Why are white men so fucking ugly and effeminate?
>pale skin
>light hair
>feminine feature
>balding in their 20s
>no sense of style
No wonder white women are going for ethnics these days.
Why are white men so fucking ugly and effeminate?
>pale skin
>light hair
>feminine feature
>balding in their 20s
>no sense of style
No wonder white women are going for ethnics these days.
Other urls found in this thread:
>and still conquers the world and has super oppressing mind powers
It's called: you have an inferiority complex.
t. Abdelmahjid Mubarak Mustafa Mohammed al-Haida
Triggered cumskins
>White """men"""
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.
Balding is a fucking serious issue
You can't seriously be this dense. This is like dog shit dense.