't defend freedom with a bunch of hedonist shadow men.
>communist-anarchy flag
>gay pride
checks out
~500 people in the parade, mostly pro EU politicians,Soros NGOs,EU officials and foreign ambasadors
6K riot police
>10K rioters
Media says "hundreds"of protesters
Not for long you faggot.
How are you losing?
I mean, as nations. (It's painfully obvious why you're losing as an individual.)
They're fizzling out already. BLM is working on taking ownership of the LGBT communities, separate them from systems of support in law enforcement, and essentially co-opt their organization. Furthermore, they forgot the original point. They used to march through heavily Christian areas to piss off Christians because they were the most opposed to the faggots. Now that most Christians have decided to be good little cucks and take the abuse and say it's not a sin any more/stopped caring, the point is gone.
The point was to say "WE'RE HERE, WE EXIST, AND YOU WON'T MAKE US AFRAID OF YOU" except, now, a new opponent has appeared. And the New opponent sends its soldiers into gay clubs to massacre 50 faggots and maim 50 others with just 1 of them.
Unsurprisingly, a THROW YOU FAGGOTS OFF A BUILDING religion is meaner to queers than a "turn the other cheek" religion. But in the face of it, did they rally together? No, lol, they hold refugees welcome rallies and accept that there are no go zones that they can't go to at all, much less have a gay pride parade through it.
And if you are casually admitting that you're too scared to have a large group together and march in solidarity, then it defeats the entire purpose. BLM will silence the LGBT communities, end the rallies, and prevent them from congregating. Then the moslems will slaughter them.
Well if you look at the birthrate of Western Nations people, they are in the negatives. Our culture has run stagnant if you listen to any worthy critic(seriously, our music and "arts" is shit). The only technological innovations of serious applicable merit has been smaller smart phones, and life extension technology(cause boomers can't understand life, death cycles and offspring).
Meanwhile any foreigners that come in have two options.
>Option A: Conform to our culture, grow fat and weak, stop having childern, and die.
>Option B: Cling to orginal foreign culture, have large families, slowly take over cities, and institute laws and policys their place of orgin originally had
It's all math. You can't keep the social security and senior benefits going when more old people are using them then there are young people working. So you bring in immigrants.... While those who reject your world views slowly grow.
Jeez if you hate our culture, why don't you fuck off? I think people like you were supposed to be proud nationalists.
The reality is that most immigrants come to our countries precisely because they want to embrace our culture. Ok, not all, I grant you. There will always be those who cling to the old ways. But their kids usually don't. Second generation Brits are pretty much as British as I am.
And you world view sounds borderline fascist. My ancestors went to war to destroy that world view. So maybe you're the one who's wrong, eh?
Me and your "ancestors" share more similar views on culture, politics and life, then their faggot descendent could ever understand.
Nah, they don't. You're wrong. My ancestors were firmly against posting up lame baseless memes on Sup Forums to try and justify fascism to cover up for crippling personal insecurity. It was their least favourite thing. Too bad.
They would stop parading if there is a federal law to protect based white gays from discrimination in the workplace.
They got a gay marriage, but there is one more left to pass. See above.
>your wrong
K sperg. You caught me. Your ancestors were Athiest, immigrant loving, bi-sexual Demi-kin, "progressives", who loved to get shit face plastered at 30 with no kids.
What are you even doing here?