> 46
> Feels old man.
Who here is too old to be here?
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I'm 31 and feel old too user. Although it's worse on other boards because it's more of a constant reminder. Like Sup Forums for instance where people talk about the systems when they were 'little kids' like PS2 and Gamecube. REEEEEEEE it should be NES as your first system! Also these kids wear tight pants that would have gotten you called a faggot in my school days.
Anyways yeah I especially feel old when people say 2016 (even in 2012) was their first vote. Given you are 15 years older I can imagine...
I'm not sure how old is too old but I'm old enough to not give a fuck about Pewdiepie, but maybe the world passed me by.
19, man i wish i was 15 again
Also I kek when kids are like "do u remember 9/11". Nigger yes I do because I'm not a little kid or a Jagermeister drinking college bro faggot.
Are you a grand master wizard yet?
31 too. Ya feels bad man.
I'm 18 and I feel too old to be here. I unironically liked pol when I was 14 but now I just laugh at how dumb it all is
88 here. Feels good.
Same age. Only came back in the last year or so.
I rationalize it by saying I'm close to moot's age and was here since my early 20s.
People over 35 or past 40 are really wierd though, like hanging out in a highschool parking lot to chill wierd.
You faggots need to quit feeling sorry for yourselves.
t. 31 year old