There's a good opportunity for redpilling....What do? What say?
How do I respond?
people in school = liberals
workers = republicans
Digits for (((they))) did 911 m9. Full speed ahead.
God damn it leaf, I need something with substance, about social sciences courses
tell her art and social school isn't education
MF you know (((they))) did, what's even the point of that?
Honestly just ask loaded questions. How would you stop a genocide? shit like that.
You respond: The core issue you are dealing with is education vs indoctrination.
They will think you are agreeing with them and reply similar but you are actually saying something very different.
It's actually a black dude who was in the Air Force with me
"Apparently the more money you make, and the more people you employ, the more "conservative" you become.....iiiiinteresting"
So, liberals literally believe that paying someone to tell them why white people are "The Devil" is... "Education", huh?
Tell her that the richer you become the more likely you are to be conservative and that education outside of STEM is often garbage.
>Apparently the more (((educated))) you are, the more "liberal" you become.....iiiiinteresting Ψ(`_´ # )↝
Just say that in schools you are brainwashed and indoctrinated. That's why schools kill creativity. Tell her to think outside the box for once
This is actually perfect.
tell him art and social school isn't education
show him videos of leftists street interview vs right wing street interviews
>libecuck claims to have superior knowledge due to college
>claims statistic on X
>no sauce on X statistic, just snark
>really makes you think, desu
What is his degree in? Reading?
"stupid nigger"
this is not a good opportunity to red pill you moron
what she's trying to say is that all conservatives are idiots
someone who actually believes that is too far gone
Not wanting to pay your student loans doesn't make you educated.
Ask her is she wants to hate-fuck you. Anything else you tell her will never get through to her. Don't waste your time. /thread
By liberal they meant indoctrinated with a socially engineered satanic agenda.
Tell her she wuz kangz and shiet
>college is known to be a liberal shithole
>schools have been hijacked by liberal teachers who fail students that dont agree with them
yeah i fucking wonder
There's a difference between educated and intelligent.
Here's something. Education doesn't equal intelligence or income necessarily. Do these people not remember having mongoloid classmates who got good grades because they memorized things well? Maybe they were those very people?
Show how the more you make the more likely you are to be right wing.
Education means nothing to skill and capability.
just say thats what they want you to think and drop the mic like obongo
Request a viable source.
More useless the more liberal
Do it OP
"B-but paying 50k for a piece of paper is supposed to make you rich?!"
This is what I hate the most about the culture college has imposed on our society, people believe you MUST go to college no matter what, and then tend to wonder why they do nothing in like while being 50k in debt when they picked a major they didn't give a shit about thinking someone was going to suck their dick to give them job.
But hey, at least that college grad who's starting the same job I have 4 years after me can gloat about how much better he is than I am when I'm making several dollars more because I busted my ass instead of mindlessly following what my high school teacher told me to do.
Very based user!
>I disagree, niggers and spics are liberal and they are the most uneducated dumb fucks on the planet.
Perfect response
>Clinton holds a distinct edge among lower-income voters, reflecting her strong support among blacks and Latinos
Are they assuming minorities are poor??
das rayciss!
Yup, I got my liberal dance therapy degree and going to get my doctorate in Post Traumatic Triggered Syndrome therapy. That is how smart I am.
>The more reliant on gov't funds you are, the more liberal you become
Ask them to discern the difference between education and indoctrination.
It's true though. The higher your indoctri.. education, the more marxi.. liberal you are. And everyone knows that high education equals high intelligence.
The more you go to church the more religious you become. Hmm, interesting
Show them the voting distributions of Hillary/Trump based on Income.
Did you engage in battle OP? post new screenshot
face facts
Point out that the vast majority of college degrees have been handed out in the past 20 years. "More education = more liberal," doesn't take into account that college degrees are handed out like M&Ms these days, and young people are overrepresented in the "educated voter" demographic.
People are more "educated" now than ever before in history. "More educated = more liberal" would be more accurately represented as "younger = more liberal."
True. I'm a student and they're teaching us things to be liberals. Thing is, the more I know, the more republican I become
Correlation =/ causation as simple as that
what definition of liberal are they using. I agree that most educated people are more liberal in the classical sense of the word. Those on the authoritarian left, the marxists, can also be educated but are also compassionate to the point they harm those they feel for. In other words they are women.
>Indians less likely to poo in loo
>being Indian doesn't mean you don't poo in loo
College degree does not equal supposed intelligence. The left loves to think the people with ((((degrees)))) are somehow smarter than those without.