How can conservative women even compete?

how can conservative women even compete?

Ana is pretty cute.
Too bad she is #Cenked

By not being dumb, over emotional bimbos.

thats a lot of makeup, did she use a paint roller to put it on?

she isn't attractive at all.

By having more than 1 nanometer between their eyes

I don't think you're a single issue voter! I think you're fucking dumb!


ugly face

Conservative women look like raggedy trolls, it's not hard.

>trying to cope with declining looks and what is increasingly looking like a childless existence

I almost feel bad for ana. Only a matter of time before Cenk replaces her with someone younger, more attractive and less bitchy

You're one to talk.

how can liberal men even compete?

Indeed, OP, how can they compete with this?
Eww, gross

By not betraying their race?



> conservative trannies are better looking than lefty women

where is her porn? a dude posted a few pics a while back but the thread got deleted quick

your country is a band name


She's a ho not a conservative. Leafs are literally the most gullible people on the planet.

Tomi can't articulate her thoughts well. Tomi might be autistic.
