OMG!! They are talking about us!!!
Other urls found in this thread:
They have to. We run the memes now.
Does the atheist not talk about God 24/7?
he is calling us "The russians" but its obvious that we are the ones who were reading all the emails and releasing the info :^)
>discrediting Wikileaks
the left is really getting nervous about Assange and his network
We are the Russians.
We are Pootin's legion
We do it for free, we do not sleep.
Except us.
"For the number of emails that were stolen, it would take 300 people working on 24 hours shifts"
Shall we call ourselves /TheRussians/ from now on?
Dear Putin, I never got my check. Pls send. Thanks.
There were probably 300 of us but it could also have been done by a 100. This guy doesn't understand the power of white neets in their basements dedicated to destroying the destroyer of the free world. He's a nigger if the crew had been niggers we wouldn't have found anything.
Can. Liberals. Stop. Clapping.
Hey, I am a Russian now. Can I claim a cutie?
Only in my spanish wikileaks chat on telegram we are 106 ppl (pic related)
>it would take 300 people to analyze all of this!
this guy can't be serious. all people did was control F key words... is he really saying the NSA and FBI can't do the same thing?
Same, I had to press ctrl+f at least 10 times during the election. Where's my fucking money?
nasdarovie comrade
You underestimate the stupidity of a low IQ nigger.
Remember when leftists thought wikileaks were heroes?
You know what all this "Russians" business reminds me of: youtu.be
>by a 100
What did he mean by this?
did anyone figure out who this guy was? there was some speculation that he maybe stretching the truth about his role with the NSA
>"If we wanted to dedicate the resources to you WE WILL GET INTO YOUR SYSTEM"
I think it is true he worked in the NSA but he is a professional larper.
Wasn't it confirmed that Podesta fell for a phishing scam and gave his password out?
and then he used the same password in a new hotmail account.
The wikileaks page had a search function too
>but he is a professional larper
he really is. I looked into him some more and his more known for his on the field work against terrorism and some survival tips. He was a Communications Intelligence Collection Operator but that Is hardly the super hacker he portrays himself to be.
A whole lot of people who used the server, used shitty passwords across the board for their multiple accounts.
Things like there name, or democrats123. I'm not joking. Pic related.
I think it was that combined with a typo in an email from an IT staffer saying basically 'yeah, follow this phishing link'
wow! thanks for this! hahaha
/kgb/ reporting in.
Does this nigger not know what Ctrl+F is?
I was on that thread, feels old man
>Sup Forums worked 24 hours shifts ctrl+fing while drinking cheap vodka
>Gets no credits
>not posting the original
>tfw this one piece of knowledge would qualify you for highpaying job as CIA infowarrior
Normies are right
>the moment when you realize that american spies doesn't know how to use basic computer functions like search.
Just press ctrl+f, type in "Pennsylvania" and press Enter, you dumb nigger. You don't have to pay 300 guys to read all the documents. It's like the new millennium, get on with the times, gramps.
WTF, I am Russian now
>it would take 300 hourssssssssss
yeah no
it would take a fucking hour on any fucking toaster to run a script identifying words from a billion lines of text and printing out the ones keyworded with that one word
>Trump and his golden showers
>Pee pee
>Poo poo
pls save and repost
as if he isn't right
Sup Forums is so insignificant Olgino probably has less than 50 people assigned to shitposting here
it wasn't your memes that won this for trump is the russian apparat
the real Sup Forums or /new/ would have never stood for this shit but now russian proxyposters drown out everything as """""consensus"""" on the board
>Implying it wasn't the jews
You are fucking bluepilled on trump.
He's a DNC Zionist plant
This black guy is talking out of his ass and it's so fucking cringe.
cyka blyat rash b anuu cheeki breeki
Kek. THIS.
Wikileaks has a search function itself.
Besides even his original claim is fake. Wikileaks never made their leaks connected to anything they leaked random material in big dumps.
What is this Pennsylvania that he is talking about? There even was a important leak that was Pennsylvania related? He is full of shit from start to finish.