
Why aren't you planning to move to Iceland?

>99% white (highest percentage in the world)
>scenic natural beauty
>not part of the cuck EU
>jailed their bankers after the financial crisis unlike every other cucked western country

It seems like paradise. What does one have to do to gain residence there?

Other urls found in this thread:'s-president-wants-ban-pineapple-pizza/98246892/

They also have the first Europagan temple since Christianization. I'd love to move there. It seems similar to how people used to talk about Sweden and Norway before the nigger crisis, which is to say, still naively leftist and self righteous, but not as touched by the effects of their arrogance... yet anyway. I went on their official website and I saw them promoting some multicultural festival, and I think they let in 100 or so foreign refugees, but its still probably the best country from a quality of life standpoint (notwithstanding the weather). Unfortunately I'm not educated or employed enough to become a resident there, and I don't want to spend years at a kike college with the spawn of tumblr. The volcanoes are cool though. If like to at least visit, and pay my respects to that pagan guy one of these days.
They also have Northern lights which is obviously cool as fuck.

It's less than 90% white and only has 300 000 people

Also the most depressing climate on earth. It's basically around 12-15°C all year around

how about instead of ruining another country with your limey filth, you fix your own shit country
scum like you are the reason europe is leaking muslim and nigger cum

I will be there in March

We're trying to fix England and Europe while YOU are actively ruining it, yank.

You don't give a shit about European people and the lands of our ancestors. You just see Europe as a fucking holiday destination and an extension of US foreign policy. Fuck you. You're probably not even white.

I think the stat you're referring to is "90% native Icelandic". Most of the rest are other Europeans.

Iceland is a liberal shithole 10 times worse than Sweden. The sad part is, they're like that from default, not from media.

Your average Icelandic girl is some hippie with dreadlocks, piercings, a hairy vagina, herpes, and an addiction to three types of drugs, while saying casual sex and cuckoldry is okay and to just "roll with it, man." They're pretty much Burning Man personified.

Does Iceland need pen testers?

>giving a shit about anyone but yourself and your property
>europe a holiday destination for anyone other than niggers and muslims

I had a beer at the Keflafugafuckoff airport on a layover one time

The landscape looked kind of neat I might go back one day

>hurr durr fix your country!
>why should I care about anyone but myself and my property?

What did he mean by this?

Wtf I love Iceland now

Something about that image looks extremely sad. It makes me feel depressed

sorry i forgot you cucked brits cant own land, or even homes

that's just in Reykjavik

>hey guys X country is the 100% perfect white utopia! I've never been there but I saw some cool pics of some landscapes and hot porn stars from X country (but they're SOOO traditional, I saw a pic of some LARPers in medieval clothes that nobody there wears, that means they're conservative rite?) on Reddit. You should move there instead of trying to fix your own country!
Ooh boy, another one of these threads. You're as bad as the 8/pol/ days that gobble down Slavic cock.

>America is a person

They're trying to ban putting pineapples on pizza's-president-wants-ban-pineapple-pizza/98246892/


Well, I'm sold. Hate when I order a pizza and some faggot decides he wants pineapple on there.