Female Rapper Brags About Assaulting 'White Boy' In Audience


>"That’s what you do when a white boy disrespects you." -Princess Nokia, after assaulting a man in her audience
>Last week, while performing at a charity event in England, female rapper Princess Nokia assaulted a white male in the audience, an action she has since bragged about.
>Princess Nokia claims the man was heckling her, but the man says he was targeted when he cheered her on by referring to her as "Abigail," which is what he was told was her first name. It isn't, and this monumental slip-up apparently triggered the New York rapper to throw drinks at the man and beat the hell out of him.
>After striking the man three times, the rapper went back on stage to brag about assaulting the "white boy." That is, after she threw another drink in the general direction of the audience.
>“That’s what you do when a white boy disrespects you," bragged the female rapper.

Race war when?

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I wanna go to her next show and call her Abigail


>Expecting civility from third world savages

>Race war when?

When Sup Forums grows out of the "scared little bitch" phase. So.....never.

>Princess Nokia


He got what he deserved for going to watch her perform

Looks like someone's going to be calling the "amberlamps" soon.

they can't even name themselves after non-white stuff

Are Finns white though?