They are getting a fucking high because their favorite clown, aka Trump, is their president. They get euphoric on how he is being a racist and a biggot, and all that shit.
Meanwhile, america's children is suffering, watching their parents fucking up their future, because they wanted to feel what is like, to have a racists as POTUS.
I feel so fucking sorry for the future american generations...
Fuck this place, fuck Trump sopporters, and specially, fuck you Sup Forums.
pack em heavy cause you just got moved 10 miles back
Jordan Reed
>They are getting a fucking high because their favorite clown, aka Trump, is their president. They get euphoric on how he is being a racist and a biggot, and all that shit.
I laughed pretty hard at this.
You're alright Juan.
Colton Allen
How can you even insult America with a straight face?