What happened to todays leaks?

Everything is quiet about it? Did they pay him off or what? I saw one small recording but it wasn't much.

Other urls found in this thread:


It was a whole wad of nothing.

Call me a shill, but it raises a few questions.

Why would he sit on those files for 8 years without listening to them?

If he listened to them why would he need us to do so as well?

What could be the worst thing they could say in the proxmity of an intern or other low level goons?

Why is he releasing it now?

what do you mean? surely something with 190 hours. absolute silence about it to. like it never happened.

Someone fill me in. What leaks?

rush limbaugh played some damaging pieces of it on his show. theres 200 hours of audio people need to go through. its wikileaks style mass dump.

It's not even a leak really but more of an illegal wire tapping.

He recently obtained them for someone on the inside

secret recordings at CNN. Supposedly showing how corrupt they have been including poll rigging during the election. it was hot yesterday and today its radio silence every where. nothing on twitter, fb or any news I've seen

supposedly some guy in 2009 put a hidden mic in the CNN atlanta headquarters. it took him until now to release it. no one knows whats on the recordings because its 120 hours. if u want head over to the veritas website and you can listen to it there. sounds like a whole bunch of nothing desu, just people saying hi to each other as they pass the mic.