The wage gap doesn't exi-

>the wage gap doesn't exi-

>huffington post

What happens in the green counties?

huff po-

stopped right there

Source shaming doesn't actually refute data, numbnuts.

Good, women are useless shits anyway, i wouldn't give them a dime

Let's see on the job injury and death rates

It's objectively not my fault that women choose to be a receptionist instead of working oil rigs

>Huffingsome Paint

WOW I am going to start a fortune 500 company and save 200% on my labor costs by only hiring women and paying them less!

That's not even comparing the same jobs, what a useless stat.

Did you yourself follow the source and review their methods?

>Making a .gif so people don't removethe huff post logo
>Opening it in paint displays the first frame

It doesn't exist.

Not seeing the problem.

Or is there some other way I'm supposed to interpret the color corresponding to 100%?

A lot of the areas where men make more seem to be a lot more rural, suggesting an increased need for manual labor.

Women aren't asking for equal pay, they're demanding greater pay.

This isn't about equality at all. Pay is already equal. Women only get paid less because they work less and rarely ask for raises/promotions. The "pay gap" myth springs out of comparing ALL jobs across ALL skills, trades, and categories.

Once you control for the specifics, the "gap" decreases to ~94 cents vs 1 dollar.

And considering that women don't work as hard, as efficiently, nor produce the kind of quality that men do, that's already being overly generous as it is. Ideally, women wouldn't be working at all.

>Posting this just for to get the (You)
>Actually falling for this bait

Mother fucker this doesn't say shit about what jobs they are working, go fuck yourself you sensationalist whore

i sure do wish i could look at this and analyze every area before it changes picture

I'm not saying that data is great or correct at all, I know there's problems with how the gap is counted. What I'm saying is shitting on the source is pointless.


wouldnt it make more sense as a buisness owner to just hire all women bc i could pay them less?

This has absolutely nothing to do with a wage gap, this is just the jobs they take.

Most of them are counties are filled with Indians so huffing gasoline and getting drunk.

>women make less than men in places full of spics (women don't work) and farms (women don't work)


>how much more than women men make

holy fuck is that badly written.


If companies could hire women and get equal work for 23% less pay, no man would have a job.

Thats very ba-

And now calculate how much more women spend than a man. You'll be surprised.

>median pay
>less women work
makes you thank

The only criteria is full-time job versus full-time job so where's all the data points considering education and how much money that these employees are making for their employer how about the worth versus value data where is that and how about instead of full-time job versus full-time job they actually compare the exact same f****** job

If that were true, what employer wouldn't fire all his men and hire only women?

Is for the same job? If I'm a business owner why would I hire men if they cost more than women?

Probably why they get paid less.

Yeah because plumbers, electricians and surgeons should be payed less than teachers babysitting 5 year olds.

Lets shut down industry a melt steel in the fields right op.


The solution to fix the wage is IN THE HANDS OF WOMEN. There's isn't so big sexist conspirancy to pay women less, women need to pull their finger our and have higher aspirations. Complaining about it in the media will absolutely NOTHING to fix the wage gap

>there are areas in the US where women make more than men
>it's in green cuz it's good

Wow, its like I wanted to look at some data and think for myself, but an obnoxious flashing pink message is taking that ability away from me.

Into the trash it goes.

Indians. The women whore themselves out at casinos, the men stay home and eat glue.