>What do you mean I can't use the girls bathroom user?
Defend this
>What do you mean I can't use the girls bathroom user?
Defend this
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Fags and trannies have something wrong with their brains. There is no such thing as gender identity
Faggots will go to hell.
Because you're a fucking freak and we should just gas all the trannies like the kikes they are.
I'm not a poof but I would ram my cock up her arse 2bh
gas the kikes, race war now
I agree with this dude.
use DIAPER. Al franken uses diaper
I'd say fags are fine, but trannies definitely have a mental disorder. When reality doesn't match what is going on in your head, that's a mental disorder. When you think you're a girl but actually you're a boy, your mind isn't matching with reality.
People can fuck whoever they want and be attracted to whatever, but that disconnect between your brain and your dick as a tranny is definitely a disorder.