What is the end game of trannies?
Trannies end game?
Suicide. It makes me fucking sick every time I see that tranny documentary youtube is promoting. Surprise!!! It's a blond, blue eyed white male.
But they're the best boi puss.
>a fucking leaf
Ejaculating in my boy pucci
To live, to love. They have the same goals as cis people.
I don't think Trump really gives a shit about trannies; I think he just decided it was best to give the power to decide this stuff back to the states.
I keep seeing my social circles turn into gender dysphoria support groups
the worst part is that im pretty sure most of the trannies in them are being influenced into it via mob rule
i have to play as a bi dude just to keep myself in the "in" crowds in said circles so i can try to help people break away but its hard
they have cultlike behaviors and it sucks because the ones who actually need help are the ones getting the least help
You hang out with a bunch of faggot leftist dipshits?
That's sad man.
I really really hate the art style of this comic
My main goals are to secure the existence of my people and a future for white children. Do they share that?
its more of a case of i knew them before they were like this and im trying to bring them back, but its a losing battle
help me
Just remind them they're revoking their ability(not choice) to have a family and live a normal life. Eventually they'll reach a point when reality hits them and they realize they're just freaks. Sowing a summer sausage and a testical ball air-bag over your vagina won't make you a man. Willingly becoming an eunuch and popping your penis inside-out won't make you a woman.
No they don't
Endless attention and getting a special social status
figured this would be the first post but came in just to be sure.
Then fuck 'em get the jumper cables.
>What is the end game of trannies?
Pawns don't have end games
Strengthen the patriarchy by replaces the obsolete female. Fuck feminism by fucking boibutts.
What kind of """"man"""" would stay with their woman if their newborn baby was obviously the product of an affair?
Me too, there is something disturbing about it
If you are past the age of 21, it's over. People don't change their character much past that age.
>implying that the pawns aren't beautiful QUEENS trapped in their bodies
Even the dog knows.
Attention, sympathy for feeing oppressed, bragging rights for not being cis, fashion and an excuse to be outraged all the time
Beat me to it
The dog knows. That faggot ain't the alpha male of that family anymore.
External validation for a belief that even they know is untrue. Since that external validation only comes from virtue signalers that the tranny knows is pandering to them, it doesn't help. They desire for the whole world to tell them that their delusion is true. Since that doesn't happen, many kill themselves while the rest suffer for life.
suicide i believe