This morning my work mates and I just had a meeting with our boss. We are a small business, consisting of a total of 9 employees working in an production factory here in Texas. I've been working with this company since I was 19. They took me in when not even McDonalds wanted to give me work. The factory will shut down in early March. Our boss' wife is an illegal immigrant and will soon be deported back to Mexico. She was pulled over after dropping off her daughter at school. Our boss decided to move the entire family to Mexico just to be with her. I voted for the man who got her deported.
I don't have any other skill or know how to do anything else besides work in this factory. My fiancee has an ill mother and pet with a condition, they are highly dependent on my income. We are going to have a child soon One of my work mates is a sole provider for his family of 4. Another worker, Renee, is a single mother of 2. Daniel is so close to paying off his mortgage. We are like a family in the workplace. Now I worry if they will end up homeless. I thought Trump was supposed to save jobs? I thought America was going to be great again? Oh my god. I should have never voted for a greedy businessman who can't even read. Because of a couple stupid people in Pennsylvania and Florida, I now find myself without knowing how to eat after next month. Is it too late to take my vote back?
Unemployed because of Trump
Other urls found in this thread:
Don't you get a green card when you marry a legal citizen?
Do you know how to have sex? You and your coworkers should get jobs on Chaturbate.
Also, fucking lol @ your stupid boss, because he evidently got married in Mexico. Fucking idiot. Good riddance.
You get citizenship when you marry an American citizen. Fuck off shill
>pet with a condition
tell me more...
Why can't one of the other eight employees take over for your boss? Does he hate his employees so much he never bothered to teach them how to run the business without him there?
You do, and that why this whole post is horseshit
Sage and move on
Her dog only eats tendies and screams at her when she forgets.
>I don't have any other skill or know how to do anything else besides work in this factory.
Not Trump's fault that you are a stupid uneducated redneck
try harder shill
>if you win, you lose
bad pasta bro
>Immigration filings must be handled properly in order for the foreign spouse to reside lawfully in the U.S. on a permanent basis. If the foreigner enters the United States on either a K1 fiancee visa or K3 spousal visa, the foreigner is welcome to remain in the U.S. and apply for a green card.
His boss and the wife are idiots.
>voted for the guy that had an interest in deporting illegals
>knowingly worked for someone who was married to an illegal
I know this is a bait thread, but if not, you're an idiot. You should have looked for work elsewhere because it was known this would happen, on some level.
Lol, your boss couldn't be bothered to marry her? GTFO you LARPing faggot.
pick one
As a voter that didn't seem to pay attention that illegal immigration was one of the biggest talking points of his campaign, I would recommend you refrain from voting in future elections.
Also, suicide is always a viable option.
So, he will sell the business, you get kept on, or replaced if your shit. That's how it works.
So you worked years in this one factory, at 19, and it never occured to you to maybe pick up another skill or two in the years since?
Was the possibility of you losing your one job never in your mind? If something else had happened and you lost this job, are you just going to accept homelessness as the only option because you have literally no other skill?
Sorry, it just sounds like either you're full of bullshit or make horrible life choices.
waaah wahh. Better start writing resumes, you helpless fuck.
Fugg drumpf and Fugg Portuguese people
Stop LARPing faggot
Interesting, see, I already have my job at the processing center back because the company is optimistic about their coal future. So you're objectively wrong. I won.
LARP harp darp.
If your job taught you a skill another business will appear if there isn't competition already. And the new workplace will require your skill. Someone will take over those clients your boss had and grow.
Sage goes in all fields shill
so you have no other skills and blaming it on trump? you're the biggest loser here.
thass a rare
Well fuck you too nigger.
Your fault for working for some dude aiding a criminal.
>1 post by this I. D.
Sage in all fields.
But seriously, we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
Well, you know what they say... "sew the wind, reap the whirlwind." Maybe your spic boss should have world this all out, however many years ago, when she decided to enter this country and start a business ILLEGALLY.
Love to hear that deportations are happening every day. Can't wait to build the wall. So excited for this wall.
(Work) this all out
>They took me in when not even McDonalds wanted to give me work.
>not even McDonalds wanted to give me work.
>not even McDonalds
You are a failure of human being
>Working for an illegal beaner banger
Serves you right. Get another job, dickweed.
>I now find myself without knowing how to eat after next month
Living paycheck to paycheck is never a good idea. Fix your shitty spending habits.
speeding .. imagine that
¡Arriba, arriba! ¡Ándale, ándale!
your all uncle tom sounding bitches
>Call anyone a nigger
>no work skills other than working
get new skills, faggot. Be a fucking man or kys
> in a world where Trump forcing Chris Christie to eat meatloaf is national news OP writes a story about something that never happened
If they are married, she at least gets a green card. Why can't you even lie properly, this is basic shit.
get rekked faggot.
sounds like you should have diversified your resume, and you boss shouldn't have been married to an intentional criminal who illegally entered the country.
i'm sure you're all wonderful people so sorry to be so savage, but laws are laws and rules are rules. when you break the laws, bad things will happen to you (even if it hasn't hit you yet)
how shit are you that even fucking McDonalds wouldn't employ you?
I saw a deaf guy working there so whats your excuse for being that unemployable?
If he was deaf, how could you see him?
his dog barked so I knew he was there
Good. Get fucked you faggot. Maybe next time try not to be a traitor to the nation.
you should read the new york times' article about how trump staying at Mar a Lago every weekend has fucked up the local economy there and that secret service alone for him and melania is turning into a 200 billion dollar a year problem
Man i h8 b8