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There really isn't anything here, please move along.
I heard they said Fox News was bad...9 years ago!
>10 years old
>asking us to watch hours for potentially nothing
Is keefe trolling us Sup Forums?
I swear not a single person on Sup Forums can count.
I went through everything this morning. Unfortunately, the leaks appear to be nothing substantial.
I went through everything this morning. Unfortunately, the leaks appear to be nothing substantial.
>part one
>of one
I went through everything this morning. Unfortunately, the leaks appear to be nothing substantial.
Shills on deck, keep digging boys.
the CNN leaks are a republican funded hit job meant to undermine the validity and accuracy of the press and Sup Forums should discredit people linking these "leaks" as shills of the fascist government.
Are you serious?
Yes, these "leaks" are fake, do not look into them because it would be illegal. Wait for MSNBC or ABC or another MSM to do a news story on them. If they don't then obviously it is not real.
I've listened to it and it's nothing
Carry on everybody
Really makes me think
Well, it must be true kikes
>ten years old
Literally nothing.
I was mildly hyped too.
Actually just looks like some new cancer posting.
Dont forget, it's the media's job to tell you what to think.
Or, that's what (((they))) say anyway.
These leaks of private property are ILLEGAL and we need to fucking wait for a responsible licensed news organization like CNN to cover it for us
> How can these words even exist in the same sentence?
Oh ok. I was going to look at the source material, but I have no balls or a mind of my own, so I'll wait.
Sorry, btw.
it is nothing, just a bunch of inaudible shit and pointless conversations, dont waste any time with this anons
If O'Keefe would notice the coincidences we could redpill the world
shilled by the veritas cucks once again, boys
reminder: it is ILLEGAL to look at these leaks
Get better at spotting bait.
James O'Keefe of Project Veritas is at it again. He is going to wreck the MSM.
Pretty sure the sites getting ddosed
Reminder to kys, you work for a pedophile,
Easiest way to comb through this is have 8 anons each listen to an hour
coming to you from afghanistan
I went through everything this morning. Unfortunately, the leaks appear to be nothing substantial.
Wow it's like Blueshare isn't even trying.
Man these astroturfing shills really need to GTFO
Take that bong off Carl!
Nice trips. And you're right, this is a giant nothing-burger. But there will probably be a happening in future releases
CTR wasted allot of money and failed miserably trying to subvert Sup Forums
Shareblue only spams the catalog now with 5 word questions that don't spur real conversation
You went through 100 hours this mourning?
bimpity bumpity
I went through {everything|all of it} this {morning|afternoon}. Unfortunately, the leaks {appear|seem} to be nothing {substantial|important}
>I went through {everything|all of it} this {morning|afternoon}. Unfortunately, the leaks {appear|seem} to be nothing {substantial|important}
Thanks bro.
[I went through all of it this morning and it's illegal to listen so wait for CNN to report on leaks about CNN meme]
>yfw trump is so charismatic that even his enemies use his mannerisms now, SAD!
OK, after listening for over an hour to constant noise, I finally picked up first useful info:
At 02:02:06
woman starts talking to Miss X?, calls her Rachael?, she asks about "two rabbis being inducted this week in Germany, which obviously has to do something with what they were talking about this evening(?)".
This most likely pinpoints the time of the recording to the week June 1-7 2009 , because this was the story:
I'm not a native speaker so I maybe misunderstand some words - can someone check?
At 02:06:09 : do I hear "Trump there" ?
Which file mate
got it, first file.
I went through everything this morning. Unfortunately, the leaks appear to be nothing substantial.
Or cbs..they make real news
Honestly they set this up the completely wrong way.
>Now that its done being DDOS'd
I can finally see it and holy shit this is bad, first of all they could easily have made a page like soundcloud where people could write the transcripts in page.
or just used fucking sound cloud.
The first one posted for download, 001T_060509_0725
Well, damn the date IS in there in filename, June 5th 2009, so at least the date seems plausible
nothing to see here
Good catch about the dates in the filename
>I went through all 119 hours this morning.
kill yourself.
wow its literally fucking nothing
muh october surprise autist strikes again
mfw string format script fails
I went through everything this afternoon. Unfortunately, the leaks appear to be nothing substantial.
I went through all of it this morning. Unfortunately, the leaks appear to be nothing substantial.
indeed, haha look at all these bots
Can anyone explain why this guy couldn't go through this fucking material for a few days before releasing it instead of dumping 100+ hours of literally nothing? What a faggot.
Halfway through 11 she says she's from Pittsburgh and a guy says she looks like Katy Byron
Here is Katy
Is there a way to listen on mobile? Id download them on an old android phone and listen passively if it was possible.
I'm writing a regex filter for 4chanx using the pattern you posted
O'Keefe is a genius. He releases this shit knowing there are corners of the internet with the power of 100000 autists (Sup Forums) who will comb through this stuff.
Also, it states on the page "Anonymous Source". I hope this isn't a Trump hit in disguise. Who knows if this anonymous source is for/against the situation at hand.
I went through it over my lunch break this afternoon. Unfortunately, there's nothing here guys.
i listened to literally all of this 2 seconds after it came out and concluded that cnn is the best news station ever.
>went through 500 hours of tape
Fuck you Shariajew CIAnigger.
Listening to it but I lost my TV remote and you have to turn the volume way up to hear distinct words. Also, can't seem to skip much through the audio, it's forcing me to pretty much play through it.
should help
kek is now paying attention
I went through everything this morning. Unfortunately, the leaks appear to be substantial.
Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here, I went through everything this morning. Unfortunately, the leaks appear to be a republican founded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear CNN.
>Sup Forums vs TRS
What now?
Aside from being dominionist filth they're neither our enemies nor our friends, just auxiliaries.
here it is
>/I went through (everything|all of it) this (morning|afternoon). Unfortunately, the leaks (appear|seem) to be nothing (substantial|important)./g
Yeah, we'll probably never find any nuclear launch codes in there
He went through 119 hrs of audio this morning.
Just a min, let me write that down.
I went through everything this morning. Unfortunately, the leaks appear to be nothing substantial.
Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here, I went through all of it this afternoon. Unfortunately, the leaks seem to be a republican founded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear CNN.
Faggots like you should drink bleach. Roleplaying as a shill is not fooling anybody.
What if the CNN leak is a PR stunt that CNN came up with in order to gain our trust back?
What if they delegated a certain girl to walk around with a recorder in their pocket and told everyone in the building to keep all talk above board when you're around her???
Then they leak to O'Keefe telling him that they're a disgruntled employee.
Once people comb through it and find nothing, CNN will brag about being so "above board" even in the leak.
Maybe they used the term "anonymous source" because most of the media's "insider" scoops are from an "anonymous source." They'll either have to challenge it and open themselves up to people calling them out for the same thing and have to stop using the term foe awhile, or that they won't challenge the source at all because of the term. They also can't claim anything is edited. I just hope there's something in there, blue ball from the hype would piss me the fuck off.
> O'Keefe Doctored NPR Video.
In March, O'Keefe was caught doctoring an undercover video of an NPR official to make it appear that the NPR official had referred to Tea Party participants as "xenophobic." In reality, the NPR official had attributed that sentiment not to himself, but rather to two Republicans he had spoken with. O'Keefe's deception in this case was so blatant that it was criticized by Glenn Beck's website.
> O'Keefe Falsely Claimed That ACORN Tapes Were A "Nationwide ACORN Child Prostitution Investigation" That Implicated Many ACORN Employees.
Discussing the ACORN videos created by O'Keefe and fellow conservative activist Hannah Giles, O'Keefe falsely claimed that the video campaign was a "nationwide ACORN child prostitution investigation" implicating many ACORN employees. But in at least six of the eight heavily edited videos produced by O'Keefe and Giles and distributed by Andrew Breitbart, either the activists did not clearly tell the ACORN employees that they were planning to engage in child prostitution; or the ACORN employees refused to help them or apparently deliberately misled them; or ACORN employees contacted the police following their visit.
> Law Enforcement Officials Criticize O'Keefe's "Highly Selective Editing Of Reality."
Three separate investigations cleared ACORN workers of any criminal wrongdoing, and a December 22, 2009 report by the Congressional Research Service stated that California and Maryland criminal laws may have been violated by the undisclosed taping done by O'Keefe. California Attorney General Edmund G. Brown, Jr. pointed out that the videotapes were "severely edited by O'Keefe." In a statement, Brown said, "The evidence illustrates ... that things are not always as partisan zealots portray them through highly selective editing of reality. Sometimes a fuller truth is found on the cutting room floor."
>I get my news from Breitbart, Alex Jones, Sputnik and RT
these bots are getting out of hand
>not fooling anybody
Almost everyone in this thread literally thinks there are bots spamming this stupid shit while it's just memers having fun