Congratulations Sup Forums, you've done it again! Bill Maher has been BTFO! So how long until the media start talking about what George Takei said?
Bill Maher Under Gun Over Video Condoning Sex Between 33-Year-Old Teacher & 12-Year-Old Student
Samuel Martinez
Parker Harris
funny how every self declared revolution will eat their own, in the end.
Cameron Walker
Justin Johnson
>pro-pedo statements
>defends statutory rape
KEK at those double standards
Daniel Wright
I'm glad it was Henry Rollins who gave him the "you're a scumbag fucko" look
Noah Gomez
Justin Brooks
Bill Maher has already been relegated to leftist attack dog. He doesn't actually have a lot of credibility among them because he goes against dogma on several issues, especially Islam, but they're more than happy to keep him in the yard so long as he savages a Conservative every once in a while.
Mason Green
Lincoln James
Nolan Morgan
Bill Bahr isn't under the gun of anything. He literally thrives off this type of attention.