Independence movements in Europe

>Pick one to stay permanently
>Pick one to leave at next vote



Those are the ones I pick



Leave: Catalonia
Stay:Scotland, because Sturgeon should suffer





Stay: Wales

Leave: Kurdistan

My post is literally irrefutable.

what do you mean by stay and leave?

>includes some buttfuck nowhere places like chechnya and fucking Turkey/middle east

End yourself OP.


Agreed shreks should stay
I've Turkey and Georgia lots of times on this board


I've seen*


>tfw my mom was born in nagorno-karabagh

Andalusia and Galicia never wanted to leave.
Also, whoever votes calatakikes to leave is a massive cuckold.

Bayern du hundesohn!

Wenn die Musels Deutschland übernehmen wird 'ne mauer gebaut.

> Setu separatistid not represented

> Kurdistan
> Europe

>he doesnt know the catalans being called """"jewish"""" was an italian trick cause we fucked them up for being better in trade plus forcing actual jews to leave spain during the reconquista

keep sucking that levi dick paleto

Fixed that for you pham

If the celtic cunts want to leave us then let them

The English lion will roar once again

>Andalusia and Galicia

OP has got no fucking clue

shut up kraut

the whole map is a joke

>he is this mad at Anglo superiority

Remind me what language you're speaking

Republika Srpska leaves Bosnia

Northern Cyprus returns to Cyprus proper and the turkroaches leave


>implying anyone will let any of those leave except maybe UK


Bosnia is croatian clay

t. Oriol charnegenstein

Croatia is Austrian clay

You're missing South Africa.

>srpska stays because it looks dumb as fuck
>kurdistan exit for maximum happening

How fucking independent does Ireland need to be to consider itself independent!?

My ancestors where born to these isles for thousands of years mate, your a mutt, you'll always be a mutt, your children and grandchildren will be mutts. England is a non country, English is not an ethnicity. Your part celt, part german, part nord...a mutt.

>he's so buttmad that he lost two world wars and one world cup to the MIGHTY ANGLO that he deliberately give an incorrect, provocative answer, in an attempt to fluster me

Nah too many blacks mate

LMAO but still wanna split it?

America is inhabited by Africans.

dibs on galicia


>a thing

12% vs 90%, senpai.


Wales doesn't want independence. It never has and never will. The Scottish are the ones who want to leave and good riddance.

Silesia in Poland has a separatist movement too

I'm welsh and I endorse this message.

oo. same

Flanders is rightfully dutch clay.

Well the territory is European; the Turks - not so much.



Wales of course