So, Trump cracking down on weed is what took Sup Forums to divide on this?

Not the misogyny, sexism, poor administration abilities, and day-to-day obvious lies?

Hmm...... you all should stop voting Republican.

It specifies recreational rather than medical. Combined with the likely states it'll effect, it's probably just an excuse to raid sanctuary cities.

I still think it's a dick move of course, but I don't expect a full on war on pot.

Honestly Glad that the dudeweeds got fucked desu
The obvious weed shilling by underage/ degenerates is obvious though

I don't really care about weed personally, I just think it's a poor move to do in your first term

With Sessions as the AG, I wouldn't hold my breathe. You're sounding like those Trump voters that said, "He won't ACTUALLY build the wall/ban muslims/protect LGBT right."

As a pharmacist and advocate for both medical and recreational marijuana, this is fucking disgraceful.

no one on Sup Forums seems to have any idea who sessions is or what he wants its driving me fucking crazy

Well I wasn't a trump voter, I'm just trying to feel hopeful about SOMETHING.

Anyways, I'm sure that excuse will be used regardless of how much other shit they pull with it.

how many years ago did sessions say that
your shilling is sad

he wants to go after pedophiles

I don't smoke weed unless someone else provides it anyway, so what do I give a shit.