Help me understand

I'm a professor in political science, also comparative politics. I was astonished to say the least, at the outcome of the election.

I'm currently researching the connection between hate speech, xenophobia and fascism and my research has led me to this place.

I do not appreciate or understand most of the things on this site, please explain this to me.

Would be massively appreciated.

t. Frank.

Other urls found in this thread:

Niger nigger nigger



Jews did 9/11

How deep do you want to go, Frank?

You aren't going to get a serious answer here ,good professor.

Lurk moar. /thread

Where we're going, you don't need eyes to see.

What the hell? Report that to the police right now, young man.

Stfu larpfag

I'm hoping thats from a movie.

Where is this from? John podestas childhood?

Kys faggo

I just want to understand what this site is about. How did it influence the election? Did it make some of you vote Trump? Why? How?

Is that george h.w bush?

Sooo what you're saying need a quick rundown?

Take the redpill you norweigan faggot.

>t. Frank.

tits or GTFO, Francine

fuck off marxist cock sucker

You were already told to lurk moar. That is your answer. Be prepared for run downs and gore if you continue to bump this lazy thread.

I was just diagnosed with autism

I know you are a larper, but for the sake of the newfags I'll give a quick answer. On pol, you will find the last bastion of international free speech. There are surprising nuggets of deep intellectual brilliance scattered on a sea of irony, satire, filth, and humor. To sift the value from the chaff takes months to learn, but the reward is real truth.

The fact that you refuse to even consider a point of views other than the ones that you have been trained to hold by Academia.
Only when you choose to truly empathize with others can you understand their point of view.

He needs a quick rundown. Basically:
>niggers are inferior criminal subhumans
>jews are zionist globalist who control the world
>jews push globalism
>niggers come to europe
>crime everywhere
>podestas and clintons are pedos
>hitler did nothing wrong
>putin is the saviour of the white race
>marxism, feminism and zionism are degenerate philosophies

Can I get a quick rundown on these guys


By that do you mean "see the truth"? What is, in your opinion, or this boards opinion the truth that I or "we" are overlooking?


That's Sam Neill as Dr. (((Weir))) from the movie Event Horizon. You can pretty much guess how the movie goes from here.


>I do not appreciate or understand most of the things on this site
>uses t.

What University are you from. I'm a researcher at a University,I'll come smack you.

>What is, in your opinion, or this boards opinion the truth that I or "we" are overlooking?
Day by day, you struggle, you work hard for something you don't see. For something you don't feel, but you go on and on day by day.

Grabbim by the pussy


333 333 333

niggers get worse test scores regardless of income level. rich niggers score worse than trahs whites
rich niggers also commit more crime than trash whites
renounce globalism and embrace race realism and nationalism

>I'm currently researching the connection between hate speech, xenophobia and fascism and my research has led me to this place.

Well then you came to the wrong place, newfag, /pol is a board of peace and free thought. We just have to be intellectually honest with ourselves and ignore the shills who have had their agenda pushed on us both in school & through the media for our whole lives

>if you'd like to know why the election had the Trumpian result, pic related


I asked you a question.
Jeg er Amerikansk ogsa

Fuck off, you're not welcome here

I do not wish to reveal my identity, if you want to find me you can since you are norwegian and there are only so many professors in each field who are currently employed here.

As a feminist and former radical leftist I have to disagree with you on this. Diversity brings different perspectives and ways of thinking to the table. Diversity in regard of gender identity, racial identity and national identity.

All those claims have been debunked by CNN multiple times, do you still really believe that? why?

You have a professor saying you are wrong, what else do you need?

Ok confirmed bait, have a nice day shill you had me interested

0/10 man. You're not even trying.

You were astonished? Really?

It's from one of the fake movie trailers in "Grindhouse."

You're fake, if you wanted to do research than you would have no problem telling us who you are.

I'll try to be helpful. If you want to know why the election went differently than you and others thought, I would advise you look up the term "opinion corridor." It's a term for a phenomenon in Sweden that I think is becoming relevant all over the world now that the left has taken their strategy of labeling people who disagree with them as racists, sexists, bigots, etc. to a whole new level. It explains why the silent voter came through in this election in states like Michigan and Wisconsin. If you care to read about how this affected not only the election results but current approval ratings, read the article "Donald Trump might be more popular than you think" by Politico.

One last thing. Do you ever realize you might be part of the problem? Like haven't you realized that the left has completely overtaken universities, the media, and more, making conservative movements like the one that helped elect Trump the counterculture?

Stop reading/contributing to the false narrative created by your brainwashed colleagues, and the election result wouldn't come as a surprise. Now please do the world a favor, jump off the Svinesund bridge.

Complete freedom of speech. Absolute freedom to propose an ideal/solution, or oppose one. An environment where the better your insult, the more attention your post is likely to get.

Bullshit. CNN doesn't do unbiased studies, and certainly isn't some bastion of great thought or learning.

0/10 you're a dumb nigger.

>What is, in your opinion, or this boards opinion the truth that I or "we" are overlooking?

Oh, just the simple, hard statistics that the leftists in academia & the media try to ignore with their appeals to emotion & optics

>While your compassion may be limitless, resources are NOT. Therefore any functioning adult soon grows out of the pollyana liberalism that tends to exist in the halls of academia.

Or just continue sucking that marxist cock & pretend that the Mitrokhin archive doesn't exist

> Thinks his fancy degree has any clout on a Hungarian Birdwatching Forum.

Next time, don't write a Sup Forums meme such as "t. X" if you want to convince people you are someone from outwith the site.

>I'm currently researching the connection between hate speech, xenophobia and fascism and my research has led me to this place.
You're in luck, the research has already been done

This might help, Prof.

>All those claims have been debunked by CNN multiple times

Ok, faggot, you had me....gr8 b8 m8



Read the rulez of teh internet, them'z lolz

Know how I can tell this is bait and you're full of shit?

kys shill

You know it trooper.

kill yourself commie

Frank, you're a fake and gay and saged
At least put some effort into your larping, like posting a fancy certificate that academic fags hang on the wall with a shopped timestamp or something.
t. i can't even be fucking bothered