Why does Sup Forums pick on Sweden so much...

Why does Sup Forums pick on Sweden so much? Is it because deep down we know they are progressive and really trying to make the world a better place? Serious answers only.


It's telling how she's not reading the actual law as she signs it.

Fucking women. Can't be trusted with nothing.

>look look i posted it again mommy!

There really isn't anything I would describe as "deep down" on Sup Forums, people here are extremely straight forwards in their opinions and feelings.

There are no hidden meanings here, everything is just as it reads.

Prove me wrong

Yes I totally agree that people on this board are totally racist and sexist.

Success breeds jealousy

It's because they were once a beacon of hope, but now they're a funeral pyre

In that case success breeds suicide, but before that we take all your busty women and leave your mental midgets with the landwhales and refugees.

The only thing you'll get is schwedentrunk

their stupid whore ministers kowtowed to muslim scum

Well i give it a modern definition, i will suck on some busty blonde submissive "feminists" tits while you get hate your arms reach when you try to hug your "girlfriend" that feels much more appreciated by a skinny somalian man.

this pic summarize pretty well the mental gymnastic of the liberals feminazis and where it lead your people.


This is sad, I'd be a raging feminist if they were opposed to islamic treatment of women too but they're just completely retarded


Good to see my license bux is doing some actual good in the world.

This. They tried to be progressive in everything they do. They led the world in many things that are highly coveted, and just plain smart, like education and energy. But they saw being progressive as being completely open, which leads you to being taken advantage of. A stricter approach that is more protective socially, like Japan, would have brought Sweden much success. They'll be just another cucked mess now though.

>writing prompt
>addressing a separate and monolithic pol
>dishonest non-argument based on your own fantasy

I like alliterations: like submissive swedes, suicide swedes, sucker swedes, subpar swedes, sodomized swedes, shit swedes, neutered nordics,
somali swedes, servant swedes, slave swedes, slaughtered swedes etc. Sweden is a pretty good word to play with.


>the world a better place?

Maybe for ideological reasons, but they are creating unsafe neighborhoods.

The Swedish government is the epitome of leftist degeneration. It is a government that fears more an alleged increase in fascist sentiment among the population than the horde of subhumans that are invading them. A nation that sees his own people as the enemy.

I wish the fsb would rape the swedish government so hard that they think they are brazil.

We (Brazil) are Sweden tomorrow.

Because it's a country that could essentially be close to a utopia and universally awesome, happy, etc. but instead for some reason considers it a good idea to bring in the world's trash and refuse and degrade what would otherwise be a much better nation.

98% of Sup Forums sweden bashers are just really jelly and POOR teenagers who sees the situation as a opportunity to simply spew hate. These plebs come from Sup Forums and reddit. Also, dont even mind the den/nor/fin cucks, its just outright hillarious when they try. Every swede and scandinavian knows that without sweden no Scandinavia, just west russia.

>triggered german

Dont you have a forth Reich to fail to keep together?

>swexit when