>Marc zuckerberg is 10times richer than Drumpf >Zuckerberg is 30s and drumpf is 70s >zucker berg build his empire for a decade >trump needed over 50years to get 1/10 wealth >Zuckerberg is more successful bussinesman
>literal Jew who will use FB to brainwash people to vote for him and always portray him in a good light No lol
Nathan Thomas
>be zuckcuck >steal shit website from moron twins >manage to make money off ponzi scheme of investors >marry 1/10 banana
Elijah Taylor
shill bait thread dont post here just sage them
Carter Long
>Let's keep electing billionaires cause they really care about us poor goyim
William Sanders
>censorship no thanks
Easton Stewart
Carter Carter
Zuckerberg allowed his social media platform to be completely subverted and policed by George Soros. That's not something you want your leader to be, a complete puppet.