Should prostitution be legal?
Should prostitution be legal?
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idk... maybe?
*boing boing*
I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because some people out there in our nation don't have maps and uh, I believe that our, I, education like such as uh, South Africa, and uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and I believe that they should, uhhh, our education over here in the US should help the US, uh, should help South Africa, it should help the Iraq and the Asian countries so we will be able to build up our future, for us.
It bastarizes sexual relationships,
makes cheating all the easier,
and degrades women into sex objects.
Yes. Now that backpage is censored
I don't care.
Its not like it dosen't exist in places where it is illegal.
Also without it i wouldn't get laid, like never
It IS legal
And all women are whores anyway
No. Only women can make laws regulating women's bodies, not stuffy old men. Until the legislature, judiciary, and executive branch are staffed with women, men have no right to tell women they can't sell their snatch to me for money.
Her body, her choice after all.
Yes, but they should be taxed.
For every 20 customers they'd have to have sex once for free with any unfortunate guy with no gf who registers to the system.
Why is one woman allowed to decide over another womans body?
In an ideal society, no.
In our society, yes.
Yes. It's going to happen no matter how hard they try to stop it.
Tax it, and regulate it to make it safer for everyone involved.
Sure. Let's also legalize heavy drugs and child buggery while we're at it.
Yes. However it should be regulated and taxed, keep STDs out of the system, and no pregnancies from it.
As to women being reduced to sex objects... Porn does the same thing, so unless you want to outlaw porn too, your argument falls apart.
Going further, even outlawing porn, won't stop women or men from being seen as sex objects. People will still fantasize and masturbate.
There should be a government brothel. However, there should also be restrictions
1. A whore should be branded as one, directly on skin, with a tattoo or a heated iron. Anestesia would be applied to not inflict pain on the woman. If this proves ineffective and they find a way to erase the mark - maybe remove right ear lobe?
2. These women would be allowed to leave the business, however the mark will never be removed, thus men willing to date them will be aware of their past.
3. These women would not be allowed to reproduce. When delivered to a hospital for giving birth an abortion would be performed.
4. These women would be paid salaries no matter how many clients they've served, However any woman older than 35 would be kicked out or transfered to a management job at the same brothel.
>outlaw porn too
Yes, atleast with human actors,
it's disgusting
yes. Prohibition never works and only costs the taxpayers money while creating an environment for more serious crimes that stem from its illegality. It should be regulated and taxed and all would benefit
I just realise how long I stuck my tongue out......
Actually, prostitution already is legal.
You just have to film it and publish the video.
Pornography is prostitution.
You had me till woman as sex objects. And that flag!
Prostitution should stay illegal. The only way to treat sexual and relationship illnesses is with robo-waifus. Real women simply can't compete.
Everything should be legal
Might as well take the extra step and breed sex slaves.
If prostitution became legal, would women actually start trying to take care of themselves in order to attract men again in a climate where sex is that easy to get? Or would they just become trashier than ever?
trying to drive the wedge against us and the GOP eh Moshe?
whichever would destroy civilization faster is what they would choose
So trashier than ever.
It doesn't magically go away if it's illegal.
Also legalizing it helps to fight human trafficking and exploitation of women.
I'm for legalization.
Depends on individual State requirements. Federal Government does not have the constitutional authority to ban. If anything, prostitution can be considered a trade and/or service, per the regulation clause of the constitution, it should be regulated and allowed to cross state lines.
Yes, immorality aside the government has no business trying and failing to punish prostitution
Well, it's a choice for most women, so might as well give them the chance. However the society must be aware of what they've done, and their breeding should be disabled completely.
Society would deteriorate.
>He found that when strict heterosexual monogamy was practiced, the society attained its greatest cultural energy, especially in the arts, sciences and technology
Civilization Depends on Sexual Constraints - Anthropologist - See more at:
Should be regulated by state governments like marijuana
It's the worlds oldest profession. So yes. We owe it to them to give them a safe environment.
No because it's too damn expensive! Should drugs be legal? Both prey on human instincts and people can't help but ruin themselves. Same shit with gambling. If prostitution was cheaper I'd be ok with it desu. Fuck paying 100€ for getting off!
No, because it economically empowers women. White whores disgust me even more than Asians. The only winning play is to become the pimp/human trafficker. Or what used to call a "husband" which is an obscure term.
Yeah, just like legalizing weed killed organized crime, righttt???
The first part most likely. Legalized prostitution will give women enough incentive to take care of themselves better to be more profitable for customers. Women considered as 8 or above will be expensive no doubt.
But the other side of me also thinks that those 8 and aboves will only belong to the jewish elite.
>won't stop women or men from being seen as sex objects
Outlawing murder wont stop murders, yet it is still outlawed.
We do want porn outlawed in both the moral and legal world.
>people will still
>implying evil is a necessity
No. It undercuts the moral fiber of a society, it undermines the Darwinianesquely advantageous system of marriage to the degree it becomes irrelevant save for those with Noble Souls whom a non-moral society will kill or crush.
If have the word "legal" in your proposition you must value law and if you value law then you must value that which makes it possible which is civilization and if you value civilization you can not value prostitution because it tears apart civilization. Your proposition is entirely incoherent and you're retarded.
>just like the degenerates
>thinking organized crime makes most of their money off weed
Go home pastanigger
Let's not waste police and justice resources in something that is not that harmful and that people are going to do anyway.
I've always wanted to see an escort, but the truth is that almost no woman would want to fuck strangers for money. Most of them are doing it out of desperation and are suffering inside. I don't think I could see one. My conscience would bother me for life.
The bitter reality is that escorts are my only chance of ever having sex. It sucks.
It will never 100% kill crime, but making it possible for prostitutes to do their work in the open, closely supervised by the police and health services, did prevent a lot of crime.
It also enables their customers to visit safe, clean women, knowing they aren't exploited or trafficked.
It pretty much is, have you seen the modern woman?
I had a bitch fuck me daily just so I would give her rides to school on my bike. She even said she hated me for being right wing but she still swallowed my cum.
Yes. Legalized prostitution means tracking it (including customers if need be), better health controls (no random crackheads on the street spreading AIDS when you can get a good fuck at the local brothel), vice tax money rolling into local coffers, lower crime rate (no prostitution crimes, sex crimes go down, etc.).
Prostitution exists and generally thrives when it's illegal and ends up a breeding ground of misery.
yes, it would drive the overinflated value of pu$$y we currently have
I mean ugly fat chicks think they deserve 9/10 men nothing less that's retarded
Virgin Vouchers?
I don't mean the whores. I mean the rest of society's women. If they have to suddenly compete with literal whores for men's attention, would they actually improve themselves and stop being fat, spoiled, entitled cunts? Or would they just become even trashier?
Everyone is an object to everyone else.
They are also a subject.
is it more pure for me to jerk off to porn once a week or see a hooker once a week?
ah brat
very good very good
I like it
sign me up desu
You say that like men can't be prostitues either.
No, they still whore themselves normally too
We are a Christian nation. Prostitution will never, ever be legal even if it should be.
Women will never allow it anyway.
If there is a literal numerical price on pussy, then they won't be able to milk betas of free shit all the time.
Already is here so sure. You're just not allowed to solicit it.
While women don't deserve money at all, prostitutes are preferable to ruining virgins and whatever other "ex's" you weak pathetic degenerates who fell for hookup culture have in your scummy past. At least whores are marked as trash, openly stigmatized (even if modern ones don't know it and think they can be picky). Fucking trash, everywhere.
Making it legal doesn't mean it otherwise wouldn't exist. There's a lot of evils associated with prostitution that wouldn't be the case if it were legal and regulated.
I believe that my logic is irrefutable. No one here ever tries to counter my thoughts on prostitution.
You bought a lie, my friend. Women turn to sex to make money because it is fucking easy and lucrative. They are lazy and lack discipline. It's not that they don't have other opportunities, it's that they don't like working and can't hold a job.
virgin welfare... bleach drink me!
grey areas
I agree but don't think this is an argument of logic
How long did that last?
It is. It's called "marriage."
kind of backwards, the desperation and suffering comes from prostituting in the first place and the fact that it's so lucrative keeps them in the loop of cognitive dissonance
>he hasn't been to Nevada brothels yet
as a consequence of a degenerate society that gets triggered by natural gender roles and 3/4ths of women are old, ugly, hamplanets, and somehow have a cuck chained to them, yeah
Part of it being fun is the illegality.
All the real men died a long time ago and you beggars certainly can't choosers.
>should x be legal
Grow the fuck up
I still hate whores on principle alone
all the "real men" were too fucking stupid to see they were being psyopsed into killing their white brothers at the behest of the kikes and as a conseuence thereof, led us to this degenerated society of ill morals and mockery of life
your "real men" are the real down low good for nothing fucking niggers of humanity's short history