As a white "man", it's taken me a lot of soul-searching and deep thinking to find out why our race is as it is. In the end, it is clear that whites have the Cuckold Gene and Blacks, Middle Easterners and other such races have the Warrior Gene, which is why they are so aggressive, violent and prone to wars in their own countries.
In the end it is clear that we, as white men, are genetically flawed creatures that were never truly meant to exist. This is something even our own women recognize, as they flock in droves to powerful Black men, leaving us white "men" with nothing but our dicks in our hands. It's over for us whites.
Charles Flores
Aiden Gutierrez
shill bait thread meant to slide other threads dont post here and sage also if this was true why were there slaves really fires your neurons
Bentley Howard
only quads can destroy the giga niga
Ian Roberts
What a fucking joke.
I can't even name a big war in Africa. Millions of whites died in WW1 and WW2 in the last century.
Not to mention the other 2000 years of recorded history in Europe. The only whites are decedents of warriors and surviving soldiers, or nobels.
Blacks are mostly isolated tribes and former slaves.
Logan Perry
Jack Myers
Africans think they can fight?
Ian Morales
Christopher Howard
can you get off Sup Forums you fucking nigger no one likes you and your fetish if being cucked