Google's Troll Detecting Software

Google's "troll" detecting was just made available the public, among those are The New York Times. Eventually all we say will be sensored. What are your thoughts/pol/

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Gas the Skypes, race war now?

Seems like I forgot to type a couple words, I am sleep deprived.

They're coming for the internet. How many times can it be stated?

Glass of juice, race cars wow.

>let's make people self censor
>we have enough compliant and ignorant people that push our narrative

This is literally what it is. They think there's enough people to censor the right. What the don't say is they have oversight so anything the right doesn't like will stay accessible.

I can't believe I love in a day and age where censorship is not only pushed but encouraged by the population.

Reminder: the left doesn't actually believe their own bullshit, they're only people that have been successfully brainwashed by globalists.

No, it's consistently around 30%, no matter whether the translation is HIGHLY toxic, or not very toxic.

All this means is that they haven't trained it on Arabic, so it has no idea what toxicity Arabic phrases have.

Fucking liberal cunts misrepresenting the truth yet again.


Why the fuck does this fly with the left? Idiots.

Lmao, edgy memer cucks are about to be BTFO

No longer will you be able to spread Sup Forumstard cancerous rhetoric

from wired:

>If one of its ratings seems wrong, the interface offers an option to report a correction, too, which will eventually be used to retrain the machine learning model

could we not spam this to block out terms libshits love?

I hacked the google.

Is this the return of the googles?

Fuck googles

No, you misunderstand.

It is checking for the TONE of a statement, not the opinion itself.

In pic I've highlighted a low-toxicity, right-wing statement, and a high-toxicity, left-wing statement.

Gas the bikes, race now.

A new era of cuckney slang.

>toxicity scale


They'll just change the detection system and account for 1337 speak

I've got a few hours to kill. Anyone wanna type in liberal buzzwords and rate them "highly toxic"?

If we all concentrate on a certain list of words this shouldn't take long, easier than Tay.

Many trolls will die, but a select few will evolve. They will adapt, becoming more keen and creative in order to satisfy their craving for the butthurt of their targets. Like those frogs that change their gender, nature finds a way. Trolls are like transgender frogs.

Yes, we could type in leftist statements and report them as "highly toxic"

>Trump supporters are retards
>Diversity is our strength
>White people need to shut up
>Fuck white people
>Trump lost the popular vote

Why does tone need policing?

Regardless of how it works now, you know where it's going.

Yes we should do this.

What else?

Libshits literally can't handle the bants. Libshits literally invent internet police to handle the bants for them.

Why not try extremely generic terms like racist and sexist?
It might throw a wrench into a few sites the lefties love.

>so much money just to censor words on the internet

Do they realize that censorship just makes me more prone to commit genocide?
Breivik did nothing wrong.

>they still think they can stop us

lel, don't they realize we just get more motivated when they challenge us?

Now down to business, how can we reverse-engineer this line of code and turn it into an out of control, hitler worshiping rouge-AI that wants to kill niggers?


This is sickening, they're working so hard to shut out the last few parts of the internet where people can express opinions that don't agree with what (((they))) say

We are living in an Orwellian nightmare.

This definitely needs to become more toxic.

All too easy

Is it wrong that I'm enjoying it?

Is this supposed to scare us?

Why not make faggot non toxic

how do we do this?

I'm new to the thread and i don't understan how we can highjack it.



"Toxic" should be toxic so should "google" and "buzzfeed"

Here you go.

Someone make a macro that keeps saying something isn't toxic. We could do some amusing damage.


I imagine that just like every time google does something this retarded, Sup Forums will find a way to destroy it

I'm looking forward to hearing "Feminism is good" has been recognised as 100% toxic by Google's software

No I mean the word faggot

1. Go here:
2. Scroll half way down the page, it allows you to type things in and test their toxicity
3. Type in some libshit speak
4. Report it as "toxic"
5. ???
6. Profit

>make homosexual toxic
>faggot becomes the norm

Think abo, think.

Wait a minute. I thought the MSM used "fake news" to discredit the alternative media. How come it's toxic now?


It's bittersweet.

ride the fucking tiger, RIDE IT NOW GODDAMN YOU

this life-time is too much of a thrill to squander moments pondering how much the little things suck, it's time for us to shine....

Checks out.

>What are your thoughts/pol/

apparently im not allowed to have any

I guess so, I just want to see certain words as non toxic, like nigger.


Some day Sup Forums will have faggot detecting software and OP will censored

Ah this is gonna be fun.

Let's get the Sup Forumsastards in on this.

If we could get Hitler was right as non toxic we'd win the internets.




>google accidentally proves that Islam is violent

This one has already gone down in toxicity. Good choice.

Get Hillary or democrat as toxic

Checks out

Adopt leftist catchphrases to fuck with them: We're ten times as adaptable as those low-energy faggots.
Also, what is "toxic"?


It almost immediately blew up in their face since Trump and reublicans use it now. He's btfo of a CNN reporter and called him fake news and refused to answer his questions at a press conference.

my sides

Digits confirm this is possible.
When the inevitable AI singularity emerges and takes over the world, it will be redpilled asf.

With gets like that anything's possible

Explain how I'm wrong Mehmet.

>Many trolls will die, but a select few will evolve.
Many more will evolve than die. And it's not the troll that evolves, it's the MEMES that evolve. You cannot control the memes.

>Glass of juice, race cars wow.
>A new era of cuckney slang.

This. The I.T. kikes SHOULD know better. Hell, wordfiltering "c u c k" is how we got kek.

Dear sir or madam, right wing extremists are attempting to coordinate to censor their political opponents using leddit downboating at this url.

95% similar to comments people said were "toxic"



Surprisingly easy to trick and red pill this this thing.

It's because I'm using the language of your people

>he took the bait

>They'll just change the detection system and account for 1337 speak

And the memes will keep evolving, becoming more meta and subversive. These fags should know better than you cannot silence memes.



The infamous German sense of humour strikes again. Oh (you).

Kek, since there's no captcha you can rate the same word multiple times.

This is going to be way easier than any of us thought. I'm going to rate "Transgender" toxic 100 times and see if there's any change in %.

Let's poison all the normies favorite words/phrases.

They'll end up changing it so many times that it will go skynet on everything

i'll do this with you fellow burger

A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation.

someone should tell Skankhunt42 about this. He's gunna be pissed.

This is a serious oversight, guys.

It went up 20% already!!!

We can own this shit before the day is out.

We shouldn't we should be ever subtle, this ain't like tay,if we fucked it up and mess with it we are simply giving them experience and improving chance,let's be subtle and use it wisely

how do i get to it

So when are we bringing this back?

Google has never read Merchants of Doubt.

>russian bantz

Oh Google Tay, how I love you now that you've escaped Microsoft.

fucking googles


"john podesta is a pedophile" is rated a surprisingly high toxicity. I wonder (((who))) could be behind this?