The white race becoming a minority is literally nothing to be concerned about...

The white race becoming a minority is literally nothing to be concerned about. Since your race doesn't define who you are as a person when you are told by racists that whites are becoming extinct, you should respond aptly with "So what?".

If 250 years from now your g-g-g-g-g-reat grandchildren are mulatto/latin in skin color, why the fuck would that be a problem at all?

Yeah, fuck my kids right? lol they should grow up minorities in their own countries. Who cares?


Not an argument. I'm disappointed, it wasn't even the usual "Whites are intellectually superior because they're white" meme.

Because their iq would be at least 20 points lower. Race realism is scientific, biological fact.

If Race doesn't matter why are you so hell bent on destroying a certain race? If You people were saying this about any other race than whites you would be called "Nazi"

I don't care about racial superiority, any of that. Why is it bad to want to have kids that look like you?

I dont want to be a good goy.


White women are the hottest women