I just thought of something guys

North Korea legalized marijuana to keep their civilians passive and content. Hear me out, if pot was legal in the U.S. it would be primarily consumed by the liberals and Gary Johnson types. All I'm saying is that this may actually be the way to make the left shut the fuck up once and for all. As a plus we collect their money on taxes and reinvest in infrastructure and MAGA, while also cutting off the cartels. What do you all think?

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>it would be primarily consumed by the liberals and Gary Johnson types
not really true even where its still illegal all kinds of people smoke not just cucks

Marijuana is for baby boomers.

>North Korea legalized marijuana to keep their civilians passive and content.

wtf i love north korea now

dont you realize that trump is pro weed???

also people assume sessions is anti weed, hes pro-laws and laws can change.

We could honestly tax the shit out of weed and maybe start digging ourselves out of this giant hole of debt. I don't even smoke and I know legalizing pot would be a good call.

>smoke pot
>get hungry
>nothing to eat

wut? they can afford nukes but not food? perhaps trump should sit down with Un

You're an idiot. North Korea just never prohibited marijuana

They didn't legalize shit you stoner faggot

same shit

Actually now that you bring that up, with all the extra Cheetos and pizza being bought because of munchies we'd make even more money.

That means your OP is full of shit. They just never prohibited it because fuck USA, not for any reasons you think they did


>North Korea legalized marijuana to keep their civilians passive and content

this is 100% very fake news

Well damn, but it would still have the same effect regardless.

This would fuck up cartels, i believe they make like 50% of their income on majormerwanna

Everyone smokes weed anyways, it's not hard to find anywhere in the country

Just put the liberals on the other side of the wall with the cartels.

We'll sell them off as slaves or something.

Just what we all need, more fat sacks of lefty shit zipping about on mobility scooters screaming about HAES and how exercise is racism.

>North Korea legalized marijuana to keep their civilians passive and content

lol no read a fucking book. its just been part of their culture for a long time and they don't give a shit about it

also north koreans aren't "passive and content" they live in fear of being thrown into labor camps

Also your theory on Marijuana keeping people passive is bollocks. Taliban regularly smoked hashish during battle, US troops in Vietnam smoked weed. In the middle ages the hashashins where the word assassin derives from comes from the word hashish.

nice try weed addict

It might kill them off in a couple of generations.

Would you sell that antifa waifu to the cartel?

I had an aleppo moment

No shit. This is what I've been saying for year.

No don't legalize it federally. This way all liberals and hippy types congregate together and we can maintain more power via electoral votes

legalizing weed would be a great way to placate the left imo

might as well throw them this bone

Let's legalize crack too then, fucking idiot.

That I agree with

Why don't they just legalize, regulate and tax this shit. You'll get tens of billions(like 40-60) in revenue over night, you'll save money not enforcing the law and it'll make it easier for police to focus on other more hard addictive drugs. Marijuana arrests make up approx. 50% annually, imagine the stress taken off them? Weed should be treated the same way as alcohol and cancer sticks, plus it would be a blow to the pharmaceutical industry.

if trump is truly a business man, he'd legalise weed to shut a lot of people up, it would also help is approval rating. Jeff sessions will shut this down though..

You act like their not stoned already.
Legalizing weed will just normalize it for conservatives.

I'm racist and white and I just rolled a backwoods blunt, I'm glad I met my black friends because now I know that black people lie about certain things like banging sluts and rolling weed being hard

The problem I see is yes his approval with liberals will go up, but what about his approval with christian rednecks that think pot is evil?

it would be an act of diplomacy. i didn't literally mean that they'll be too stoned to make trouble.

Bullshit. Look at statistics in Holland, less people smoke weed than in Belgium and US. That's like saying that legalizing tapeworms would normalize it and suddenly everybody gets a tapeworm. That's not how things work

>christian rednecks that think pot is evil

maybe this is just a rarity where i live, but i literally don't know anyone like this

you don't want to become dependent on any revenue source. Sin taxes are notorious for this

yeah dude and the US ousted the taliban in months in Afghanistan. They only came back due to US laziness not due to their superior ability.

I like it, user.
A side benefit is that if all the libs are high on weed, they're more likely to get fat from the munchies, and therefore less likely to reproduce.

>those rolls
why? It would be an indefinite income stream that would otherwise fund criminals.

You don't get it, fucking let people own their own responsibility. We shouldn't jail people for using drugs, the consequences for using drugs is INHERENT in the side effects of said drug, that's the punishment. The state interfering in something is just a waste of resources and police stress, which marijuana makes up 50% of total arrests of small amounts of harmless natural grass.

Marijuana has a black market that makes TENS OF BILLIONS every year in shadow revenue, imagine the government profited from that. Marijuana still has federal laws to follow that are still entangled in state law despite legislation there. Look at portugal, they decriminalized ALL drugs, and drug use went down because it was no longer cool anymore. This fear over drug legalization is stupid, and i say you are all shills for the pharma industry.

Trump will legalize it but it will primarily be a medical thing. There will be limited recreational shops in states that want to allow it.

The thing is North Koreans were already largely passive, not busting people for pot keeps them from revolting. It's probably the only thing many North Koreans have to look forward to.

How about paying down our fucking debt we don't need more god damn infrastructure

About time someone brought this up! If marijuana was legal, there would be no political left on the level it is today.

>North Korea legalized marijuana

I don't think they "legalized" it so much as never banned it in the first place.

It won't make them shut up. If anything it will make them even more lazy and they'll flock to twitter and Reddit like never before, where they will be louder and more annoying than ever before.

>tfw caught in the grips of the herbal jew
>still have over 1/3rd of an ounce of wax left

NOPE. All I needed to know was that you want to legalize weed.

Not happening pal I won't support it. No one who doesn't smoke weed thinks that shit it cool.

north korea never made it illegal

>fuck gov taking guns or weed

Why not?
I'm still not going to smoke it.
Just keep public cracked outness 10y in jail


Even soldiers smoke it and on job

Pot makes people lose ambition.
It should be illegal.

Nope, he's going to waste political capital prosecuting it and mobilizing the left against him.

He just fucking blew 2018 and 2020.

source? how do you know its legal there

I have a feeling NK is close to a utopia . What they are telling us are all lies -- i would love to live in the best Korea

Liar and you know it


not really, once you smoke it yourself your opinion changes. people only virtue signal by saying they don't like it until they've tried it, i've witnessed it many times personally. It's okay if you use it every now and then.

>smoke pot
>get hungry
>eat pot

i dont see a problem

I'd sell yours too faggot.

The left's ambition should be neutered

Great plan Op let's do it

wow NK is so forward thinking and progressive, why don't we send all the degenerate hippies there

wat if they keep picking on pot smokers just because the us govt has a kink for when the population gets angry and starts to retaliate