How do we save Western Men?


Let the cucks cuck themselves.

>raise good men
>and strong women
>not strong men though, that's misogyknee

Jesus christ.

Beta orbiters are disgusting and probably 90% of the reason why women are entitled cunts.

Kill all betas

>I'm raising my wife's sons

Holy fuck he just went Cuck Saiyan level 3

wow what a flaming homosexual

This cuck just went nucular.

come on, seriously?
he's setting a proper example for his kids, it's not like he's letting some nigger fuck her while him and the kids watch.

it's important for kids to feel their parents still care about one another, even if the parents are divorced. i'm sure this dad isn't lining his kids up to be future beta numale faggot cucklords

Following his logic he had a fader that was a total cuck and did the same to his mother while she was getting blacked.
Whe have to breack the chain or his kids will teach their kids to be cucks