can Sup Forums redpill me on why are some mediterranean people considered white (italians,spaniards, portoguese), yet Turks are not?
can Sup Forums redpill me on why are some mediterranean people considered white (italians,spaniards, portoguese), yet Turks are not?
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Truks haven't accomplished shit and I wouldn't even call that shitty thing they had an empire
Because Turks aren't culturally European and are also less white looking on average
Med men are serious hotties. What a shame they're so fucking stupid.
You invented western civilization so we need you on our side.
Wait... Turks are people now?
T*rks aren't Mediterranean. The west part of Anatolia (aka the part of T*rkey that touches the med sea) has had a major T*rkish population only since 1920, when they chased the Greeks living there away. T*rks are Arabs.
Turks are central Asian
They were originally a mongol group that converted to Islam if I remember correctly. They're the product of so many different influences at this stage though.
The Meds that look like your pic are actually the ones tainted with moorish/turkish blood. Actual meds look like pic related, pretty much just a slighty darker version of Whites. Hair is usually light to dark brown, eyes can be blue or green, or light brown, and white features in general.
Hello Ahmed al-Tengri
>toppled byzantine
>haven't accomplished anything
>fought on multiple fronts in ww1
>massive come-back after their lands were partitioned into like 5 pieces
they got kek'd harder than germany
I still don't like them tho
Autism of the eternal westerner
About time we bring them back under our fold
Turks aren't historically mediterranean. They're descendants of mongols who raped brown people and baltic people and everything in between. Not to mention they're not 'culturally' European and follow a shitskin religion. So how the fuck does any of that imply that they're white?
That's true. There were two major mongol tribes that departed from the mongolian mountains to raid the west. The "traditional" mongols (Genghis Khan etc) went north of the Caspian sea, raided the northern Europe and had plenty of babies with Finns, while the second group went south of the Caspian sea, had plenty of babies with Arabs and ended up settling on today's Turkey.
AFAIK turks are tatars from asia, like the mongols and the spurdofinns
I'm Italian,Balk,Turkish,Iranian (Arab)
Iberians are white, guidos are not.
Guy in his picture isn't even fucking Spanish/European, he's a Leb.
>one post by this ID
that's two points for OP is a fucking shill/rapefugee with internet access.
>wreck the Byzzies at Manzikert in 1071 and chase them out of Anatolia
>can't manage to finish them off until four centuries later
Either the Byzantine Empire was incredibly resilient, or the Turks were incredibly incompetent.
one face, one race.. but not the turks
What if they're actually Iranian?
Nobody considers italians, spaniards or portugese white
Luihi pls
>yet Turks are not?
because turks are a turkic people that migrated into anatolia from central asia.
there are white turks - the decendants of hellenic inhabitants of anatolia, and of slavs in the balkan part of turkey - but the majority are central/south asians.
JIDF on overtime today, you're white if, you know, you are white.
T*rks aren't even human, never mind white.
Don't stir shit up with our Italiano bros
Hey, fuck
You God damn mongol
I can tell apart a Portuguese/Spaniard/Southern French/Italian from a Greek/Turk without too much of a hassle.
We might both have brown eyes and a darker skin. However, Turks' skin is often permanently darker and has a different more greyish brown shade, whilst ours looks more like an actual tan or burned skin. Besides, in areas where we aren't exposed to the sun (e.g. ass cheeks), we are pale as fuck - and they still have that greyish brown shade.
Look at Ronaldo (pic related), and he's 1/8 Cape Verdean.
Because if they were white, it would be proof that genes won't protect us from falling to Islam, which would mean we'd have to actually work to get things done.
No thanks. I prefer to sit on my 100% white ass and spread white genes all over my toilet paper.
in my mind but for unattributable provenance or veracity, i've been thinking that turks were the descendants of the arabs' "mamluk" slaves that they imported from the stan countries
is that about right?
Also, facial features are completely different, namely in the region of the eyebrows, and the nose.
>t. that spanishsperg living in the usa who keeps making spaniards arent spics posts
Being a considered white european identity has a lot to do with culture.
There are plenty of people in Iran who look white but theyre culturally very different from us is so many ways we would not consider them part of the tribe.
Italians and spaniards have played a huge role in the arts, science, and culture of the white european world and thus theyre considered one of us.
1- drop Islam
2- dilute the monkey genes with breeding with white people
3- work hard + make money = be a good parent
4- pass on to the next generation, the red-pill of (((them))) and the reality of black crimes
5- repeat
White is White no matter your nationality.
Manzikert was a fluke
half of the Byzantine army which was consisting of Frankish mercenaries deserted right before the battle began
North Africans
damn he fine.
Hey guys can you explain to me why this complex and vague social construct excludes some people based on culture???
White is a cultural invention. The idea that Muslims aren't white is entirely consistent.
Also Turks do have more non-European admixture than other Southern Europeans. There is noticeable differences in Turks. This is just Turks too, for example Lebanese look more like Southern Europeans than Turks do despite Turkey being closer and with more historic ties to Europe but this comes back to Muslims not being white.
They think religion has to do with race.
Meds are just tanned whites, turks come from the steppes in asia and are a cancer.
only mediterraneans think mediterraneans are white
How Thicc are they user?
>Iranian (Arab)
The middle east doesn't work like that user.
lebanon would probably be pretty cool without that islamist faggotry
>implying Uruguay isn't rarer
>t. triggered pasty burger.
Fuck off Österreich. Who are you even?
Because they are not.
turks are an admixture of medieval inner asian steppe peoples and caucuses / south russian steppe peoples (early turkic nomads) who came with the mongols to anatolia
Turks are dark ugly hairy and muslim
>another t. pasty burger kek
t. literal paki/t*rk
It isn't
you are a turk? kek. why you censoring turk you silly cunt.
Muslims are inbred.
>sicilians are the same as italians
"Actual med implying the blood from pre-Germanic invasions doesn't constitute as Mediterranean. When the Lombards, Goths and Suebi came in it made the regions a whole lot whiter. They weren't natives.
And then the Moors darkened it again.
>some mediterranean people considered white (italians,spaniards, portoguese)
Well, if you are non-white Arabs now, it would explain why you fought like shit in WW2.
Just look at the impact it would have if X culture suddenly got erased.
Italian, Spanish Portuguese cultures all contribute something, you'd notice the loss. Turks just take stuff, and never give back. It'd be a boon if they all suddenly died or something
I don't give a damn if you people don't consider people from Spain white. We have one of the lowest crime statistics of Europe and the economy is what's keeping this country from being heaven on earth.
just because we aren't snowniggers it doesn't mean we are arabs mr lost every single world war ever
Turks are the most mongrelized people on the planet. They run the gamut, ethnically speaking. I've seen Turks who could easily pass for Northern Europeans, to Turks who look Northern Indian/Pakistani.
because med people made a huge impact on western civilization(ancient greece, roman empire , byzantium ,Spain being europes power in 1600s, renaissance) all these were a huge part of todays western civilization. Also being white doesn't nesecarily mean white colored(e.g. chinese,japanese are white colored but are not considered white) .White is a european identity that consists of language,culture and same principles.
Turkish people not only came from Asia but their language and culture did influence european culture at all.
Well it is Anatolia after all, the Turks didnt take all the old Greek blood completely.
You lost both aswell. And no, betrayal doesn't count as winning. And the ONLY way you could be non-white is by getting ARABED.
>You lost both aswell.
my sides
stop projecting abdallah
>Italyfag lives in lala land
What's new, shitskin?
get off the internet abdallah
>White is a european identity that consists of language,culture and same principle
There was no such thing in Europe before Ameriburgers made it up. If you adopt "White identity/White Nationalism" you're pretty much adopting American globalism. That's pretty cucked if you ask me.
Become a first world country, Nasrallah
Oh that's right:
>you can't!
This same for the turks here except the majority of them are balkan/european/white than the ones in anatolia mainland turkey.
why? so that we can pay for your kind like dumbass Germans do? lol
in usa since 2001 the majority of the new-born babies are non-whites too
obviously we can discuss who's worse spics or muslims
2011 actually. but hey. in 2001 was not that big of difference
I wasan't talking about white identity i am talking about culture and principles. All art science philosophy that is prevelent is one way or another influenced by most european countries and is adopted by them. I don't know what you know about Europe but if you think european culture is like American you are wrong, it is influenced by American culture in some ways but for the most part it is a combination of all cultures that lived thoughout the centuries.
Turks have been fucking up Europeans for literally centuries. They destroyed functioning states, such as Byzantium for example, raided European countries for well over 200 years, and even today are involved in trying to genocide Kurds. Not that I care about Kurds but its still a dick thing to do
Become ottoman again, then we can talk.
Allah is shit
Fuck off nigger
The Mediterranean sea does not bathe Portuguese shores, so they are not really Mediterranean.
Theyre on the European continent and their cultures have a Christian basis.
She is right, you have the worst popular music.
did we not send enough black people on stage to please swedish tastes?
our music has CLASS
define white faggot
If you consider """""white""""" the nord cucks wtih blonde hair and blue eyes then no.
We are proud Med