Why did Germany take so many Turks in when Eastern Europe is right there full of people who need work and are Christian...

Why did Germany take so many Turks in when Eastern Europe is right there full of people who need work and are Christian? Was it because Eastern communist didn't allow people to leave?

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Germany owed Turkey because Turkey literally killed their empire for the Krauts in WW1

Who cares. Austria has tons of "Yugos" and they are nigger-tier too and Christian.

The eastern european immigrants are shit anyway.
Yugos are even worse then muslims, bulgars are ok since they bring cheep hookers.

So it's more german guilt reparation? I see. Krauts weren't so nice to Eastern Europeans either

>be german in 1930s
>be german in 1945
>Nein herr ruski nein! please don't rape me!

and that's how modern germany was created.
also this is the reason why they are making fully retarded decision

I see Yugos get shit on , surprised, can't imagine any one would be worse than roachs.. apart from Somalis and arabs

Because turks are bro tier. Filthy slavs need not apply.

>Because turks are bro tier.

The US suggested it actually.

don´t take the bait

Enjoying Deutschland, Mehmet?

be less obvious, turkshit

>Eastern Europe is right there full of people who need work
consider the following
fuck off

Because in 1965 when the whole shit started to happen for Western FRG, there were no "Eastern low budget workers" available.
FYI: the eastern european harvest helpers etc. was an age old econonical symbiosis for centuries before WWII.

Halt's Maul, Polacke.

Because slavs commit more crimes, don't integrate at all, are generally unfriendly, rude and hate Germany.

Turks may not be perfect, but they mostly wörk, pay taxes and don't commit crimes.

Plus turkish food is better than German food.

Sorry kraut bro

Bro-tier since WW1 and WW2, also they both have similar agenda, to destroy Europe

>Turks are bro tier. Ou-,their, women are great and w-,they, make great food

>implying sl*vs and balkan-niggers aren't equally as bad as roaches

nice try achmed

I think you mean (((the u.s gov't)))

>Plus turkish food is better than German food.

>doesn't post a yummy Döner

Türkische posts erkennen und vermeiden volksgenossen!

>be USA
>need a foothold in the middle east to serve their overlords
>make a deal with turkey, that they can send their people to the satellite state you recently acquired
>get your base
>get your wars

kills me everytime, we need to nuke germany

Mensch, Sebastian du bist einfach nur beta, fall back lad

t. achmed bin almani

What's wrong with cucumber, turk bro?

İt is too hard to be in a soft sandwich like döner ekmek. Doesn't go good with döner as well.

t. Carl the Cuck

Is hating slavs/eastern europeans acceptable in the West? I know that saying anything negative about muslims is unacceptable.


the usa pressured germany to take them in; it was some shady deal to get turkey closer to the nato

t...tanks greates ally

Yes, basically taught by the school system kek

>tfw local dönerbude rose it prices to 4€

Acceptable? Not really. In private, most British people dislike Poles, because they lower wages, contribute to the housing shortage, commit disproportionate crime and don't assimilate (live in thier own communities, don't speak English, open thier own shops etc.). But it's considered politically incorrect and impolite to air these views in public. I would say the issue is more to do with numbers, than anything else. We're a tiny island, and 1,000,000 Polish arrivals since 2007 was always going to cause some tension. If that number was smaller, then most English people wouldn't care. I personally have nothing against Eastern Europeans, but alot of people really hate them in private (not as much as Muslims though).

Kauft nicht beim Türken.
Der Yugoslave und Grieche bietet das selbe zu besseren preisen und überlegender quallität

The biggest thing i miss about living in Germany was the dönerboxes.

Haben nur 1 Grieche und da sind nur die Gyrosteller gut. Haben 6 Dönerbuden aber alle schmecken scheisse außer die eine die jetzt den preis erhöht hat.

an american of all people asking this question

dönerboxes are godlike, nothing better after hard work, also its cheaper then döner.

>tfw the only decent kebabshop in your town will go back to turkey

>be german
>have akp, kurd, gulenist and secular kebab shops competing for my business and firebombing each other

that realy sucks, döner is one of the only fastfood which realy make me fed up

>Is hating slavs/eastern europeans acceptable in the West?
You count as white when compared to dindus and rapefugees so it's okay to hate on you.

>Yugoslave und Grieche
Gibts hier nicht. Nur Türken. Echt diverse multiculti halt.

When I was in Greece I had the best fucking döner, crave it til today

There are a lot of russian and other european people in germany. they outnumber shitskins. Please do your research.

Same fucking reason Sweden and Germany took in so many non-white refugees and denied Ukrainian refugees because they are white.
They used the piss poor excuses "muh Ukraine not at war" even though majority of non white migrants are not Syrian.

you have to comeback.

Soon, bro. Soon.

Typical kike agenda.

Poland took in 800,000 Ukrainians.
Croatia 200,000.
Around 400,000 more are spread out in other East EU.

Germany? Germany deported the 21 Ukrainians that applied for asylum there.

Really makes you think...

Well its not hard to see which countries are not and are run by kikes.

>Why did Germany take so many Turks in
Germany didn't take anyone in to let them stay.

Germany needed workers after WW2 to rebuild and the roaches stayed and brought their fucking families even after the job was done.

Seriously, roaches destroyed germany.

It's a zombie plague!

We had and have a ton of Croatian and Italian "Gastarbeiter" here too. No way to get people from beyond the iron curtain though.

Germans are more connected with Sunni Islam than Christianity. Today, some of them even partake in the Salafist (one of "ultra-conservative" branches) movement of Islam, as related by Bild today.

>A man (26), who is to be attributed to the Salafist scene, was arrested in Northeim in Lower Saxony. He should have prepared an explosive strike.

>The accused, a German citizen, is strongly suspected of having prepared a murder. For this purpose he procured objects and chemicals, which are essential for the production of explosives and explosives.


Even Erdogan is going to hold an election rally in Germany for Turkey referendum. - express.co.uk/news/world/769286/Erdogan-rally-authoritarian-German