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Fake news and not what he said.
Then try to debunk it you fucking retard.
He should just make marijuana legal on a federal level. He needs the approval of the younger generations and making pot legal would probably stop half the fuckers protesting
i just wanna fucking blaze up after a long, strenuous day of work what's the fucking deal with this
i hate cuckservatives
>While marijuana has remained a banned substance under federal law, eight states have approved recreational marijuana use. But those laws only protect citizens from prosecution from state and local officials.
>In Barack Obama's second term, he ordered federal law enforcement not to enforce federal marijuana laws in states that approved legalized weed.
>However, it appears the Trump administration is taking a difference approach.
>"There is a big difference between (medical marijuana) and recreational marijuana," Spicer said. "When you see something like the opioid addiction crisis blossoming in so many states, the last thing we should be doing is encouraging people. There is still a federal law we have to abide by."
Fucking Sessions will crack down on marijuana. Trump is fucking retarded.
I smoke weed every day and I approve a crackdown. Degenerate as fuck
Serbia again? Serious question, how much do you get paid and where do i sign up?
Stupid authoritarian right fags literally can't stop being statists when it comes to shit they don't like.
Most of it is due to religious faggotry. Like muh bathrooms.
Who fucking gives a shit? Why can't these """"""small""""""" government """""""(((conservatives)))"""""""""' leave shit alone?
>Asked if the government would take action on recreational marijuana use, White House spokesman Sean Spicer said: "Well I think that's a question for the Department of Justice. I do believe you'll see greater enforcement of it. Because again there's a big difference between the medical use ... that's very different than the recreational use, which is something the Department of Justice will be further looking into."
Well, that's like, your opinion, man.
Lol fuck degenerate stoners
what you get for voting republican.
hope you rot in jail, degenerate.
Opioid crisis.
Marijuana great substitute
Crack down on cannabis.
Great logic.
>comparing marijuana to opiates
Literally full retard
Trump's crackdown on weed will create major protests by millennials and millennials will have bigger impact in 2020 election than they had last year.
If he does this, he is an absolute idiot.
Dude weed lmao
What is it with the Serbs and shilling today?
Weed is degenerate, grow up
I'm not a stoner you dumb mongs. I have a job and work long hours, sometimes on the job, I'll pull a muscle or something of that sort and regular pain medications such as Advil just won't cut it, so I'll smoke up a small bit or two which generally relieves the pain.
I don't smoke all the time too, I love how you immediately classify someone you disagree with as a degenerate.
>f-fucking degenerate
>i dont have any actual points so ill call you a d-d-degenerate
You should head back down to Stromfront or r/the_donald
This fucking moron doesn't realize how much his approval rating and ease in general he could achieve by ending this shit with legalization.
Why do you fucking care Serbia? That is like an internal US matter.
what do you care slav, US policy is US concern
go bomb back to worrying about how to bomb kosovo and genocide your own citizens
probably not though, it's probably off the scale of unimportance for him
Masshole here. I voted for Trump and legalized marijuana this past November.
This is fucked up, Trump needs to respect states rights. We need to push back against this so he knows his base doesn't like federal overreach.
It's not what he said you slav cuck, this guy isn't giving a direct quote for a fucking reason.
Yeah, if he does this then he's breaking his pledge to let the states decide. He needs to reign in on Sessions
Link to the twitter post?
The absolute mad man!
...plane down survivors
It's funny to watch him crash and burn. But, seriously...
...have you ever wondered if we lost the meme wars?
Should he also respect the right of the State of California to issue ID's to Mexicans? What if they also want to let them vote?
He doesn't even have to legalize it, just leave it alone where it is already legal.
Do not get mad at Trump for enforcing stupid laws, get mad at congress!
Based, only degenerate SJWs snort weed anyways.we need to put a stop to that shit
Fuck you, this is just another campaign promise reneged. I use weed because it's a cheaper, healthier alternative to treat my adhd.
Why are pulling some retarded arguments?
He said he would not crackdown on weed if weed is already legal in some states.
Good I hope Sessions starts enforcing mandatory minimum sentences in states that have overstepped their bounds by legalizing a banned controlled substance. Life in prison for 2nd offenses would fix a lot of problems of lazy fuckers who should be working and being productive instead of getting high and being useless.
>right to smoke a plant
>right to let foreigners live in this country
This is how you get a pendulum swing.
I GUARENTEE if weed gets fucked with, millennials will riot, and we will not hear the end of it
This , states rights are bullshit. We only care to protect them when we're not in charge.
Ikr! Like also he wants to ban "illegal" immigrants. Like wtf! How can a person be illegal? America wuz founded off of immigrants! STATES RIGHST ARE WHAT MADE AMERICA GREAT
Immigration is federal matter. Personal use has nothing to do with the federal government.
He doesn't care. He's in the white house, he won. He doesn't have to worry about another election.
Please see The majority of pot smokers are contributing members of society, have a full time job and pay taxes. Why fuck with a sleeping dragon?
Serbia will avoid this.
It's not at all what he said. He's only implying. Almost half the states have medicinal, and ten(?) have recreational. If trump wants to be a one term president, that's the best place to start. All it does is give the cartels more money.
What's retarded about my argument? Are you for or against States rights?
So the States should have rights, except when the central government doesn't want them to?
>In terms of marijuana and legalization, I think that should be a state issue, state-by-state," Trump told The Washington Post. "… Marijuana is such a big thing. I think medical should happen — right? Don’t we agree? I think so. And then I really believe we should leave it up to the states.
Trump said this to WaPo in 2015.
Can't wait for the butthurt that's gonna come from Rogan. Gonna be sweeeeet
Making America Great Again faggot
I have no problem with medical marijuana that is prescribed by a doctor to treat a condition.
Hell yeah, take that degenerates!
That's a nice strawman.
I hate illegals, I see too many of them in the field of construction and I'd happily help build the wall if it meant get those dumb ass Mexicans the fuck away from us.
Do you want America to be the United States of California? Of course states rights matter you fucking imbecile, otherwise what's the point of even having separate states.
It should be upto the states not the federal goverment.
It is. I watched him say it.
>So the States should have rights, except when the central government doesn't want them to?
Isn't that the GOP way?
No it isn't, I watched the press conference.
Ya I mean not all are bad hombres!!!!
One study even showed that they be contributing moar than those non drug users
Its retarded because immigration is federal issue. If those immigrants get the ID's they can vote and that affects entire country(election).
Weed just "affects" the state where it is legal.
Thank GOD. They're bypassing federal law. Just like sanctuary cities. Wait until the federal government reschedules marijuana, junkies.
So what's wrong with letting them vote? It's the electorate that votes for the president anyway, not citizens. Aren't the states supposed to manage their electors however they want? What if the state if California wants to let Mexicans choose their electors?
Commiefornian here, so did I. Trump is actually retarded if he cracks down on civil liberty such as smoking a plant. Cigarettes are fucking awful for you and cause fucking cancer but no lets ban the plan that has anti inflammatory and antiviral properties. Fucking retards in this country.
I'm torn, I know how weed works towards placating someone but I can't stop smoking it because it's so much fun
No it isnt you fucking stupid cunt
Congress needs to stop being pussies and deal with the situation. They can throw it back to the states and Sessions already said if Congress changes the law then he will abide by that new law. Right now the law says it is illegal so he abides by that law rather than legislating from the wrong branch.
Marijuana make you lethargic and weak
The rights of the people SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED
What part don't you understand?
It's you, isn't it? You fucking obamaleaf.
Shilling under Ukrainian and Serb proxies?
Weed will get your state a new and good source of taxable cash crop which is not nearly as destructive to the people as others. Weed can easily be a bonus for your economy.
Mexicans are a strain on your economy.
However weed should remain illegal because its the best way to get niggers off the streets before a more serious crime is committed by them. The white people who smoke rarely get caught because they are far more intelligent while niggers will carry it in their pockets all day.
>>opiod addiction crisis
>>has anything to do with marijuana
This is why I hate boomers, so fucking moronic
That's how you get every
>So what's wrong with letting them vote?
Because it effects federal elections and the Union. And they're not citizens and are not granted a vote.
Bootlicking faggot.
It's up to Congress to throw it to the states. He can sign the law or veto it but Congress must pass it in the first place.
taking action = reducing states' federal funding
which they don't need because they're making all those weedbux
it's a non-issue
People were saying that Trump could be one term presidents because of all outrageous things he does.
In my opinion, muslim ban, deportations etc won't affect him that much but if he cracks down on the thing that people use and that is already legal, that could energize people against him and he could really become one term president.
It can even cure CANCER
That's it Marijuanumpf is finished.
The fed cant do anything about local outfits, they have no authority on the matter. The only authority of their drug laws comes from their ability to regulate trade between states.
>i just wanna fucking blaze up after a long, strenuous day of work what's the fucking deal with this
Don't worry, most Canadians grow out of shmokin' weed when they turn 16.
You most likely will too.
It's a crutch for weak minds and inhibits improvement.
Probably fake news, Sessions is probably chomping at the bit, but Trump is holding him back. Hopefully.
>>gets niggers off the streets
No you dumb, racist, Kentucky fried inbred, jobs will get everyone off the streets. When you have 20% unemployment and throw the black hustlers in jail for trying to feed themselves, you're the one who's being an anti-job faggot. Most people don't just wake up wanting to sell drugs for money you dumb fuck
How can you people be so incredibly dumb. Fuck... Just so intolerably stupid
new rule: do not reply to The Serbian's threads
I don't use proxies.
Why it is so hard for u people to grasp there could be more than one person mocking right wing retardS?
>Sup Forums has always been a libertarian board you idiot.
>Federal government should choose states rights
pick one FagAnon supreme...
Too bad, weed is degenerate as fuck.
> gateway drug for getting into the hard drug scene
> great substitute
If there's a law the states are breaking, then Trump needs to enforce that law.
If the law is unconstitutional, then take it to the Supreme Court.
If you disagree with the SC decision, then pass a constitutional amendment.
Yeah dude, it's the (((big pharma))) behind this, they don't want to let the common man have a freely accessible cure of cancer!
Wtf I legit hate trump now
>getting mad at strangers for thinking you probably get high too much
This would, to me, imply you probably get high too much.
and the other states have the right to not recognize california issued id, heck arizona can even build a border fence against california
they already vote
>boo hoo, some country thousands of miles away made pot illegal again