What does Sup Forums think?

What does Sup Forums think?


Need some help here.

I voted blame jews

You know what to do, Sup Forums

Yes, but against men, since Americans treat it as a joke that men get raped in prison more than women do on the outside and the justice system doesn't give a shit.

Do you want to start another shoa??

Anyone watching the livestream? This debate is cringey.

another day another poll.

I had no idea Michael Ian Black was literally retarded. Also extremely faggy.

This guys is getting BTFO by Crowder.

He's in a very pissy mood.

i like michael ian black, i think he's open to being wrong desu

>100% of rapes are not reported.

What did he mean by this?

what is this fuckin debate lmao, i feel so bad for michael ian black. i thought he was a comedian, this fag seems so miserable, clueless, and utterly humorless

the 2016 election really just turned a bunch of comedians into humorless crybabies

It just doesn't end

yo pogo, is this a Sup Forums thread now

Is pogo only on the pay to watch part of the stream?

this is the first time i've watched crowder, i just left the youtube stream on and pogo is on

Pogo's voice is deeper then you would think

You have a victim olympics culture.

This is a pornographically oversimplified dichotomy, but the answer is no. No, there is no systemic rape culture anywhere within the United States borders. Rape has never been acceptable, culturally, at any point in our countries history. It happens, yes, but when it does it's never shrugged off as just something you have to learn to live with by the population at large.

Arguing that we have a problem with rape culture only cheapens the term. Most of the time it's a third, or even new, wave feminist spouting nonsense equating the very presence of a male with the most violently disturbing gang-rape imaginable.

Enjoy the dangling participles:

Know who doesn't bitch about rape culture?
Women who have actually been raped.

There is no way that you can reasonably make the claim that the U.S. celebrates rape-culture.

If you do, maybe you should be raped. The rest of would greatly benefit from you shutting the fuck up about a problem that only exists in your dumb-fuck academic imagination.

Consider that shit.

where are our based crowder stream threads at?

If we were a rape supporting culture, then women falsely accusing people of raping them would be pointless since no one would care

If Crowder pays attention and doesn't chase comfort instead of truth, question marks will slowly be replaced with exclamation points